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SETTING CASES ADVANCED FOR ACTION New lork SeptemlKr 2 The motion made by Attorney William Wills before County Judge W C Mlatle of White Plains to have the cases of the thirtythree defendants arrested at the recent Yonk crs meeting for alleged violation of the HnrtAgnev betting law transferred to the jurisdiction of the grand jury which convenes the first week In October at White Plains has been granted and graml jury presentments are expected to be promptly forthcom forthcomMr Mr Wills expressed the opinion tliat the prosecii ilon did not lmv a single case in which there was Miillclent evidence upon which to base an indictment lu the event of indictments by the grand jury a motion will be made for permission to Inspect the minutes and a further motion to quash the indict ¬ ments These procedures take time and many of ti defendants will be greatly inconvenienced bv their enforced stay In the east This applies particularly to Tom Shaws and George Hoses cashiers who are expected In California early in November In connec ¬ tion with their work