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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Communications without names and addresses of senders will not be answered or noticed1 nor will any answers be sent by mail P M Kcnosha WIs In all A should have re reived 2415 J 7 J Nashville Tenn Fleming flrstr Fair Pluy second Frank Lord third thirdE E F Milwaukee Wis Tlie matter was fully explained in Sundays Dally Racing Porm PormW W G B Cliicago The entries for the Brooklyn Handicap appeared In Dally Baclng Form of Janu ¬ ary 30 30W W K V Chicago You received the snm ilue yon The money bet by the backer and layer Is added together and divided equally equallyV5 V5 G Me Chicago There being no coupled place price against the entry the parlay was Told nBtdlt yiiii won as a place bet op Rifleman RiflemanHR HR B Chicago Under the stipulation of ftveii irionfy or no bet the parlay was a drpw etch of the horses being at less than even money Place i