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NO MERGING OF TURF INTERESTS. a lot of wild gataalag is being printed from day to day about the Western .lo. key Club and American Turf AaaoeJatloa men getting together, and tin- death of both turf bodies of the Central West. More nonsense is being printed about the merging of interests by the two tracks at New Orleans. There is no Immediate chance thai either tie Western Jockey club or American Turf Association will go out of business. Both arc likely to live and rale in their own way for some time lo come, though there is and will be a gradual patching up of oid differences and new agree minis on carnal affairs that may in the end lead t the formation of a new ruling body on new lines. Thee new lines will, if they conic, increase membership and call for more elasticity and liberality in turf legislation. The two ruling b .dies are almost working in harmony at present. There is really no serious difference between thein. If a merging of interests ju New Orleans comes. it will not come through any action id the Western .lo.key bib or American Tart Association. There is much common and business sense in the operation of but one tra k by one set of ofandClalS during the long session of winter racing at New Orleans. But there will hardly be any pooling of the stock of the two clnbs, though there may be an exchange ot some pari of it. The low class racing now going on around New Oilcans will probably increase. I.ut it j not likely to cause legislation against racing, because it hardly affects New Oilcan- and is looked ■pea ".nh eyes oi amusement rather than anger. The warring factions now controlling these minor tracka -.••■ likely to fight themselves out of prolt and naturally stop through exhaustion.