untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1907-03-06


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DULY RACING FORM men BD PVP.KY DAY. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING Co! Publishers of THE AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION CALENDAR Official organ of Tin: AMERICAN ti rp association. A I aily Rotlection of the American Turf by • Telegraph. MttOC and Proprietor. F. II. Bruuell. Aaeocfatte Hitar, Clinton C Itiley. Secretary. Mrs. F. II. lirunell." 124 FIFTH AVENUE. CHICAGO, ILL. Filtered In the Tost Office at Chicago as second da M matter. SINGLK COITF.S S CENTS. TERMS. Per Month $ 1.50 Half Year 9.00 One Year 17.00 i ! •• above rate* are for single copies as sealed loiters---drat class mail Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send stogie copies aa first-class mall in all cases. Local aabacrlptioaa outside the down-town district will be declined at oilier than first-class mail matter rata*. Babeeriptlona moat he paid in advance. To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Bating Form must be sent over the full name and with address of writer. The names and ad-dreaaea are anhject to a local and foreign directory lest. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. OFFICE, IS NORTH BROADWAY. If. T. Murphy, General Agent. Local and Long Distance Olive 11SS. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, » . OFFICE, 7 BAST SEVENTH ST. . s. Manna, General AgenL Telepboae Canal 1327-Y. Back nun bera and monthlies supplied. BUFFALO, N. V .: K. .1. Seldenberg, Ellicott Square. Bl CTE, MONT: Kcetc Bros., Poal Office News-stand. CLEVELAND, OHIO: N. Hester, :;•;.; Bond street. DAYTON, ollio Algonquin Hotel Newsstand. DENVER, COLO.: Kendrick Book I 006 912 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT, MICH.: L. Grosscup, 72 W. CongreH Street. Tel. Main, _ 2. Copies delivered within mile circle. HOT SPRINGS, l.l-. : i . C. Bovine 418 Central Avenue. H. C. Weaver k Co., opp. Arlington Hotel. V. K. Wilson, cieat Northern Hotel Newsstand. INDIANAPOLIS, INK : I.. Deadlier, li North Illinois Street. I. Brown, IS South Illinois Street. .1. I. Steinberg, Terminal Station. B ns.s ill BO.: Rlckaecker Cigar and News Company, Ninth and Walnut St LOCISYILLE, KY.: has, T. D ,; Fonrth Avenue. MEMPHIS. TENN.: R. M. Manaford k Co. R !! Clarke ft Bro. Pea body Hotel Newsstand. Ml I. WAT KCi:. WIS.: Frank Mnlkern, Third and Grand Avenue. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN".: M. J. Kavanagfa, 60 South Third Street. MOBILE, 1.. : John NetT. 8 Sottth Royal Street. NASHVILLE TENN.: Duncan Hotel. ZIbart Bros., 2is North Cherry Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA.: 0. E. Mill. 108 St. Charles Street. Thos. M.i irmick, HO Baroime Street. C. E. Staub, Exchange Place .lol n Conniff, St. Charles Hotel Newsstand. NEW YORK en i Astor House, 225 Broadway. PORTLAND, ORB.: Oregon News Company. SAN FRANCISCO, CAT..: Foster k drear. Market Street Ferry Newsstand. Frank s ott, 80 BUla Sir. et si: i i i.i:. w asm Wilson McVej v Co., MM occidental Avenue. SPOK NF. W S|[ : Borden ompany. I OLEDO, olllo: lie Tarf, 142 North St. Clair Street. TORONTO, ONT.: Joseph McLachlin, Iroquois Hotel. C. K. Parmer. Palmer House. B. McEntee. 28 Queen Street, East. 1. .1. Boj . 127 Bay Street. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, MARCH 8, 1907.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907030601/drf1907030601_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1907030601_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800