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JAMESTOWN ENTRIES For differences in weight add or deduct 6 points to tho pound An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds trolKibilltles Weather clear track fast XRuns well In mud Superior mud runner First 2ftce 68 Mile 2yearolds Selling Track record 77190 101 2 105 Ind Horse Wt Rcc A Wt lldcp 7218 OXFORD BELLE 1 19 102J 105 725 71032 Jianonia 09 l01s 110 705 705CTlftD CTlftD Xeola 100101 110X700 110X70071G31 71G31 Spangled Banner 107 102 105 700 C75S Many Colors 100 103 105X700 105X700TWO3 TWO3 Donation 102102 105 G95 G951C3 1C3 Huffre 102101 105 095 7218 Mrtnlella 102101 105 GOO 7218 Pouting Befscy OS 1051 105 00 70 2 Belle of the Tribe 105 GS5 7100 Hazel May 105 070 Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 77095 114 3 109 109Snltram Snltram 103 11CJ 310S 310SQueen Queen Gyle 310G 310GC C J Cclla OS 1151 3 109 109Belle Belle Mina T 4 113 113Tillinghast Tillinghast 102118 3 112 112Sylvan Sylvan Belle 105114 0115 0115Rockcress Rockcress 3 101 101Edith Edith Glen 3 108 77031 Helen Virginia 4 113 113Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 77095 1144 3 109 77105 Western Knight 123110 3 112 1127C001 7C001 Sadler 115114 512T 77104 Bergoo 105 115 3 112 77221 Usury 011134 5 110 77193 Sudden Start 94 113 3 110 77192 Kempton 109115 4 115 1157G152 7G152 Desideratum 3 108 70152 Oscar T 3 100 77134 Countermand 3 111 191 Lenora G 3 102 7220 Martius 97140 7 109 7193 Flagstone 5 109 7101 Separator 3 107 7193 Riccadonna 3 102 10270SO 70SO Gowanga 3 102 7193 Frank Lalor 94 1302 3 105 7193 Bclford 3 102 7107 Malmaison 3 105 105S3S03 S3S03 Grindstone 109141 3 102 7100 Rectortowu 4 109 109G5499 G5499 Bessie Wynn 4 109 109Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 77134 141 1 102 102771C2 771C2 Granada 1001401 5 112 11277IG2 77IG2 Javanese 881 141 4 112 77135 Azure Maid 105 l41g 3 102 77080 Countersign 1021431 4 100 771032 New Garter 107 142 3 102 I 771C2 Mexican Silver 4 109 x 703 77019 Peter Knight 09 140H G100X700 G100X7007713G 7713G Maycella 3 07 700 70201 San Ardo 4 112 X 700 77103 Dr Baker 118 1441 4 109 COS COS771O1 771O1 Congress 7 109 G05 77010 Last Go 1021422 3102G50 77131 Countermand llG 140 3 105G50 105G50The The figures under Rec in above entries show the best lime made by the horse at the distance with weight carried since January 1 100G Tills time is not necessarily made by a winner It may be the estimated timp of a losing performance