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1 I AS THEY SEE IT IN CANADA. "The Supreme Courts decision in the Saunders 1 lielling case has reduced matters in Canada to the same kOBtlUlfal status that characterizes race • course wagering in other countries." says the Toronto Sunday World. "It is simply a case of r you mustnt, but you can. It is a transfer from the . straightforward Canadian system to the dubious 1 methods of the English. Betting must not be cairied on in an organizcil way under I reef, bill it can under heavens canopy and on the walk. There i-. of course, little difference in the aspect of the ■ thing, except that the law. instead of openly permit ling It, now consents to wink at the o]ieration. ■ and that the layer of the odds must l e ever on the jog. It is an absurd mockery of high morality, but the court awards «it and Ihe law doth give It. And we must ueeds obey. It is a pity, tar under the e style that has prevailed for fifteen years the l etting * was honest and aliove board, and the bettor was s protected. Now it will have the semblance of an ii offence, of something that It is not. and if a layer overplays himself his clients will have to take a chance whether or not he welches. Yet gambling in stocks wi;i still go on uiH-hecked Thousands will lose and hundreds will lie ruined without any comiH-iisating pleasure. We are a strange people and have our being in a strange, inconsistent and irrational world."