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NEW YORK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track food. Radar starts at 2 36 p.m. Chicago i inn- l :::0 p.m. Rasa will in mml. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 3-4 Mile. :: feat aids. Selling. lad. Horses. A. Wr. Ild. p. bTs.L1. . . Kndora We.. X.. 725 68071 Autumn Flower M 7Ju D8MH Killo. ban Md. . X..7I5 If 7388 «... King Ahab Ml.. -710 »;7 iv. Gold Circle MS. . . .765 06866.. Tanas** MM. .X. .768 Second Race— 1-2 Mile. " year l l-s. Allowances. 67825. .. .Magazine lid. .X..723 Masks in. I Faces, I. f, by lii-_,ii-c Seeresa W. IH;.- Ban, b. .-. in Blues - Bt in. in. i 10o 67018. . .Senator Paynter 10:: 7lo 67S4M Hi ii. v K.IK 101 7 Nt The Daae. Ii. •-, bj Bassetlau Ki iiil.m.- HKi Bosario, eh. g, l.v star Baby Boftalva ldfl S|.oiin. b. -. by Peep •• Bay smiir ...ion Third Race— 1 Mile, •i year-olds sad upward. Selling. oTvs:: . Savable 7..10.1 7H0 0604S Mm Morris 4.. 60.. ..746 IW3602.. .Buttons 7.. 107 7.:.". 68004... Gilpin 5. .MM.. X.. 735 68246... Be lsnlcker 4.. 06.. ..783 65241 I to!.. i. lor 5. .166. .X- -7.U 65665.. .11. I.. M 4.. 65 7:;o t;si"j.: . . ..I-,. I. McKeon 5..MML.X..725 69642. . . Delator* 4. .100. . : . .7Lo Fourth Race — 1-2 Mile. Rose Stakes. 11,500 added. " year olds. Fillies. Allowance*. I rtaette, b. f. bv Hamburg — Ondalec 104 67515 ...Martha .lane Ml , ..725 • tartar Maid, b. f. by Star Baby Barbarj Maid 101 ;77.:l Hiia km. . v . .780 68244... Hands Around KM 71". tiSLii:, . .Retrosi t 104 71o Split Second, eh. t. by Serpen! Dora w ood 104 Ella ONeill. ch. I. by Hand pairing —Boy a I Approval. . . . lO-i I ilekilas, cb. 1". by Dr. Has- broack -Tuilleries 104 :si -iiiihuv, I.. 1. l.v Royal Flush III.— Partus ......104 Tea Leaf, eh. I by St. Maxim Hlgb Tea 104 Dirorcee, b. t. by Ben Strome -Broken Vowi 104 Whisper, b. t. by Indio — Secretive 104 Lady Phyllis, eh. l.v Bel Demoaio May Bud 104 Belle Griffon, b. f, by drill n Beaesae 104 Qaeen Margaerlte, br. f. by Henry ol Navarre— Sneer- weM 104 •P. T. W l entry. • a. ,i. Jej mr .-in ry. Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-oUa and upward. Selling. 68266 .BUTTONS 7. .111 72." 0M654 Ballad ."... 65. .X.. 726 UA328 I la 1 1 lea i .■ 4 . . 1 1 .". 71 r. 67688.. Fustian 7. .111.. ■ ..7lo 65511 Commune 4..107. .X--716 06207 . :i.allv ::.. 66. .X..76Q 68111. . . ■ Waterbesrer 4. .100 700 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year olds ami upward. Allowances. 67671... Pretension 6. .115.. X. .756 64715 ... I.a Load* 5. .105. . X . .74.". 63647 CreaataM 4. .111 . . x . .710 67813*. ..ttti Bdward 4..116. . .740 53624 . . . .Pulsus 6. .12." 7.!.". 66065 . . .Workman 5. .110. . x . .7::.". 68225 Cederstrome 5. .110. . . . .71". 63526 . . . . l.a t i lea e 4. .123 700