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TELECaRAPH IC FORM. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Brighton Beach -New Yofk, July IS 1 Uncle, Spooner, The Squire. 2 Thistlodale, Guardian, Judge OGin. 3- MeCarler, Kentucky Beau, Rye. 1 Anipedo, Arinio, Rye. 5 The Squire, Nimbus. Woodlane. 0- Red Leaf, First Mason, Maxiiar. II. Forsland. Xcnilworth Park Buffalo, N. Y., July IS. 1 King Folly, Terah, Gloryar. 2 -Feast, Takbu, Seymour Rentier. 3 Meddlesome Boy, Captain Hale, George Swain. 1 Icc Harrison II.. Alencon, Killiecrunkie. r Peter Knight, Chippewa, Jupiter. 0- -Crafty, Punky, Zipango. 7 Missouri Lad, Polly Prim, Cobnmsa. T. K. Lynch. Seattlo -Seattle, Wash., July IS. 1 Lady Kent, Caroburn, Pepper-pod. 2 Royal Scot, Dr. Rowell, Clmrles Green. 3 Storma, Southern Lady, RamonaA -1 -Senator Warner, Rudabek, Metlalfatla. 5- Pacifico, Ikki, Our Sallic. ii Judge, Prestige, Dewey.