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LOSS AT LATONIA LAST TEN DAYS. Cincinnati, ., .Inly 22. A statement of the. linaneliil results of the recent meeting at Latonia, which has just, been issued to the stockholders in that track, shows that during the hist ten days there was a loss of from 00 to 50 per day. This Is further- evidence that the action of the Kentucky Slate Racing Commission In refusing an extension of the meeting beyond July 13 was not unwise. Such a statement shows that this section had become surfeited with racing and that the remedy is just such limitations and restrictions as are being applied by the commission. The commission has not permitted the complaint of the poor owner or the wily pleadings of the gambler to warp Its judgment. It knows that the lamentations of the poor owner would Ih just as loud and just as pitiful if a halt had been called at the end of a full year of continuous racing with a daily distribution "of 0,000 in stakes and purses, and that the gambler- tinder the same conditions would be just is Insistent for more. The grind in 1000- was too long. Everybody knew that and I he- wise" ones knew that sooner or later the law of averages would have to be satisfied. The commission saw the forces-of this law at work and called a halt. It is foriti-nale that they did.