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TCW00D-0 1 Room 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Turf Ratings Best Bet: LAP-140. Turf Reporters Special: Boys-Let-53-54-57-52-50-63-65-98. Yesterdays Daily One Horse Wire wa : SMILEY CORBETT 11-10 Won Record of last 6 wires: 5 WON, 1 Lost. TODAY we lnive word on one at Now Orleans wlii.-h will be 11 price, and will be gieea free to all weekly subscribers t our Daily One-Horse Wire, which is always at Oakland. N.-w is ii" No. 3.3 of Turf Ratings Out l Today. I Smiley Corbett 11-10 Won I w.i- yest.-r.lav s DAILY 1-HORSE WIRE. Terms: .00 Weekly: .00 Daily. Tuesdays Form Special: August Apple 26-79-16-60-72-7-9-45-73. The Standard Turf Guide, ROOM 212. 59 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. NOTE. — Last chance r..r out ..i town aataajraheta to yet iii on .mi .00 UNDERCOVER SPECIAL. All subscriptions must be in Wednesday. Fob. IS. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI. , Y.M.r.lavs Special. BLACK MANTILLA. 6-1, 2nd. Todays Special: Colorado. Mackerel. Major, Robin. 81.00 per month. 85 rents per copy. 1T A KlTim Klrst class EXKKCI*IN«J ROY. i W AIM 1 EiU Address, Fred Belknup or Herb Kars;eaat, tirniid Uaplas, Mich. i I I , i BUFFALO RACING ASSOCIATION Under the Auspices of the Jockey Club. RACE COURSE: Kenilworth Park, Buffalo, N. Y. City Office: HOTEL IROQUOIS, BUFFALO, N. Y. President, H M. GERRANS. Secretary. W. HORACE LERCH Manager. JOSEPH A. MURPHY. Annual Meeting; 1908 The Meeting will begin Monday, June 22nd, and continue to Saturday, July 25th, 30 DAYS. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00. The following Events are Opened to Close and Name at Midnight of Thursday, February 20, 1908: The Buffalo Derby Guaranteed Value, ,000 THE BUFFALO DERBY, -lor three-year-olds foals of 1JM ." ». Guarauteed cash value of , Hl». ef wliich 00 to the second and WW to the third: the fourth to save starting fee. By subscription of ". c.nli. with Slot each additional to start. Non-winners of $."i.00O in I.KKS allowed 2 lbs. ; of ,000, .". ll.s.; of S1.000, 8 lbs. Xou-winuers of f 1,000 in 1907 or 1KO.S allowed 12 lbs.: of fBJM in 10O7 or iy08, li ll.s .; maidens, 20 lbs. One Mile* and a Quarter. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. The Tonawanda Handicap -Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE TONAWANDA HANDICAP.— Ior three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of 0 each, nitb 0 additional to start. ..r 00 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the tbinl. Weights, three days, before the race. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights, 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a Sixteenth. The Lockport Handicap— Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE LOCKPORT HANDICAP.— For three -year olds and upward. By subscription of 0 aaefe, with S40 additional to start. ,300 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weight-. three days before the race. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights, 5 lbs. extra. One Kile. The Black Rock Handicap— Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE BLACK ROCK HANDICAP. —For three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of 0 each, with .*Wt additional to start. .r fM guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights, tlice days before the race. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights. 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. B The Independence Selling— Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE INDEPENDENCE. For three year-olds and upward selling. By subscription of 0 each, with 0 additional to start. .." 00 guaranteed, of wbiih 00 to the second and to the third. s::. Mii weight for age. 1 lb. fat each 00 less to 81,8081 Starters, with their selling prices, to Itc named through the entry-box by 11 oclock a. in. the day before the race, or to carry their weight. One Mile and a Furlong. The Dominion Selling— Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE DOMINION.— For three-year-olds and upward selling. By subscription of 0 each, with 0 tuMitional to start. .." i 0 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. ,r 00 uciglit for age. 1 lb. for each 00 less to . Starters, with their selling prices, to be named through the entry-box by 11 oclock a. ui. the day before the race, or to carry their weight. Six Furlongs. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. The Iroquois Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE IROQUOIS.--For two -year-olds. By subscript ion af 0 each, with 0 additional t. start. Sl.r.OO guaranteed, of which *20O to the second and 00 to the third. Xou-winuers of .."ii 0 allowed t lbs.; of ,.iOU, 7 lbs.; of ,000, 10 lbs.; maidens, 17 lb . Thro Furlongs. The Genesee— Selling— Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE GENESEE. For two-year olds selling. By subscription of 0 each, with 0 additional to .-tart. ,500 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. $:L.r»00 weight for age. I lb. for each $.!O0 le-s to *2.000; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 8JJM, Starters, with their selling prices, to be named through the entry-box by 11 oclock a. in. the day batata he race, or to amy their weight. • - Five and a Half Furlongs. The Lafayette— Guaranteed Value, ,500. THE LAFAYETTE. For two year-old fillies and geldings. By subscription of 0 einh, with 0 niiiiliunal to slart. ,o00 guaranteed, of which 00 to the ecoinl and 0O to the third. Xou winners af ira.OOO allowed o lbs.; of ,000, 7 lbs.: of ,000, 12 lbs.; of 00, 17 lbs.; maidens, 22 lbs. __ Five Furlongs. Steepleeh ases THE KENILWORTH SERIAL RACES Guaranteed Value, ,000. THE KENILWORTH SERIAL STEEPLECHASES. Fur four-year-olds and upward. By subscription i I BXJ8J each, wliich shall entitle the in initiation to entry in each of the three races — the Niagara. ,000; the Hamilton. ,000. and tne Ton.nto. ,000. Starter- in cadi of Ihe above events. ", additional. All entries to above serial shall be handicapped, if duly entered, free for all overnight steeplechase handicaps during the meeting, thus saving the declaration fee. THE NIAGARA — Guaranteed value. ,00o, of which 00 to the second and to the third. Weights, three days before the race. xne snort Course. THE HAMILTON.— Guaranteed value. ,000, of which o0 tn the second and to the third. Weights, three days before the race. xhe Short Course. THE TORONTO.— Guaranteed value. IJ.tXio. of which .*2oo to the second and *100 to the third. Weights. ." ftis. ttelow the scale. Winners in 1008 of penalized •" lbs.: nf two races of 1908.sh00, or one of ,000, | ], .; ,,f nu, races of ,000. of one of .."iOO. 10 II-.; maidens allowed 7 lbs. The Full Course. NOTICE.— The management proposes to feature steeeplechasing, and the meeting book will contain as many races as the number and quality of the horses on the grounds warrant. ADDRESS ENTRIES AND COMMUNICATIONS TO JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Hotel Iroquois, Buffalo, New York.