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BUFFALO ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or-deduct 5 points to tho pound. An extra gbod rider 3 average- worth is 3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at .".:00 p. in. Chicago time, 2:00. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 5-8 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. MaiTlens. Colts. Special Weights. 1ml. Horses. A. Wt. Ildcp. 70170s. . .KING FOLLY ...112 725 70170 Terah 112 720 70170 Icnriies Beau 112 715 70170 Green Dale 112.. X-. 710" 0905:: Javlln 112 705 70105 Gloryar 112.. X.. 700 70105.... Running Account 112.. X.. 000 70114 Henry Kelly 112 0S5 09953 Our Boy 112.. X.. 075 70105 Oceanic 112 000 70150 Bayardo 112 C30 Second Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 70144 J... Aphrodite 100 723 700S3 Feast 104 720 070145.. Seymour Rentier 117.. X.. 720 70144... Uncle Toby 107.. X.. 715 70144,... Bridge Whist 107 710 70144 Hands Around 104 710 701.11... Apple Toddy 112.. X.. 705 C0O00 . . .Servile 110. . X . .700 70011 Laura Clay 114 700 70ji;t..., Merry Man 100.. X.. 700 i90S0. . . -Takbu 107 003 70003 Concerned 07 003 70i:;o...Toni Shaw 107 000 70141 Luzclta 07 0S5 701S7 Shirley R 07.. X.. OSO 7015C. Bayardo 100 000 B. Schreiber entry. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ycar-oIds. Selling. 70157 Meddlesome Boy 10S..X..725 70108. . .Rcctortow-n 107 720 70150 Allerion 103. . X . .715 70157 Sallie Suter 101 715 701 IS Captain Hale 100.. X.. 710 7010SS... George Swain 103 710 70157 Ilanihara . 10;: 030 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3- ycar-ohIs and upward. Selling. 70133... KillioeraIlkIe, 02.. X.. 725 70174 Ida Reck !0: 720; 70057. ..Lee Harrison II :;. .100. . X . .715 70173s... Durbar 0. .101. . X . .710 KMC0 Ralliert 5. .1 11. .710 70159... Aleneon 5. .110. . X . .705 70149... St. Joseph I . .114. .. .705 7010S...Rectorlown 07 700 70100 Fiat 5.. 101.. X.. 700 09::00 Cloten 7..10S 095 71057 Dutch Pete 5. .US 090" 70159 Allerion 07. .X.. 090 701CS Laiiiptriminer I!. .100. . X . .OS." C09S1 Austin Allen 5. .111. . X . .050 Fifth Race 1 1-1G Miles. 4- year-olds and upward. Selling. 07O1S0... Peter Knight 5. .lo::. . X . .725 70159 Chippewa l..l0..X..71.r. 7OIS0 Jupiter 4. .101. . X . .700 7017.! No Trumpet 5. .101. .. .095 70101 Roly Poly 5.. 91 030 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 7oo5S. . .Zipango 10S. . X . .725 700::::3. ..Pnukv 10S 720 701 72 . . . Cra f t y 1 02 71 5 701 IS... Willis Green 102 715 70172 Nancy 90.. X.. 705 70010 Halliard OS 700 70172 Edwin II 107.. X ..075 70157 Encore 102.. X.. 030 Seventh Race 1 Mile 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. 00571 . . .Missouri Lad I. .101 . . X . .750 70I5S-... Polly Prim I.. 90.. X.. 745 70171. ..George S. Davis ::.. 95. .x.. 725 70171 ... Marster 4. .101 . . X ..715 7015S.. ...Cobmosa 4. .107. . X . .710 70147s... Mark Antony II 4. .101. . X . .050 O9S0O. ...Contend 9.. 9S 030