New York Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1907-07-19

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- . X -,! NEW YORK FORM CHART. BRIGHTON BEACH. BROOKLYN, N. Y., Thursday, July 18, 1907 Eighth day. Brighton Beach Racing Association. Mid-Sumnier Meeting 22 days. Weather cloudy; track fast. 310 books on. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, John Boden. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. PT l T PC FUST RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 577001:4421101. ,000 added. 4-year-olds and I J JL I upward. Selling. Net value to winner . Ind Horses AWt PP St Vi vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners IIC17 s , 70001 HYPERION II. w 4 10S 1 2 3J 3i 3 2 1 W Knapp L A Ceila 2 21 7-5 3-D i f 70ir.2CfTTEIt W 5 93 10 1 lJ 1 2s l 2 W Walsh C J Brockniiller C 7 7 25 C. 5 GXlSCi PRETENSION wn G 110 4 10 Sl 71 41 4 3s W Miller P T Chinn 4J 7 G 2 1 ;yy?.tl VON TUOMP W 5 111 2 3 2i 2l iu 3U 4i E Dugan W A McKinncy 5 5 4 2.1 70115 MARY V. w 4 9G S G 5 5U 5i 5 5i Beckman W B Jennings 10 12 10 4 Sr5 70110CHIEF HAYES W 4 100 9 4 G Gi GJ G G Notter B Schreiber 10 15 15 G 3 G9357 STANDOVER W 4 93 5 7 10 Sl S S 75 J Power? S Emery 40 SO 30 12 G GS1I3 AKIJAR war. 4 103 7 5 4l 4h 7 7U Sl M JMurphy W Elwood GO 200 100 10 20 fiKGSS;BRANCAS wsn G 107 G 9 9 10 10 9s 915 W Doyle W Gerst 15 25 25 7 3 G93G3 O. IC w 4 9S 3 S 73 Ul 91 10 10 Harty T Bellingliam 100 200 100 30 15 Time, 112, 23s, 35? 47J. 1:00r, 1:13s, 1:30s, 1:45H. Winner B. e, by Mazagau Van-a-Clar trained by II. McDaniel. Went to post at 2:2S. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won handily: second driving; third the same Ilyjierion II., lucky at the start, was forwardly placed, but reserved iu behind the pacemakers to the stretch, then drew out finally and won gui-ig away. Cutter lieat the barrier and set a still" pace, was momentarily beaded 011 the far turn by Von Tronip, then came away again and succumbed finally, but was a game second. Pretension, nearly left, closed up rapidly on the backstretch, but was eventually pocketed on the tin 11 and iu the stretch and just failed to get up for second place in a cyclonic closing sprint. Von Tronip maintained close pursuit of the pacemaker and held a brief lead on the far turn, but tired in the last quarter. Mary F. held a good position all the way and was going well at the end. Chief Hayes was outpaced in the early running, but finished well. Staudover, outpaced early, came from the rear and was gaining at the end. The winner was entered for .? 1,500; no bid. Scratched 70139 Poquessing, 93; 70152 John Smulskl, 101. Incorrect weights in entries Mary F., 91; O. K.. 03. rT-I SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 577S0 1:00 2 109. 00 added. 2-year-olds. i J JL i O Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner . Ind Horses AWtPPStt Str Fin Jockeys Owners .H0 -ls G97S2 SINGLE STONE wit 9G 14 4 2h li Is lJ Beckman T D Sullivan 20 50 12 5 25 TOllGPROCLIVITY W 92 1 2 3 3- 2 2l W Walsh J G Oxnard 5 7 G 2 fi-5 70113 CORNCOB "Wis 100 7 1 1J 2i 3i 3l" Notter E L Norton 8 12 5 2 fi-5 7011G REQUITE wn 97 13 7 5l 4 -U 4 Garner G F Johnson 25 4J 4 S 5 4 5 70011 ALEX GRANT wn 97 10 5 Gl 3i 55 E Dugan AV W Darden 7 7 G 2 0 5 G9739 NEW GARTER wis 9S 3 11 U S G G Harty II Melse 50 100 100 30 13 70110 PUNCH w 102 4 S 105 95 95 75 It Lowe M L Schwartz 30 10 30 12 7 tallO BASEMAN w 101 11 3 Si 7l Sl S Horner J Ji Haggin 30 50 50 20 10 70011 DIVORCEE w 101 12 G in G 71 95 W Doylo L- A Cclla 20 :. 30 12 7 700:X TREASURE W 92 G 13 11- It1 10l 10l V Burns Iatchoguo Stable 15 20 20 S 5 WVSS ABRACADABRA Wit 92 9 12 12 12 12 11 Yorke Y C Daly 50 100 100 10 25 G9S0lCARRAUGII W 93 2- 9 71 101 ljh 125 J Powers F A Forsythe G 10 10 4 2J G9S;S N"IMPORTE "r 9G 15 10 13 13l 13 13 P Kelly J II Powers 30 30 30 12 7 G99G5 ARROW SWIFT w 103 5 15 II1 14 14 14l W Miller D Breckenridgc 31 5 5 2 1 G9739 BOB HAMPTON W 102 S 11 15 15 15 15 Finn C F Clark 00 100 100 30 13 Time. 11. 23, 341, .17-1, i:oi. 1:0S. Winner Br. g, by Solitaire II. Cattle Kate trained by II. McLaughlin. Went to post at 2:57. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won handily; second driving; third the -line. Single Stone drew out at the half and held sway to the end. was best, is a good looker ami is improving. Proclivity was always iu close and persistent pursuit of the leader and finished a game and fast going second. Corncob outbroke the others and made the running for nearly a quarter, but tired badly after strenuous efforts to keep pace with the winner. Requite got away poorly ami steadily Improved her position into a fast going fourth. Alex Grant was .outpaced and forced out of position in the early running ami was going well at the end. New Garter, nearly left, closed a big gap ami ran an extra gonl race. Punch tluisiied witli a rush. Baseman also finished well n:i. Divorcee showed early speed, but was crowded back on the last turn. The winner was entered for ,200; no bid. Scratched 09S33 Josjtcn Chief. 102. Incorrect weight in entries NImporte. 97. Overweights Carraugh, 1 pound; Bob Hampton. 2. 7H1 77 THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 701531:5023120. ,200 added. 3-year-olds and 8 J JL 8 i upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ,320. Ind Horses A WtlPSt St 4 V- Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 700S9GOLF BALL w 3 101 4 1 15 1?. lJ 15 1J 1 E Dugan T Hitchcock .Tr 13-53 2 4-52-5 G9911 RUNG WATER w 4 118 8 5 4 45 ll -V 2 2 W Miller Newcastle Stable 3 4 4 S-5 4-5 !9S9CONFEDERATE ws 4 102 2 7 G1 GJ 7l 75 5 3U Sandy W B Jennings S 12 S 3 8-j 700S9RED FRIAR wis 5 105 7 S S S SG S8 71 4 Beckman V J Dwyer fi S 7 25 7 5 G:iS9 PHILANDER W 3 112 9 9 7 75 5i Dh 3l 5 Notter J R Keene 7 12 10 4 2 70111 MISS CRAAVFORDw 0 10S 5 G 5 55 Ch d fi Gs W Knapp W W Darden S 10 S 3 S-5 70113 RIFLEMAN wit 3 100 1 2 3I 3" 3h 35 4i 7s Garner It F Carman . 10 15 15 G 3 G9990 GO BETWEEN wit G 110 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 8 Radtko E It Thomas 10 12 12 5 25 70111 DOL. SPANKER ws G 107 0-4 21 2 2" 2 S1 9 R. Lowe R T "Wilson Jr 10 15 12 5 25 Time, 12J. 212, 30s, 4SJ. 1:01, UV..i. 1:20J. l:39i, 1:52. Winner B. c, by Plaudit Gutta Percha trained by J. E. Madden. Went to post at 3:23. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same; third driving. Golf Ball is a grand colt, ran into the lead at the Start and won all the way never fully extended. Run ning Water held a gwnl forward position iu the early running, then singled out of the. ruck on the last turn into game, but unavailing, pursuit of the winner and is becoming- very good. Confederate, away well on the inside, was shut off when moving up on the far turn and pulled up sharply, then came along 01: the outside witli a cyclonic rush. Red Friar held forth in the rear for the first six furlongs, then closed up rapidly on the outside ami was going like a shot at the end. Philander got away poorly, but moved up fast iu middle half and. after looming up menacingly on the last turn, tired linallr. Sera lolied- 09002 Flip Flap, 121; 70OlusIr. Gardner, 120: 70001 King Cole, 00; 70143 Lord Lovat, 05; 70143sM!hiota, 02; 70142 Easton, 00; 00780 Acrobat, 00: 7WS9 Cabochou, 103. Incorrect weights in entries Confederate, 112; Philander, 111. Overweights Miss Crawford, 1 pound. rjAl rQ FOURTH RACE 1 1-2 Miles. 12250 2:321 1120. Queens Stakes. Value ,500. I vJ JL 8 C5 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value lo winner ,050. Irid Horses A wTPPSt St Vt Vj s7rFin Jockeys o"wner3 O I iC P S 7 G9935GOLD LADY w 3 101 2 2 1 Is 1 Is 1 1 Garner A L Astc 2 25 2 011I- 701UYANKEE GIRL w 3 10G 3 1 3 3 2h 2 2S 2Sl "W Miller C It Ellison 2-5 1-2 1-2 out G93G3 HELEN PORTERwn 4 110 1 3 2 25 3 3 3 3 "W Doylo T L Watt 00 100 100 10 out Time. 14, 20H, 51 J, 1:03;, 1:102, l:30i, 1:131, 1:551, 2:071, 2:321. Winner B. f, by Goldcrcst Lady llimmel trained by W. MeCaim. Went to post at.".:15. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Gold Lady, particularly well served by the favorites waiting tactics and permitted to make her own runnipg undisturbed, decisively oulsprinted Yankee Girl in the last half mile of running and may have been best, anyway, "iankee Girl was injudiciously reserved far in the rear in the early running and was not able tg get up when sent along in belated pursuit. Helen Porter, far outclassed, was well up for seven furlongs on sufferance. Scratched 00002 Flip Flap, 121. 7 GV FIFTH RACE 3-4 Milo. 700CI 1:111 110S. ,000 added. 3-year-olds. fi yJ jL J Allowances. Net value to winner 00. Iml Horses , AWtPPStt V- -"ji Sir Fin Jockeys Owners LJL.01 S 701I2SIIAENSEL wit 101 2 1 1 1 Is l1 M Preston AV Gerst 3 4 35 fi-5 7-10 70OS9 DICK FINNELL wsn 112 4 13 . S 71 2" 2s W Knapp R H Anderson 10 15 10 4 25 70I55TROUBI.EMAKER ws 112 1G 5 fi1 4" 31" 3l W MoInreE R Bradley 10 15 12 5 3 09223 LAD OF LANG DEN W OS 11 S 75 S5 15 45 W Walsh AV AV Darden 20 30 30 10 fi 70112IIOWARD S1IEAN wsn 101 9 fi 55 55 55 55 J Powers J C Nally 10 15 15 5 3 700G1 BOTANIST wis 10S 13 3 4l 3 G5 f.J J Martin M L Ilayman 9-5 3 9-5 4-5 2-j PRE.IUICIO w 101 11 2 35 Gh S 75 AV Miller T II AVilllaiiis 5 S S 3 S-5 70000 COMDORE ANSON Wit 10S 3 4 21 2i 75 Sl Garner . G F Johnson 10 15 12 5 3 70015BI,UE BOOK ws 112 7 14 14 1 14 9l 9 J Noonan J F Carroll 15 20 15 fi 4 70007 GARTERS - W 98 fi 11 11 11 10. 105 R Lowe J Hurley 50 100 100 10 VO 701 12 THE KNIGHT wsn 90 1 7 10 ! 11 ll1 Brussel Elmwooil Stable 15 30 30 10 fi C02S5 AGATHA R. w 9fi 10 10 12 12 12 12 E Dugan C K Durnell 20 20 20 S 5 05397 ROLLICKING GIRL W 90 15 12 13 13 13 13 Beckman MrsLALivingston 100 100 100 4 0 25 700G7 SANDOSSIE w 9S 12 9 9 9 11 11 Harty G Connell 30 30 30 12 7 700C7 ALGELONE w 99 S lfi 15 15 15 15 hotter G J Long 7 10 7 25 7-5 HONORINE wis 9G 5 15 10 lfi lfi lfi AV Burns J II AVarren 50 100 100 30 15 Time. 121, 232, 351, 472, 1:122. AVinner Br. c, by Resolute II. The Crawlish trained by AV. McDaniel. . AVent to post at 4:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good. AVon easily: second and third the same. Hnensel drew out at the start and made tlr. running by a wide gap throughout and was never extended. Dick Filincll began slowly and was nearly left, then closed an immense gap and was going like a cyi-I:iii at the end of a cracking effort. Troublemaker worked through close quarters in the first half and finished with a great rush. Lad of Langdeu improved his position steadily on the outside and was going fat at th end. Howard Shean, badly ridden and pocketed on the inside after going the lirst quarter, finished well. Botanist loomed up well in the stretch, but tired finally. Prejuicio displayed superior speed for a half mile and tired as if short. Commodore Anson was very fast, but failed to stay. Blue Book, nearly left, closed a big gap. Scratched 09Si;iSaracincsca. 120; 7005 Arlmo, 120; 70142 Ramrod, OS; 03302 Potent, 9S. Incorrect weights in entries Commodore Anson, 112; Agatha It., OS; Sandossie, 00. Sandossie, 09. Overweights Algelone, 3 pounds. n f" QTfc SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlonss. 577S0 1:00 2 100. 1907.sh00 added. 2-ycar-olds. f VjrJLQll Selling. Net value to winner . hid Horses AAVtPPSt yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S fi9SSG RARA AVIS Wis 112 3 2 25 25 2l Is AV Miller J AV McClelland 7-5 S-511-102-5 13 7011G STYLlT w 101 9 1 1 1 15 25 Notter F Burlow G 10 10 3 7-5 70151SBANYAII w 112 C 3 5s 45 3i Garner I: Schreiber 25 1S-535 1 1-2 G9S39 SLUMBERLESS W 101 S 5 4 5 4 4 AV Doyle AV D Babcoclc 25 30 30 S 4 70110 AVALTER MILLER wis 112 17 Gl GJ 5 5 Sandy TH AVilllaiiis 10 15 15 4 9-3 ETHEL LEVEY AVlt 101 2 9 Ss 7 7 G Engldcr P II McCarrcn 40 100 GO 15 7 70151 UUSCIMO w 101 7 4 3 3U G 71 E Dugan J Shields . 4 7 35 1 1-2 TYROL AVlt 101 4 10 10 9 S 8 Beckman V J Dwyer 30 GO 50 15 7 INGRAIIA1I w 101 10 G 7s 8 9s 9 AV McInrcJ S Hoy 50 100 GO 15 7 HAVEREL AV 101 5 8 9 10 10 10 R Lowe P Jackson 40 100 GO 13 7 Time, 111, 23, 35. 4S1. 1:001, 1:071. Winner Br. c, by St. George Hundley trained by W. M; Wallace. AVent to post at 4:12. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Rara Avis indulged ythe pacemaker witli the lead to the last furlong of the stretch, then drew out and won as his rider pleased ami is cviilentij- a stayer. Styllt outbroke the others and led. for live furlongs, then gave way readily to the winner, but was a fast going second. Banyah was crowded, back early in the race, closed up rapidly 011 the outside again, but was shut off on the last turn, came fast at the end, but could not get up. Sluinberless was well up throughout and is promising. Walter- Miller, improving steadily, improved bis position into a fast going fifth and is wortli remembering. Ethel Levey suffered at the start, made up ground ami was eased up in the stretch. Ruscliuo showed superior speed for live furlongs. The winner v.-i-s entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched 0S437 Ella G.. 10L TJ:C "f Q-T SEVENTH RACE 1 1-1C Miles. 57700-1:4421101. ,000 added. 4 year olds Xjf JL O JL and upward. Selling. Net yalue to winner . I nd Horses A Wt lPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S " 700G2 RED LEAF av 5 93 S 4 55 2 1 1 l5 Sumter J O Kcono S S 8 3 S-5 70152 TIPPING w 4 96 10 G 4 5 3 25 21 E Dugan J- II McAvoy 4 4 11-51 1-2 70091 KING COLE wis 5 10S 11 3 15 15 2 3l 3 Finn F E Brown 10 12 10 4 2 699G3 "WORKMAN Avsn 5 96 G 1 3l 4 4 4 4h AV AValsh R Angarola S 15 15 5 25 70015 ANDREAV MACK Wit G 101 2 10 10 8 C5 5 5 AV Miller AV Cahill 5 C 4 S-5 4-5 G9G55 DEKABER wn 7 91 4 11 11 11 11 Sh 6and AV Burns J II AVarren 50 CO CO 15 7 G9363 IAANHOE wsn 5 93 5 9 61 G1 71 7 7s Lang Arverne Stablo 20 20 15 G 3 70150 ARABO ws 7 101 3 5 85 lOh lOi 9 Sl Garner L Mulligan 20 30 SO 12 fi 7C091ED BALL wn 7 97 1 7 7 7 51 G1 9l Beckman J A Bonnet. 5 4 35 7-5 3-5 G9S12 FLAATIGNY wn 4 97 9 S 9 9 9 10U 10 Notter R E Watkins 15 25 20 8 4 C973S DARKLE Avsn 5 97 7 2 2 35 Sntll 11 Brussel J J Moran 30 50 40 13 7 Time. 112. 231, 30. 4S. 1:01. 1:132, 1:40, 1:40. AVinner Ch. ni, by Ilennenee Readiiia trained by J. O. Keene. AVent to postf at 5:09. At post 1 minute. Start good. AVon in a canter: second and third easily. Red Leaf, away well, gradually improved her position, drew out steadily on the last turn and won off finally, The track had just received a wetting from a brief shower and was in her favor. Tipping main tained close proximity to the winner for six furlongs, then began to lose ground, but easily disposed of the dlhers for second place. King Cole made the running for six furloiigs and then tired, but finished a game third. Workman ran prominently to the stretch. Andrew Mack got away badly and closed a gap, but was never dangerous. DCkaber had scant chance at the start and made up considerable ground. Ed Ball unexpectedly quit after looming up briefly on the far turn. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 00013 Lord Badge, OS.

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