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I HOT SPRINGS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 a. m. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2 year olds. Maidens. Selling. Colts and Geldings, lad. Dorses. A. wt. Ildep. 67303*. . .Billy Bowlegs 188. . X . .725 67268. ...McColIongh 10s. ..720 67303 Oar Boy 112..X..710 67393. . . .William Biasett 185 690 c.7.:4:: Mbert M los 1175 67343*... Water Lock 184. .X.. 673 67083 Sig Bass 108 ti5o Albert Star. b. c, by Star Shoot— I.ady Alberta 112 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. S-year-oMa. Selling. 1 1 ;i ttr. 1.5 1 .. .pen Strong no 725 67296 .Nancy MO. . X . .720 67345.. .Dnlweber 105. .X.. 715 67394*. . .Ilawkama 102 71o 67369. . .Boot Bart 180. .X.. 695 67364 Doc Kyle 110. . X . .690 67369*... Autumn Flower 100 ii.Mi 67346. ...Dr. Wentker no., x. .685 67347. ..Dr. Lee liultmau M8-..X..685 i;7:;: 4 . . .Jim Simpson 107. . x . .880 t 7:: .!». . . .Tom Morgan 102. . X .680 17 422 • . . . King Leopold 112. .X. .875 67369 . . MiH.iivine 107. . X . .695 ».71 19... .Taunt loo. . x . .065 67369. . . .Sharonowana 102. . x . .050 88267. ...W. A. Corman 162 025 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 4 -year -olds and upward. Selling. 67421.... Pearaya 4.. »7..x..725 87398. ...Ins Gray 4.. 85. .X. .720 67323 B. •!. Bwaancr 4.. 87.. X.. 726 67420*... l.ueullus 5. .101. . x . .710 67346. ...Snaanne Bocasaara 5.. 88.. X.. 716 67398*... Sorrel Top 6.. 88..®. .710 67322* . . . Vipc line 5. . Oil. . v . .785 07447. . . Matador 5. .184. .©. .700 67372 Jack Lory 5. .106. .®. .696 67348*. ..Dan McKenna 7. .184. . X . .885 67420... Oman -1 5.. 186. .X.. 875 87398. ...Miss Affable 5.. 104.. X.. 676 67420. ... Black Art 5. .184. . X . .875 67272 Potter «. .104. .©. .070 672TO. . . .Calmeda 4.. 82.. X.. 888 07120 J. B. Sheridan 5.. 07 025 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 67398... Hyajerisa II 4. .185. . X . .788 65099. . . . Redgaantlet 8.. 86. . X . .740 67396*. ..The Bear 8. . 82. . X . .725 67371 .. .Hannibal Bey 5. .189.. X.. 725 00212... Harry Hcotl 4. .188. . X . .725 6720M . . . Revenue ::. . !H 725 67321 Tree JoH ::.. 99. .X-. 726 67421* ... Yoaaac Pilgrim 8. .112. . X . .858 Flia l#af. br. m. by Cherry Leaf— Man Peaaaaee. .. 5. .107 Fleming, ch. c. by Rensselaer — Foa Mate .... 3.. !*2 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miies. 4-year-olds and npwara. Xllowanees. 67448*. ..HIGH BF.AR 4.. 165..®.. 758 67421.... Princess Orna 5. .102. . X . .740 67346 .. .Scalp lock 4. .102. . X . .725 07373. ..Big Bow 0. .107. . X . .725 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. 07423 Athena 6. .100. . x . .72". 67422*... Beeeher 5. .110. . x . .720 67323... Adesso 4. .100. . X . .72o 63876... AttUa 8.. 102.. X. .710 67348. ..La nadowa 7. .107..®.. 896 88246. .. .Leta Duffy 4.-66..®. .888