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GLENECHO WINS THE FEATURE RACE. Good Beginning for Hildreth — Jockey Den-nison Badly Injured — Record Crowd. Los Angeles. Cal.. January 1. — The record for i.ig atteiidanee it southern California tracks was broken today when a crowd estimated at betweei: anil 12.000 visited Santa Anita Park. The big withering can easily lie accounted for by tin fact that the tournament of roses and parade h. Iasaih na closed at noon and many of its speeta tors ran om r to "lead the holiday afternoon a! Santa Anita Park. The fi stare race of the day. the Rose Selling Stakes, was taken by Gleiiecho, a n.nk outsider ii the betting. He was thought to have little chanei ! y owner F. I. • hinn and his friends, ten surprised lliei.i 1 . dashing Into the lead when the barriei went up and remaining there to the end, winning with comparative ease. The racing was marred by what may prove to he i very serious accident to jockey Denuison. Siimnie.-Cloud, on which lie had the mount, crossed his legs it the start in the third race and threw him heavily, breaking his left arm. The hoy i still unconscious ind his injuries may prove fatal. The entry ol Summer Cloud will be reiust 1 hereafter. The draw-in today consisted of nineteen hooks. Sam Hildreth was successful la winning a purse .vith the first horse he sent to the post here. Valjeau winning the first youngster race of Hie year with eoiiparative ease.