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Association FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE BREED OF HORSES FRANCIS R HITCHCOCK President PresidentHARRY HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY VicePrcsident VicePrcsidentANDREW ANDREW MILLER Secretary and Treasurer OFFICE The Windsor Arcade Fortysixth Street and Fifth Avenue New York City CityRACE RACE COURSE SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE SUMMER MEETING 1908 1908To To Close on Monday May 18th 1908 TIIK KUIiKS OP KACING and subsequent amendments thereto adopted by The Jockey Club govern all races run under the auspices of The Saratoga Association AssociationKntrles Kntrles to either or all of the races advertised in this publication will be received only with the understanding ind on the agreement of tbe subscriber that the provisions of Kaciug liulcs 42 and 43 hereto appended form a part of and govern the contract contractKule Kule 42 livery person subscribing to a sweepstykes or entering i horse in a race to be run under these rules accepts the decision of the Stewards on any question relating to a race or to racing racingUnle Unle J At the discretion of the Stewards of The Jockey Club or of the Stewards and without notice the entries of any person or the transfer of any entry may be refused refusedNOTE NOTE In case of adverse legislation The Saratoga Association reserves the right to declare off any or all of these stakes FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD UPWARDTHE THE GREAT REPUBLIC WITH 10000 ADDED ADDEDFor For ThreeYearolds and Upward IJy subscrip ¬ tion of 200 each forfeit with 910000 added of which 2000 to the second and 1000 to the third Winners of a race of the value of 10000 in 1OS when carrying weight for age to carry Ibs extra Xoiiwhiners of 10000 in 1008 not having won liiK 0 in 1907 allowed r Ibs Nonwinners of i00 in 1K7 or 1 08 allowed 10 Ibs Nonwinners of r 00 at nny time or two races of 2000 In l 07 allowed 15 Ibs One Mile and a Quarter THE SARATOGA HANDICAP OF 10000 10000For For Three YearOlds and Upward By subscrip ¬ tion of 200 each half forfeit To the winner SrOO to the second 1000 and to the third 00 Weights to be announced 4 en days before the race Winners of a race of the value of 1000 after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Quarter THE SARATOGA CUP OF 7500 7500For For ThreeYearOlds and Upward Iy subscrip ¬ tion of 200 each half forfeit To the winner i000 and i cup of the value of 2r0 to the second 1000 and to the third rH Weight for age One Mile and Six Furlongs THE MERCHANTS AND CITIZENS OF 3000 A HANDICAP HANDICAPFor For ThrccYcarOlds and Upward Hy subscrip ¬ tion of 75 each 25 forfeit To the winner 2400 to the Mcond 100 and to the third 200 Weights to be announced three days Iteforc the race Win ¬ ners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and ThreeSixteenths ThreeSixteenthsTHE THE CHAMPLAIN OF 3000 A HANDICAP HANDICAPFor For ThrccYear01 Is and Upward ly subscrip ¬ tion of 75 each 2 forfeit To the winner 2 loo to the second 100 nd to the third 200 Weights to be announced tlir o days before the race Win ¬ ners after the annou cement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Furlong THE DELAWARE A HANDICAP HANDICAPFor For ThrceYoarOlds and Upward 15y subscrip ¬ tion of 25 each 10 forfeit with 1500 added of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile THE AMSTERDAM SELLING For ThrccYcarOlds and Upward I y subscrip ¬ tion of 25 e ch 10 forfeit with 1500 added of which 250 t the second and 150 to the third The winner t be sold at auction for 4000 If for 000 allowc 1 7 Ibs then 1 lit allowed for each 100 down tt 1500 Selling price to be stated through the itrybox by the hour of closing entries j on the day preceding the race One Mile THE CATSKILL SELLING SELLINGFor For ThreeYearOlds and Upward By subscrip ¬ tion of 25 each 10 forfeit with 1500 added of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third The winner to be sold it auction for 1000 If for 000 allowed 7 Ibs then 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to 1000 Selling price to be stated through the entrybox by the hour of closing on the day preceding the race Seven Furlongs FOR THREEYEAROLDS THREEYEAROLDSTHE THE SARANAC OF 55000 A HANDICAP HANDICAPFor For ThreeYearOlds By subscription of 100 each half forfeit To the winner 4000 to the second 700 ami to the third aoO Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Furlong THE HURON A HANDICAP HANDICAPFor For ThrcoYcarOlds By subscription of 25 each 10 forfeit with 2000 added of which 00 to the second and 200 to the third Weights to be an ¬ nounced three days before the race Winners after the aniiuuuecmnit of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra Onq Milo and Three Sixteenths THE SENECA SELLING SELLINGFor For ThreeYearOlds By subscription of 23 each 10 forfeit with 1500 added of which 25 to the second and 150 to the third The winner to bo sold at auction for 4000 If for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to 1000 Selling price to be stated through the entrybox by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race Six Furlongs FurlongsTHE THE MOHAWK SELLING SELLINGFor For ThreeYearOlds By subscription of 25 each 10 forfeit with 1500 added of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third The winner to l e sold at auction for 5000 If for less 1 Ib al ¬ lowed for each 200 down tn 1000 then 1 Ib al ¬ lowed for each 100 down to 1000 Selling price to be stated through the entrybox by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the nice niceOne One Mile and a Furlong FOR TWOYEAROLDS TWOYEAROLDSTHE THE SARATOGA SPECIAL SPECIALFor For TwoYcarOlds By subscription of 1000 each half forfeit A piece of Gold Plate of the value of 2500 to be added by the Association Sub ¬ scribers to name three horses by June 15 and only one starter to be named for each subscription subscriptionSix Six Furlongs THE ADIRONDACK OF 5000 A HANDICAP HANDICAPFor For Two YearOlds By subscription of 100 each half forfeit To the winner 1000 to the second 700 and to the third 500 Weights to be an ¬ nounced three days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra Six Furlongs THE ALBANY A HANDICAP For TwoYcarOlds By subscription of 25 each 10 forfeit with 2000 added of which oOO to the second and 200 to the third Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra Six Furlongs THE KENTUCKY FOR FILLIES SELLING SELLINGFor For TwoYearOlds By sul scrlption of 25 each 10 forfeit with 1500 added of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third The winner to be sold at auction for 1000 If for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to 1500 Selling price to b skated through the entrybox by the botir of closing entries on the day preceding the race raceFive Five and a Half Furlongs THE TROY SELLING SELLINGFor For TwoYearOlds By subscription of 25 each 10 forfeit with 1500 addedof which 250 to the second iud 150 to the third The winner to be sold at auction for 4000 If for 000 allowed 7 Ibs then 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to 1000 Selling price to be stated through the eiitry box by the hour of closing entries on the day pre ¬ ceding the race Five and a Half Furlongs STEEPLECHASE STAKES STAKESTHE THE KULES OP BACING and subsequent amendments tiiereto adopted by The National Steeplechase and Hunt Association govern all Steeplechases run uuder the auspices of The Sara ¬ toga Association AssociationNOTE NOTE In case of adverse legislation The Sara ¬ toga Association reserves tho right to declare off any or all of these stakes stakesTHE THE SARATOGA STEEPLECHASE WITH 5000 ADDED ADDEDFor For Four YearOlds and Upward By snl scrlption f 100 each halt forfeit with 5000 added of which 750 to the second ami 250 to the third Weights Fouryearolds to carry 115 Ibs five yearolds us Ibs six and upward 150 Ibs Win ¬ ners of steeplechases amounting in the aggregate to 1500 to carry o Ibs extra to 000 5 Ibs extra to 1000 7 Ibs extra ami to 5000 10 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Horses which iiave never started allowed 10 pouuds About Two Miles THE SHILLELAH STEEPLECHASE For Four Year1 Year1Olds Olds and Upward By subscription of 50 each half forfeit with 2000 and plate to the value of 500 added The winner to receive 1400 of the added money 500 in plate and all starting fees and forfeits the second 100 and the third 200 Weights Fouryearolds to carry 145 Ibs liveyearolds 150 Ibs six arid upward 15 Ibs 1cnalties Winners in 1007 or 1003 of a steeplechase of the value of 1000 to curry 4 Ibs extra of two of 1000 or one of 2000 7 Ibs ex ¬ tra of one of 5000 10 Ibs oxtra and one of 5000 12 Ibs extra Allowances Nonwinners in 1007 or 1OS of a steeplechase of tho value of 050 allowed 5 113 of the value of 00 allowed 10 Ihs maidens allowed 5 Ibs mares allowed 5 Ibs and geldings allowed o Ibs but no horse shall carry lessthau IM Ibs IbsAbout About Two Miles and a Half THE BEVERWYCK A STEEPLECHASE HANDI ¬ CAP WITH 2500 ADDED ADDEDFor For FourYearOlds and Upward By subscription of 50 each half forfeit with 2500 added of which 50 to the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced five days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry o Ibs extra About Two Miles and a Half THE NORTH AMERICAN STEEPLECHASE STEEPLECHASEFor For FourYearOlds and Upward By subscription subscriptionof of 50 each half forfeit with 2500 and plate ot otthe the value of 50O added The winner to receive 1800 of the added money 500 In plate and all allstarting theI starting fees and forfeits the second 500 and the I third 200 Weight for age About Three Mile ANDREW MILLED Secretary