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LATONIA ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 6 points to tho pound. An extra good riders averago worth is 3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. ni. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horses. A. AVt. Hdrp. l!C!0r.. Stone Street 101. . X . .72.3 ;!714... Margaret Randolph 90.. X.. 720 09740 Water Cooler 9S..X..715 C.9714 Black Dress 101.. X.. 710 i!l7H3...Wliio Merchant !::.. X . .700 KI7-10 McAtce OS. . X . .005 Kill:: Embay .IS 00.3 i!7C.S Bitter Gold 9S 0.30 09230. .. .Countess of Melbourne 101 000 Judge Fogartyv ch. e, by Her-mencc Bcb Rock 101 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 00711... BERRYMAX :;. .100. . X . .725 OOOOl AVarner Griswcll 3. .107. . X . .710 miiTn-. ..Rensonhurst 7. .100. . X - .700 C.0 IS0 Dr. Lee lluffinan 3.. IMS. . X . .00.3 iOOSO Aoung Steveus :!.. .!.. X . .005 00057 Bert Osra . .100. . X . .0!3 00743 Marmorean "... 04. .. .000 00.317 Red Thistle O. .100. . X . .000 00012 Soprano It. .105. . X - .OS5 S!74:iJ...XwI 4. .107 08,3 00414 Redwood II 4. .110. . X . .0S0 .572121. ..Bardolph 7. .100. .. .07.5 00741 Xo Quarter :;.. 00.. X.. 075 000S....GoId Duke :;.. 00 050 0002S. .. .Ericsoit 3.. 00. .X.. 030 Hurting. !. g. by Her- uience Susan Jane ... U.. 00 Third Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 0030l...Monsignor 3.. S7 725 0231S....Convolo 4.. 0." 720 092M1 Bottles 3.. 01.. X-. 710 !Mi2S5. ...Minos S7 705 071S:...Stoner nill 4.. OS. . X . .705 00302.... George Young 3.. 103 000 Gem of the AVihls, br. f, by Rainbow Canebtake 3.. S2 Fourth Race Short Course. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 0051S... Rejcctable 5. .132. . X . .700 00001 ... Class Leader 7. .130. . X . .003 09tV.l3...Subador S. .1 11 . . X . .090 0051S Dell Leath 0..147 0S5 0051S Potasl ,". .143 0S5 00321 Pete Ainegar 4.. 137 0S0 O003O Graceland 4..130..X..0S0 00030... Wr Chief C. .141. . X . .075 5305 Bright Girl 7..13S 075 09091 Grey Plume o. .12S. . X . .025 Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 00744. ...May Jene .03 725 00503 Snake .Mary 05 720 00C3S . . .Italia 111. . X . .710 007 14.... Moscow Belle 05.. X.. 700 0074 4... Dora Xoff Ill 005 C9714... Gracious Dame : 111..X..CS0 " 0S900. .. .Joyful Lady I.O.Tv, 000 002S0....Demoustrate 05 00O 00714 DInda 95 000 Caltha, eh. f, by Ute Cathay 93 Silverdeer, b. f, .by Deerlng Mary AA: 93 Louise K b. f, by Meadow- thorpc Woodbena 95 Sixth Race 1 1-4 Miles. 1-year-olds and upward. Selling. 00003... Clyde , C. 103.. ..725 00743... Louise Macfarlau T...100 720 00745s... Sftilplock 4.. 104.. X.. 705 09094 Sultry 4. .10-1. . X . .700 09003 Horseradish 4.. 99.. X.. 095 09745 Miss Hawley 4., 07.. X.. 000 O90S0 Marseilles C..101 0SI7 0071G Incubator 7. .100. . X . .075 C0745 Swiftwing 7. .103. . X . .C75 00710 Monoeliord 0. .101. . X . .070 !710....CasperdIne 4.. 00.. X.. 003 00745 AVater Lake 4.. 102 0GO W032... Little Elkin 9.. OS.. ..000 OOTUO3... Matador 3. .111 . . . .000 00414 Bricklayer 5.. 100 050 00710... Gambler 5. .103. .. .030