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LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track muddy. Rachag saarta a i 2:39 p. aa. ■ Uuns will in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 4 year olds and upward. Allowances. last Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 68815*... Potter 8. .124. .©. .725 .Mm. . . .i. r. Mayberry 8. .121.. - .710 68233. Horseradish 4. .119. . X . .705 87841... Al-ono 7. .121.. Tihi 67128. ...Dr. Sprain •" . .124. . x . .886 8803P. . . .Gold way 4..US SM 6764a l.or 5. .121.. ■ . 693 88477 The Male 4.. 119.. x. .885 84999 ITeoiou- sione 6. .121.. - r,s» TVTIP fjnrrii Caroline t l • T 99Q 68613 lbert lir 3. .124. . X . .873 88817... Webeillelds " . .121 . . X . .«3B 63536 The Bags boo . 6. .121..©. .979 U3150. . Sonny 4. . 1 lit. . 899 63772. .. Kalherine Moore 4..117..X. 639 omco — Meredith 4..UU ami Second Race — 1-2 Milan 2-year-olds. Maidens. PfhiesT Aranwntrcea. 6807IL. lrop Si itch MB:-. X . .725 88115. .. .Itosoni lrieiid Ins 72n tis;,7tj ..Ada t. Walker 108. .X.. 718 0V.20- . . . fantops Ills TIHI 0S.-.7S • . . .Toplofty ins . . .895 „uto . li»K 095 87843 Extrj MO.. X.. 890 c.sjll . ... Kelapse . 1»S lis.". 88551 . . . .Merry Blue HtS 675 88341 Silver Cup ..: Ml 695 Black Dress, blk. f. by Pink Coal — Hester Lee 10X unless, b. f. by Patberiesa Caatey ios Evelyn S.. eh. f. by Hand -piinu Myrtelua Mi Mi-- 8cbtrndlng, ch. f. by Voter Bonejtaweet .ins Brown Mary. br. f. by TSBS- nieister Mercurial 1S Boema, ch. f, by Alrescoi - L-P auola IOS Third Race — 7-8 Mile. " year obis and upward. Belling. 68195... Bernie Cramer 5. . 108. .X.. 725 68577. .. .Tom* Gllroy ::.. 95. ..715 us:.27 Kntghc of Ivaaboe ::.. us 7U» :.7 «; Vnnle Williams 7..1"-i 7n". •7981 .... Mrs. Annie 5. .104.. ..705 0 5543 Ml Abhuat :;. . r_. . x . .7ut esj.;:. . . Ida Meiiuiee 4.. ! 7 700 55147. .. .Birdie Stone !t..1l»4 ii!H» 112507 Spendthrift Helen 4.. in". -.s", 61770 rthur Roseafield ::.. 95 683 64964.... Walter McLean :;.. 92 550 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. :: year olds and upward. Handicap. 68552 ...ROYAL BREEZE . .: .102.. 723 8X157. ..Ihe Bngliahman 5..100. . ,.71o I i;s..".2i ... Morales .". .117.. •..7l*."i i;s-,-, i ... hleming ::. .100. . © .700 r.s.v.i.-, ... Irotitenae 7. . liM 7 mi 6S501 . . . I.arn-dale :: . 99 . . iau» Fifth Race — Short Course. Steeplechase. I veil olds and upward. Maiden-. Special Weights. 05329 lull of Pan 4. .131 700 o.:»o I . . . Inil Ilie-meyer 5. .142. ..685 oMLs . ichgoil 6. .132 650 67525... .Pete Vinegar 4.. 131 625 68216 . -I. Bd RrlUo 6.. 153 ohi r,|s lo Magic 5. .145.. - . .600 627SI! . Roderick 5.. 142.. .600 67494. ..Percy Ureen r...lt2 ,.8S0 os-jij . .Baxom 4. .129 .090 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. " year olds and upward. Belling. 68556... CUf ton Forge 8.. 197.. ■ ..725 KK213 Telescope s..i k . ..728 OSOl". . . . .Incitement 4. .107. .©. .711 6S507 Matador 3. .113. .©. .710 os.v.17 Webber ::.. 98.. 7 hi .Zick Abrama .".. . 02 • . 700 i.sono . . .foreigner ii 11". 889 ii.s-,: .ii . . . 3. .101.... i.oio:: .Red Thistle 6. .112. . - ..685 15560*. .Trenola 4. .104.. ■ ..683 67730. ...Bitter Brown I..102. . .650