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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track muddy. Baefag starts at 1 :45 p.m. Chicago time .1:45 p.m. XRuns well ill mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 year olds. Sellinjr. Ind. Horses. a. Wt. Hdcp. 67263s. ,.f Are 100. .X.. 723 67263.. ..Miss Fidgety 108.. X.. 730 67263*. . .Kitty McCarthy inn 715 60653. . . .Big Si ore 102. . X . .71 ■ 67016... .Taos 103 "I" 67367. . . .Ponemaa 100. . x . .710 67238. . . .San Alvarado 105 705 67342. . . . Kamsack 105. . x . .703 67062 kudnboa 103 7oo 67138.... Bather B loo 7oo 07:: 12 Teddy MeC 1"2 883 Colorado Girl, br. f. by Laatplighter— Jeaa 188 . Second Race — 3-4 Mile. S year-olds. Allowances. 0405S. .. .Tony BBOOTI 107. .X . .725 07112. . . .OreUo 1"7 72" 67238*... Royal Ascot KM 72ii 07117 .... Irish Mail KM 715 .72s7 . . .Bankara KM 71. 67287.... Rosemary D 102 71" 67287. . . Falslaft KM 703 67287 Light Comedy 1"7 71 mi 50777. . . .Horiuosello 1r2 695 67287 St. Ortoff 1"7 888 Senator Keynolds. b. c, by Indio — Strayshot 1"7 Third Race — 1 Mile. "year-olds and upward. Selling. 67338... Rams 4..K 7.. ■725 07300 .. .Avon teHus 4. .112.. ..720 t,7.".o"-. . . Foiu asia 6.. 109.. fl5 1 ;7. ;::» -■ . . .Lncrece 8. .107 7 10 072.07 Banlada 3.. 105.. ..703 ;7.°.14"....laek Little 6. .169. .©. 700 .7414 Desmages 4. . 104. . X.. 700 072.1" Prince Fiederiik 4. .112. . X . .005 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 67184. ..TBMACB0 107. .X. .750 0710" I. K. Langhery 107.. ..740 67190*. . .Livius 1 7. . . 7:.o 67368 iimo 1"7. . . .738 Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4 year »lils and upuaid. Sellinjr. 6681A Agnes Mack 6.. 165.. X.. 725 67330. .. Laeeue 4..1"5.. ..72" 66183.... Marpesaa 4. .165.. ..713 66791 Lady King 4..10T... ..Tl". 66942 Myrtle II 8.. MS 715 66942. ...Dan Collins S..107.. ..710 67387 Sen tado 5. .107 703 60942. . .Thors Lee 5. .106 70S i;7.:i:: Little Gregg 7. 1"7 709 G7387 Meter 5.. 105.. . 7"" 67-t88 Suavila 4..105 7 " 07212 Welker 4..1"7 885 67330.. .Silicate 0.105 . ..693 67217. . . Faster Card 11 . .1o7 090 67212.... -Bain Ctoad I. .166 oimi Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 year olds. Selling. 67367... Phil Igoe 102 725 67162*... Belcbamber -7 726 67342*. ..Kl Caaador KM. ■ ..713 C7241 K Irk field Belle K o 7io 671021. ..Xappa MJ6. . ■ . .703 07212 St. Or 180. .X.. 7601