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VIRGINIA BREEDER TO GOVERNOR HUGHES General William T Townes has made announce ¬ ment of the sale of his Virginia lireeding farm on account of recent unfavorable legislation Gen ¬ eral Townes lias sent the following letter to Gov ¬ ernor Hughes though he scarcely expects the gov ¬ ernor to be a bidder To His Excellency Governor Hughes Albany AlbanySir Sir On account of your recent legislation the values of thoroughbred horses have been so ma ¬ terially reduced that we in this fine bluegrass sec ¬ tion of northern Virginia are forced to go out of the business of raising lino horses I enclose a cir ¬ cular descriptive of my farm property and would like to have a purchaser for it and all the horses either as a whole or otherwise otherwiseI I spent several weeks in New York city during tills month and noted that racing was progressing regularly as of old and that many thousands of nion were making wagers between themselves on the races I also believe that your appellate court has rightsAll decided that such wagers are within their rights All of these facts should clearly show you that the only effect of your recent antiracing laws has been to destroy tin breeding industry of the United States Horses will bo racing daily around New York long after your Ijones have crumbled into dust the credit will be yours for having done all you could to destroy the highly respectable industry of improving the breed of horses horsesThe The recent laws enacted have not stopped racing nor can they or any other laws stop betting be ¬ tween individuals The only effect of your laws has been to lower the class of the sport cheapen admission to the tracks lower the class of horses to rare in future years and destroy tho well equipped breeding plants throughout the country Racing betting and poolrooms will remain but most of the breeding farms must go out of business Respectfully RespectfullyW W T TOWNES Culpepcr TOWNESCulpepcr Va July 25