Third Race [3rd New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-11

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THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds. Selling. 07077—1 A?.".— 3— ! 0. i total Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St % % % StrFin Jockeys Best Company. BANRIDA. b. f. 3. by Bannockburn — Merida B. Schreiber. Weight today 108. ::.m FGpnda imTOj -i ••*••■ mud « MS :. 1 1 l p l- V Powers C. II White, Dor. Aim. SpeedMarrel. 5 171 City Park 6-8 1 0"g good 10 110 4 2 2 2= 2* Nottec Estella C, Helen Holland. My Love 74is City Iark 5-8 1:03 good 12 MS s 8 8 7 6J Finn Night Mist, My Love. Sylvia G. 71002 Gvesend . 51 f 1:09 mud 13-5 102 8 7 5 4h 4«J W Miller M.Hamilton, AlexGrant, Proclivity 70896 Sheepsd 5J f 1 :07J hvy 7 104 2 2 2 21 3«1 W Miller Suugleam, Oriflamb, Orcagna. GOLDQUEST. b. g. 3. by Goldcreat— Quesal H. B. Dnryea. Weight today 105. 723KI F Grounds 7 I 1 -353 mud 1". Ill :. .". 7 I 6* l4 1 Lee M.Mazzoni. EthICarr, Ketchemike. T i.t City Iark 7-8 1:2S fast 12 111 I 9 9 8s 8,2lXicol St. Ilario. Woodlane. Melange. 72528 City Iark 5 f 1 :"*! good 12 106 8 7 7 71 98 J Lee Rural Boy. Variety, Lorimer. k 72138 City Park " 1 1:441 fair 7 105 S 4 4 4 41 49£ J Lee Lajeunesse, Miss Mazzoni. Ed Kane FtHM city Park 7-8 1:311 hvy 2J 105 4 4 3 2 21 231 Sumter Pinkola, Listerine. Ansonia. JAVOTTE. br. f. 3. by St. George— Marie Jansen W. F. Mathews. Weight today 93. T..i: F.Gronnda "■. t i :12| hw R i»7 l 22 1- i C Koerner Sainesaw. Frescati. Donaldo. 71 is Latonia ...11:12 hvy 7 Umi | 5 6 7* 68* T Koerner Orlandot. Melzar. Dr. Simrall. 71037 Toronto 3-4 1:141 fast 33t 107 I 2 8 41 6«£ C Koerner does Fast. Dredger. McQuiddy. MS74 Montreal 3-4 1:17Jhvy 2-5 97 1 1 1 l4 l4 T Koerner Sophomore, Cannie Maid. Denial. SWEETENER, ch. g. 3. bv Allan-a-Dale— Treacle P. Dunne. Weight today 93. 72436 RGrounda 2-4 1:171 slow 12-5 M6 2 :: 1 f I" V Powera Baefclac to Bea Sand. Padrone. 72583 F.Gruiinds 7 S 1 :3«S mud 20 9111 8 S 4 8* 4- C Henrv Tliinl Bail. Sainesaw. Thos.rallioun : 288 P.Grouada 8-8 1:061 mud 6 104 7 i 5 34 2 Notter Gee Wlilz. Bitter Man, Rural Boy. • 78218 F.Crounds 5-8 1 :0Cg hvy 31 M4 2 3 3 2 « 3J Notter Alsatian, Fleridaglen. Edina. 78888 ity Park 5-8 1 :0ll good 7 107 6 13 12 12J10 21C Koerner Aim, Task Master, Night Mist. MISS MAZZONI. b. f. 3. by Mazagan— Rescue M. L. Britton. Weight today 96. • 72584 F.Crounds 7-8 1351 mod 18 188 2 :: 4 7 4= 24 Yorke Coldquest. Ethel Carr, Ketchemike. . 726*1 City Park i 1-8 1:533 goo.l 100 88 5 4 4 4 a 5 c Yorke Juggler. Old Honesty, Halbard. 7.-47:. c it Park 11:423 good 15 103121212 12 10» 8". .Yorke Dew of Dawn, Hans. Severus. 7311 P.Crounds 1 1:441 slow 11-5 102 1 8 3 3 1 l1" V Powers St. Ilario. Lajeunesse, Blue Lee. IBM F.Crounds 7-8 1:311 hvy 8 102 4 4 4 4 3! Jj V Powers Lajeunesse, Brimmer, Rexane. THIRD RAIL, b. g. 3, by Bannerman— Idle Daya C. B. Beid. Weight today 103. • 72583 F.Oroonda 7-S 1 :3S| mud S 105 3 2 2 2 9* l1 V Powers Sainesaw. Thos. Calhoun. Sweetener. • 72528 City Park 5J f 1 :0S1 good 12 106 18 11 11 91 8« V Powers Rural Boy. Variety, Lorimer. 72881 CRy Park aj f 1 :08g fast 50 105 7 13 13 10* 813 Brussel Alsatian, Melange, Bitter Sir. 71501 Iatonia 3-J 1:15 fast 25 105 11 10 9 8» 710iHeidel ArrowSwift, Inauguration, B.Dress. . 71460 Latonia 51 f l:08g fast 5 110 6 11 9 81 1012 Heldel Inauguration, Merrigo, Orena. KETCHEMIKE, ch. c. 3. by Handsel— Carrie Hart M. Kicol. Weight today 98. I. 72584 F.Crounds 7-S 1 :35g mud 31 106 4 4 2 1 21 4« Sumter Goldquest. MissMazzoni, EtueMarr. 72848 City Park 3-4 1:15 fast 10 105 7 5 6 6H 52.. J Baker Apache, Bitter Sir. Alsatian. 7 "4.:: Cttjr Park 3-4 1:15 good 41 107 4 i 3 5i 5« Mountain Apache. Dew of Dawn, Severus. 72888 City Park 3-4 1:171 slow 5 1031 - 1 1 2» 21 R McPuulRebel Queen, Rustle. Ansonia. 71710 Latonia 1 1:52| mud 11-6 105 5 2 4 6 52 414 Pickens Pinkola. Ed Kane, Linda Lake. FRESCATI. b. f. 3. by Masetto — Frogmort A B. Gardner. Weight today 91. , 72817 F.Crounds U f 1:121 hvy E8 97 12 10 8 4L 3" S Flynn Javotte. Sainesaw. Donaldo. 72281 lm70yl:53 mud 20 90 8 8 6 6 84 5° Hufnuel A.Dnfour. Lady Oakland. Listerine. - 72184 F.Crounds 51 f 1:111 hvy 25 95" 12 10 9 9s 8«1 C Henry D.ofDawn. M.Delaney, Inanguratn. i. 71451 Windsor 6* f l:07g fast 3 97 S 6 4 41 531 Mulcahy Margot. Ketchemike, Goes Fast. 71394 Windsor 1 1:441 slow 25 80 2 1 3 3 3» 34 llazzard Glimmer, Col.Jack. TheEnglishman n 71878 Windsor 5-8 1:05| hvy 4 106 6 8 5 5J 5* J Foley Our Boy, Shirley R., Tburbet. LISTERINE, ch. f, 3, by Lamplighter— Nellie Grand 8. T. White. Weight today 91. ■ , .-1 P.Oroande 7-8 l:36gmud7 1»s 4 1 8 8 8 7si .T Lee Third Rail. Saimsaw, Thos.Calhoun it 78888 City Park 7-8 1:28 fast CO 92 it It 10 10 92 9,elDeverlch St. Ilario, WocMllane, Melange. 78888 CUT Park 1 1 :431 fast 15 90 9 10 9 8 51J. 54!. Deverlch St. Ilario, Mos. Belle. Buck. Brigade. • 72317 F.Crounds 3-4 1:211 hvy 30 98 10 11 10 92 8» F Burton Angelns. Miss Delaney. Banridge. . 72291 F.Grnds lm70y 1:53 mud 10 90 2 1 1 2 23 32 Delahy A.Dnfour, Lady Oakland, Ansonia. ■ BRAKESPEARE. ch. c. 3, by Charade — Antoinette J. Arthur. Weight today 101. U 7-jiki:: F.Grnds loi78s l;S8ibvy :5 M3 1 s 8 7 8J 8] It McDanIDarlingDan. BaarMce, Maj. Mack. :. 72311 I.Cioimcls 1 1:441 slow 150 183 3 i 8 E R" S*l|Blk nor Miss Mazzoni. St. Ilario. Lajeuuessc c 7:04 i City Park 5 8 1:052 hvv 60 Km". 8 7 7 7 717,MoiiutaIn Ansonia. Phoreee. Sir Cyril. 728M Oty Park 0i f 1 :09g slow 75 112 10 9 11 9 7,3|Klleuor Al Muller, Financier, Divorcee. BRIMMER, br. c, 3, by Sempronius— Fragrance M. J. Shannon. Weight today 101. I- 73853 .Grounds 7 8 1 :::t;i mud 5 118 2 111 34 31 Lloyd Floridaulen. CH. While. M.famtttBe • 72475 "it v Park 1 1 :42j! ko m1 25 HHi 5 3 4 6 92 l"ir?..I Dew or Dawn. Hans. .Severus. 72401 it v Park 3 4 1 :15? good 30 KM 2 6 7 C . r.9 Brussel R. Thompson. D.ofDawn. M.Delaney y 72888 F.CrcMimls E| f 1 :11g slow 13-5 10S 8 5 5 4 6" R McDanlBitter Sir. Sylvia G., Caucus. 72278 KC rounds 7-8 1:311 hvy 17 881 2 3 3 3 2h 21 Notter lajeunesse. Miss Mazzoni, Rexane. THOMAS CALHOUN, b. c. 3, by Knight of the Thistle— Tantalize A. Weber. Weight today 96. . 72837 F.Crounds 2 4 1:17* slow 12 105 12 12 12 !« 6" Jos Hogg Bitter Sir. Alsatian. Stone Street. 72583 F.Crounds 7-8 1:36?: mud 2 97 7 10 6 7 42 3U Skirvin Third Rail, Sainesaw. Sweetener. 7.475 "it v Park 11:42? good 20 98 1 2 2 2 2t» 4| Skirvin Dew of Dawn. Hans. Severus. 72421 City Iark 5J. f 1 :0Sj? goo.l 40 9S 2 2 3 3U .t2 Sumter Apache. Bitter Sir, Stone Street. 72389 City Iark 51 f 1 :0S? good 50 106 13 7 13 141 1518 A Martin Severus. Tea Leaf, Inauguration. ■■ 72888 F.Crounds 3-4 1:191 slow 40 93 4 3 4 4t 8i Skirvin La Souer.Hans, Ed Kane. BROWN THISTLE, br. g. 3. by Knight of the Thistle — Miss Hanover J. Leishman. Weight today 98. 3. 72887 F.Crounds 3-4 1:171 alow 30 MS 11 11 10 S 9:l Finn Bitter Sir, Alsatian. Stone Street. 72453 it v Iark 3-4 1:15 good 75 10113 13 13 13 tV* Cashin Apache. Dew of Dawn, Severus. 72345 F.Crounds 5-8 1 :08g hvy 20 106 4 4 4 41 8*| Liebert LaSouer. BoundinerKlk, Pat Ornus. 72236 F.Crounds 3-4 1:201 hvy 20 1051 4 1111!1 Mountain Bellwether, T.Calhoun, Knighthead ETHEL CARR, ch. f, 3, by Bannockburn — Gertrude Elliott W. A. Kirwan. Weight today 96. 7li;17 F.Crounds 6| f 1 :12K hvy 4 105 I 3 3 62 8,J It McDanUavotte. Sainesaw. Frescati. 72584 F.Crounds 7-8 l:35g mud 5 188 8 7 1 2 ll 35 V Powers Goldquest, M.Mazzoni, Ketchemike. 72491 City Park 51 f 1:0S§ fast 20 188 1a 11 10 91 914»Pickens Alsatian, Melange, Bitter Sir. 78868 City Park Midi good 25 102 8 9 9 92 810 S Flynn Apache. Dew of Dawn, Severus. 72383 Citv Park 3-4 1 :17J slow 15 92 7 7 5 51 5rl McCahey Rebel Queen, Ketchemike, Rustle. 72345 F.Crounds 5-8 l:08i hvy 15 101 7 6 6 61 47 Slesinger LaSouer, BoundlngKlk. Pat Ornus. •HIMALAYA. 1 . c, -3. by Todd ington— Sierra J. Baker. Weight today 105. 72475 City Park 1 1 :42R good 2 . MS 8 6 5 4 51 5*1 Sumter Dew of Dawn. Hans, Severus. 72968 Cttjr Park 51 f 1 :102. hvy 8 100 r. 4 4 41 2 Brussel Jee Whiz, Alsatian, Lorimer 72816 F.Crounds 3-4 1:21 hvy 60 96 S 8 8 74 6" Skirvin Collness. Bertha K.. Italhert. 71592 71592 .lamaica .lamaica 3-4 3-4 1:15 1:15 slop slop 5 5 106 106 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 Notter Notter Lajeunesse, Lajeunesse, Beardall, Beardall, M. M. Delaney. Delaney.

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Local Identifier: drf1908011101_6_1
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