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ERROR IN REGISTRATION. A dispatch from Lexington, Ky.. s- ys as error has been discovered ill the registration of the two-year-old brown hily by Ormicaat Nata. by Biley, which was recently purchased from Edward Gerrigaa by Harry Beed ol Lextagtoa. in the ninth volume of the Stud Rook the registration ot this prodoce appears a a browa colt. The error seemingly occurred in the Jockey lulls oaVe, as Tomsty M e, ir. Corrlgaas agent, is positive he sent the daughter of Orinoaut t the registrar in correct shape tor registration. In the list of yearlings tarnished the Dally Racing I ra by Mr. McGee last year this produce is described in his baadwrttlng as ■ brown bliy. Mr. Reed will forward Mr. MeGees statement to the Jockey club as soon a- he serines it. n 110 auestioa can be raised as to the eUglbUity of the daaghter of Ormicaat to roe. as lie beHeves he has in be* a useful racing tool.