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HOT SPRINGS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather .leai : fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. am. . Runs well in mud. ©ttopiltol mud runner. First Race — 1-2 Mile. I year i H . Allow am es. tod. Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. »;7"..,.;i .. .Shirley Ronsmure MM..X. 72."i 6756B*...Aant Mala MW..X..726 67303. . . .Katnerine Murphv 101 . .X..726 67318 Krebus MO. . X . .71.-, 07..0! Manchester 117.. X.. 700 •7018.. .Fare 101.. x.. 700 Second Race — 1 1-16 Miles. I vear-oliN and npward. Selling. "7»iU.: ursus 7.. 108. .X.-125 • .7.1S- . Vt|,crine 5. .101 . . X . .710 67681 . . . .Skyward 1. . s s. . x . .708 07»tti1 ... Matador .-.. . KHJ. . © . .700 0750." Petes Knight 5. .MS. . X . .675 Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. :: year-olds and upward. Selling. 67484* . . . Docile ii. . ;»4. . X . .725 67472. .. .Princess Orna .",. . 105. . x . .710 67373 . . . Thistle It . . «.W. . x . .70., 67573 Scalpl.Kk 4.. 08.. X.. 740 6757.". . . .Lord Dixon 5. .102. . X . 6!»5 676213. . . Reine Kegente :;.. 84..X..60O Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. I eai olds atid upward, llandirap. 67571. ..The Bear 3. .145. . X . .780 87546 . .Pretension ._ 0. .121 . . X . .745 67546-. . . Aut 11 1 11 11 Flow er . w. . .. *4 74.", 87321*. . .Lady Vashti 7..Kr2 740 67371* . . . Hannibal Bey 5. .160. .X.. 749 67595. . .Haughty 4.. 04..X..74O 62870... Beacon Light 4.. 106 7T, 07390* . Savable 7. .112 7::5 ■OOOO*. . .Don Hamilton 4. .100. .©. .724 *P. T. chiiin enir.v . Fifth Race— 1 3-4 Miles. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. C.W . . . Bendigo 4. .146. . X . .728 l«70t 7 ...AUUa S..1W..X..715 I 1 67597s. ..Big Bow 5. .102. . X . .715 j »,7572 ggie Lewis i. . 90. . X . .710 1 67597. . . . Helgerx.ii «. . 92. . x . .700 j Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. :; ycar-obN and upward. Selling. . 67305s.. .BEX STRONG :.. . 08 725 07470*. . .Ina Gray 4. .102. . X . .715 j 67540 Chieftain B. .240. . X . .710 J 1 67343*... Potter 0. .114.. ©..70S . . 67520 Suzanne Rocamora S. .144. . X . .745 87398... Il.iwkuna 3. .MM. . X . .763 , 67523*. ..B. .1. Swanner 4. .105. . X . .700 » 1 66322. ...Black Pat 4. .MM. . X . .700 , 67594. .Ko-c Hart ::. . 85.. X.. 140 , 67570... Oman J 5. . loo. . x . -7oo 1 1 67523 ...Mis*. Affable 5. .102. . X . .095 67422. . . .Storm ::. . !M lis.", 66141 llamilcar 4. .M7. . X . .675 | 67547 Belltoone 6. .MW.. X..075 , * 67622 . . . Ballad ::. . 80.. .005 07300. . aTm Morgan J.. 92. . X . .080 I