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1 | ! i I • i, I CITIZENS SERVE WARRANTS. BOOKMAKERS SCRAMBLE FOR COVER WHEN PARTY ENTERS TRACK. Few Bets Made and Little Interest in Racing at Oaklawn— Senator Amis Introduces Another Bill. Hot Springs. Ark., March 22. — Constable Golden and ahont twenty five uicinUis of I he Cilizens lm-provenwnt I aloa paid another visit to oaklawn track today and made more arrests, but this time it was not in the nalure of a raid. They conformed strictly to the order issued by Chancellor Curl. They made known their identity to the gatekeeper and told him that, they had come to serve warrants. Their entry was a signal for a wild scramble in I lie betting ring. It was just after the first race. The seven bookmakers and their clerks descried their and some of them rushed into the telegraph ..thee and mingled among the operators, pretending employ incut at the keys. However, warrants were served on the following: Dan. A. Stuart, H. O. Price, Kay Hill. George Howell. Will Howell, Max Kracmer, John Wolf. P. McDonald. J. .1. Sumpter, Mart l.owrey, .1. Brennan and S. Williams, Jr. Warrants were also made out for C. Williams, I.e.. Mayer and J. Kay. but they were not on hand. The others were immediately released on bonds. The members of the posse, in small numbers, scattered over the grounds keeping an eye out for walking bookmakers ami people making ltets. Tom Toiler Sailor Brown, was charged with having made a bet and was arrested. He declared that he was merely jl Ulna; a hill changed, but he was taken in charge and furnished bonds for his appearance before a local magistrate. Charles Pangritz, of • Chicago, the well known owner was also taken into custody on the charge of having made bets. He leiused to nive nonds when taken he/ore a Kx*al magistrate and was permitted to go on his own ri iwgnlaanrr. He made the remark that he would not appear to answer to any of the charges filed against him. He wanted to he incarcerated for the purpose of instituting suit for false arrest aud imprisonment. After the first race betting was stagnant and the interest in the racitig waned perceptibly. How long, this farce is to continue is problematical. It is costing the management in the neighborhood of«» daily to conliuue the meeting, but they say that they are being imposed upon and that they will battle to the last ditch for what they say are their rights. It is said tonight that Cellas attorneys will make another appeal to Chamvllor Curl against constable Golden and Ihe Citizens Pnion. The horsemen here are sick of the whole mess. The news that the Memphis meeting has been declared off ami that Governor Polk will ask the special si ssion of the Missouri Legislature to put the recently passed anti belling by phone law into immediate effect, has further disheartened them. The racing dragged considerably and even the Spirited finishes failed to arouse any enthusiasm among the people. Hawkaiua took the best race of the afternoon in the easiest kind of manner and in fast time. There was no Savable to bother the Millet i colt today and he npreadeagtod the others from barrier rise. Kille Snnge, from Chinn and Iorsy thes stable, enabled that firm to score their ■econd purse of the Meeting when he won the opening race, Some fast horses are named to go In tomorrows races and antong them are such recent winners as Hasty, Manchester, Albert Star; Ben Strong, Flip, In.i Cray; The Bear, Hyperion II., Kuniculaire; TlvOlteL Wing Ting. Chancellor; King Leopold. Anna Kiiskiu, Shenandoah: Keiptest, Big Bow and Docile. J. L. Dempsey. Little Bach, Ark.. March 22. -The Amis bill. prohibiting racing, has had two readings in the Senate. There is little doubt that it will lie passed. Senator Amis introduced another bill today. It pro-j vldea thai Ihe governor shall have power to suspend any whom he beUevea is derelict In perform-t ing his duty. While the bill is general In nature il is not denied that it is aimed at the Hot Springs ollicials.