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THE ONTARIO JOCKEY CLIB = TORONTO, CANADA.7= — -=E Spring Meeting, May 18th to June 1st, Inclusive. The Following Stakes will Close Wednesday, April 17th, 1907: FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. 10R0IN10 CUP ,000 Afklcd. WOODSIOCK PLATE ,000 Added ., ,. . ., , WOODSTOCK PLATE I or I br, ■ e I r old,. A Swrepslakes of each, half forfeit to the winner. j tr.or.MT« r ■ « r«-„ i ... r i* f .1 TORONTO CUP ohte A Kwec of |M forfeit Is the or three real and npwart. pstakes $..o ea-. I w.nm.r to , |1S t"Z»: l :" .:,-•; "2?/S -- «d *»»***■ *«*« Jflf: «t , , «*« "f »» W - *l..- ,.r 0 •«« at tZ.S«* to carry 5 lbs. Baa atolllS of Bl.CBBi. alloued B It- i of tum ... IBM ac IBM to carry 3 tta extra; of rwa raeea of |1.0M at aae af H.MB. B »* ertra. of miM u „1S One Mile and a Furlong. Non winners of $.iiti m 1800 or lJOi allowed 7 lbs.; maidens, if three year -olds, i2 lbs.; four year olds and upward, 15 lbs. One Mile and a Furlong. FOR TWO -YEAR -OLDS. KING EDWARD MOTEL GOLD CUP ,500 Added. VICTORIA STAKES — ,000 Added. THE KING EDWARD HOTEL GOLD CUP A OhaUeage Iup, value .r 00. For three year -olds and VICTORIA STAKES l"or two year olds. A Sweepstakes of each, forfeit, to the winner, with upward. Welcbl for age. A iol.l Cn presented by tho Kins lidward Motel io., Torouh». lo whleh Is Kl.SJM added, of wbkh "1 to seoond horse, and ?100 to third. A winner of ,000 to cany I BhB. eitra. added a Sweepstakes of each, tialf forfeit, to the winner, with SI.MK, of which 00 to wcond Nou winters of M allowed 5 lbs.; maidens. 10 lbs. Five Furlong*, horse, and K to third. The winner of this ran in 100:; and follow in:; years to carry ." lbs. extra. The Added TYRil STAKFS OOfl IsBBB Ol«lC»- -1 . l. rtUUKU. flip to he held for one year by he owner of the winner, aud to beeotue the absdute properly of any owner winuiug same three limes or two years in aai I aalw One Milo and a Guaiter. TYRO STAKES— BeUtag For two year olds. A Selling atoacastakes sf |18 each. forfeit, to .ha winner, with B1.BM added, of w hieh hB00 to second horse, and 011 to third. The winner to b sold by WATERLOO HANDICAP — ,200 Added. auction for $:i.oon. if eatered to u sold for less than $ i n,. allowed for each *ioo down la hBtoo. WATERLOO HANDICAP lor three year olds and upward. A BareepatakeS of $|.% each. foifelt. BtBhaf price to be State*] through the entry box at the Course at IS oclock noou the day before the ra.e l«i the winner, with .110 added, of wbi.h B3B9 to second horse, an.l to third. Weights announced « to be sold for .000. 8 1:Jllos*• Wednesday, May LIHb, at and p. m. Wiuners after publication of the banie. to carry 5 lbs. extra. STEEPLECHASES. c*t*c? *" "* * rUll°°* WOODBINE STEEPLECHASE -,000 Added. Added. MIMO STAKES-,000 WOODBINE STEEPLECHASE— For four vear aeBa and upward. At | lbs. lelow the acabr. A Bwccf MINTO STAKES— Sellirgl -For three year-olds and upward. A Belling Bweepatakea of each. „„kPS „f |Jr, PJlch jg f„.fpiti to thc „|„L| „ith ,000 added, of which 00 t» se.ond horse, and 00 Bo torfeit. to the winner. wiM, .ooo added, of which |8M to Becoad hor-e. and $|00 to third. The tlj|,1 Four vear olds to carry 110 lbs.; live vear-oids, 154 lbs.; six year olds and upward. I«l Ibi. winner to oe sold by aaetJsa for $;: KMl; if entered to be sold for - than $.J.oo, 1 ih. allowed for each :t of MB* j mtmm of a steeplechase in 1:K10 or 10O7 of 00 to carry lbs. extra: of two such, or one |100 down to BBS*, Selling price to Ik- stated through the eutry box at the Course at 12 oclock noon % lns CTtra- Nori-winners of a steeplechase or hurdle race allowed JO lbs. Sex allowances as by rule, on the day before the race, or to be sold for $;j,000. One Mile and a Sixteencb. but no norbe j, carry lpss tIl!m la0 „,a. Tv/„ and a Half Miles. PRINCE OE WALES HANDICAP- ,000 Added. STREET RAILWAY STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP— ,000 Added. PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP— For three-year-olds and upward. A Sweepstakes of 5 each, STREET RAILWAY STEEPLECHASE — Handicap— For four-year-olds and upward. A Sweepstakes forfeit, to the winner, with ,000 added, of which 00 to second horse, and 00 to third. Weights of 5 each, forfeit, to the winner, with ,000 added, of which 00 to second horse, and 00 to announced Monday, May 20th. Winners after publication of the same to carry 5 lbs. extra. third. Weights announced Wednesday, May 29th, at 5 p. m. Winners after publication of the same to Six Furlonga. carry S lbs. extra. Two and a Half Miles. Liberal added money to all overnight events on the flat and in steeplechases. IV. P. FRASER, Secretary -Treasurer, Imperial Bank Building, Toronto, Canada.