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, j i i I l CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE CRESCENT CITY DERBY. interesi lias always attended the running of the Crescent City Derby and of ate years its decided increase in value his had the effect ol greatly increasing its importance. It is now by far the" rteheat ■take of the southern tart. Bxeepl in the case of Henry Clay Kyi iis winners have usually proved good racehorses subsequent K- and otic thai ran second. Sidney Lucas, won a memorable Am-iicaii Derby. His conqueror at New Orleans. Prince of Veronia. was probably a high class colt, but went amiss early. The lentil running ol the event occurs this after—on and it-- record is as follows: Year, lii-t Tallin a Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 1808 Preebjrterlan T. Burns .. ll.» Joe Shelby 1 1 r. Dinamore 11.", | 2,900 1:554 1866 King Barleycorn. ..W. Martin .. 1 IS Rimer S 112 Jolly Soger . 116 2.S40 1:541 1900 Prince i eroaia . . Mc.lovm . . 1 1". Sidney Lacaa 115 P. W. Brade .122 2.s-in u:im 1901 Henrj ciav Bye Cochran. .115 Wild Pirate 115 Varro 112 2.S40 1:55 1903 Lord Quel I. W inkliehl . . 122 Vassal Hance 1 1 Prowl 115 3,450 2:0O| I90CC vYitfull Gannon. .110 Roaanco 112 Birch Broom . . . 1 10 4.640 2:071 1904 Oatrieb Fuller .. 1 1.". Auditor IP" Conkling 1 in 4.550 1:32$ 1905 Right Koval I. Martin . .11". .lake Bandera IIS Kings Trophy. .11.". 7. 14.". 1 :."..» 1906 Gnldlng Star I. Martin. .116 Lady Navarre ill Lotus Be tec. ...116 7.140 IS4J