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, , 1 . , , , , . . j . l! c DEATH OF A FORMER GOOD RACER. Hunio. the six-year -old brown gelding by F.ddie Jones -Humidity, which Meat Cehfhlatl -hipped with nine ether batata to Oakland from New »r-I leans two weeks ago. has died al Oakland of pneumonia, eoutrae led ell loute on the cars, ilumo was bred bv Burns »V Watcrhouso at the Caudehtlii Stud and made his firsi start at .ravesend the day The Picket won the Brooklyn Handicap, running 1111 placed, but won three successive races at Brighton Beach for C. T. Patterson, who was training him lor C. P. Wntc: house. The following year In- was raeea* on the eaaten traefee by Wattrheeae, and I.iiterson continued to train him. He won five races as a three-year-old. meeting some of Die best in training that year and all of his races were over a mile in distance. "Haaat was the only horse in the car that did not ship well. said Ooldblatt. I thought, if any of tin in got siek on the read, it would lie Keep Moving, for she is a bad traveler. When we took her from New York to New Orleans she was at sick when wo readied Lexington. Ky.. that we bad to take her off the car there and lay over several days with her, bill she shipped out here splendidly and his been doing well evr sine-. Ilumo was the last horse in the string that 1 would expect to have taken sick, hut the tough all gelding is tile only one which had as mu.-h as a mm c zing spell."