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IMPROVEMENTS AT SEATTLE. Scatlle. Wash.. May 14. the Multnomah Racing Association is expending about ftt.gM on improve meiils at the Meadows 1 1 ink . where the annual Meeting will open imiiiedialel.v following the close of racing at Oaklautl in June. Two hundred addi Clonal stalls will be built, the turns and hatha! retch will he widened anil the turns will also he thrown up. There w ill also lie a re arrangement of the belling ring ami Ihe establishment of a tirst class restaurant. One of the improvements that will please patrons is iu the matter of car service. James F. McElroy, • me of the directors of Ihe association says that live three car trains will be run to the track, afford ing a ten minute service. Another feature is that the cats will tun into the heart of the city instead of stopping on the outskirts as heretofore.