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DEATH OF E. T. LITTLEFIELD. New York March 19.— E. T. Litllefield, a well-knowu inemlier of the Littlefield family of horsemen, died Sunday morning at !» oclock in- St. Marks Hospital, Brooklyn. He was taken to the ho-pital about a week ago suffering from the results of a fall. He was In a serious condition, and the attending physicians said he would have been pararjraed had be lived. Mr. Litllefield was a twin brother of Fred Littlefield. tlie former famous rider, and was aliout :::: years old. He had acted as foreman for his father, the veteran trainer, Charles Litllefield. for several years, and was to have lieen married soon to Miss Applegate of Sheepshead Bay. His brothers, Fred and Barry, were notified of his death ami were at Sheepshead Bay lor the funeral today, . . _ . .