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| HILDEBRAND IS IN GOOD STANDING. Aitbiirhon Rides for J. O. Keene at Oakland-Only One Winning Favorite— Big Crowd. Oakland. Cal.. May "■ Eugene llildebrand. champion jockey of l.iol. who was indefinitely mis penned February. IB for an alleged bad ride on Aaron .1.. has been reinstated by the stewards of the California Jockey Club after an invest igalion which rompbleh eNoiier.ileil the former idol. Hihle brand has been exercising horses of mornings and keeping in g.tod condition. He will htok out for a Earepeaa eagageaseat duriug the coming summer. Jockey Aubiichon. who was .allot lioni New York by .1. O. Kc.iie lo lhle Ihe horses ill his Iacilic oast, siring, arrived today and sitna Used hi- In -t appearance in the saddl Ihe local trail: bj lid jug St. Avon lo Viet** in the iiilioilu. loi.v sprint. Ideal weather for lacing contributed to attract approximately Iii.imhi racegoers to the course to day. St. Avon was the only favorile to win and be was not heavily supported. Ihe other winm-is were backed gitod things, in which Ihe public had no share. The second, fourth and fifth races, won I v I.otta Gladstone. Qrasot ill ler and The Bklpoer, had unexpected results. Something better Ihan an average card is olfcnl lor tomorrow aflernoou and with such speedy ones as Talenlosa. Kinka. Curriculum : I aw a-ciii I ;.i. Ililo de Oro. Silver Line: College Widow. Ovation. Italeigh: .1. c. clem. lalwinOi. I i v «-r. George P. IfeNear; Miatyi Prate, Silver Btoefclag, ind Seal l.isaro. Fireball ami Ocean Shore down lo Igare among the starters, some excelleal racing sj Id i"- in store lor the big crowd sure to be present. II loi-laliil.