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OBSERVATIONS OF A WORK-WATCHER. New York. May 14. Montgomery worked a utile at Belmont Sunday morning in 1:38. He wasui asked for spent and went easily and if ahotit ready to go to the races. Salvidere was also shown at Belmont Sunday and went an easy half mile fn 51 seconds. The two-year-old champion hioks and moves like rating tip to his last seasons form. Has no engagement at the present meeting, lint is til. r.enrose docs not race up to his private form, which is first class. He showed three furlongs willi ■eight up in 371 seconds Sunday and did il handily. r.iillling is a great bene this spring. His work is done easily and with a relish and lie is certainly bela pointed far the Brooklyn Handicap. The more one watches Chapulti pecs work the better ones impression of his speed and quality. It is play for the big roll to wort halves between 4X and 40 seconds. Fountainbluo is not being hurried, hut ha* shaped Into a line looking three year old and will he ready when Malt Allen sends him to the peat. Hamlzarras heart has not grown larger, but she has all her speed and will cut no small figure in the Belmont sprint n s. Three furlongs iu M] sec omls was her Sunday morning work. Xealon is a much improved nana, this spring and is sine to he a factor in the Broklyn, unless he meets with a mishap. Agile is being palicntly made ready by Frank Brown ami is not far from a race. Oliver Cromwell, in the same stable, is also nearly ready. Tilekilus ihies not warrant the reputation she got before her public appearance, bat a fair filly ami u. nly to win among her own kind. M. in ini.k lias Tileing about ready In score ill he ,ofi going. •