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CHARFIELD A GOOD HORSE. New Orleans. La., April 15. — T. L. Pierce has arranged to ship the Gent stable of jumpers to New York. He has several in his lot that promise to make good in the cast. CharhVld, the best he has shown here, is a grand looking horse. Ibis a four-year-old and stands 10J hands and weighs at present 1.170 pounds. Chartield was allowed Io roans the SehM of the Gerst farm at Nashville as a yearling and a two year old. He was not takeu up to he broken until the fall as a three year aid, and never had a saddle on his back UK I i 1 last September. Pierce s;iys the first time he sent him a mile he could not woik any better than 1 :58, and was then kicked out. He was given a physic and .if lev he recovered from its effects was again placed in training and was soon working miles in 1:45. The horse took naturally to the jumping game from the very beginning and right now he is as speedy a horse as Pierce has in his stable. He can jump out any morning and work a mile in 1:11 or belter, ami when it conies to going through the held he is simply in a class liy himself so far as the local division is concerned. Chartield is destined to become a great cross country horse if nothing happens him and by next fall he should be able to hold his own with any of his age. Pierce makes no secret of the belief that Chartield cau give weight to St. Vouia and beat him.