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ENGLISH YEARLINGS BRING HIGH PRICES London England September 14 The English fall sales of yearlings at Doncastcr weru satisfac ¬ tory Hen are the statistics for the four days September S J 10 and 11 of 100S 100SDay Day Sold Total Average Tuesday AverageTuesday 40 S 55050 t 5 5Wednesday Wednesday IK5 98575 15GO Thursday 15GOThursday Srt 20 75 25SO 25SOFriday Friday 2 0 r 00 2170 Totals 215 410400 1007 1007To To the above list must be added 1020 obtained by the sal of a few mares foals etc of small account It is interesting to compare the above aggregates and averages with those relating to the sales twelve months ago They were as follows Day Sold Total Average Tuesday AverageTuesday 47 47820 1015 1015Wednesday Wednesday 70 100U75 1550 1550Thursday Thursday S 218875 2 0 0Friday Friday 47 85000 1S05 Totals 47 401070 1802 1802The The youngsters bringing over 2500 at the sales were Little Pitcher ch c by Manvezin Cruik Cruiksheen sheen II by Bacchus W Cooper S 3700 3700Chestnut Chestnut colt by Desmond Sayonara by byGaleazzo Galeazzo F Cobb C2oO C2oOBay Bay colt by Eager St Aldegonde by St StSimon Simon W Clark 5000 5000Bay Bay colt by St Serf Lady Chancellor by byBoua Boua Vista Count Scheibler 2550 2550Bay Bay colt by Speed Lorna Doon by Baliol BaliolU U Archer 4OoO 4OoOBay Bay filly by Symington Mound by Tarpor Tarporley ley II S Persee J i50 i50Brown Brown colt by Eager Chatlinch by St StSerf Serf Major Beatty 4000 4000Bay Bay colt by St Frusuuin Evergreen by byBend Bend Or Lord Vllllers 000 000Brown Brown filly by John OGaunt Opera Dance Danceby by Macbeth C Archer u20 u20Bay Bay filly by St Serf Crocum by Martagon MartagonS S Pickering 5000 5000Bay Bay colt by Collar Hamlltrude by Hamp ¬ ton C Archer 2COO 2COOBay Bay colt by Forfarshire Lady St John by byChlldwick Chlldwick Sir T Dewar 2oOO 2oOOBay Bay colt by Robert le Diablo Melba by Nec ¬ romancer W Clark 3100 3100Chestnut Chestnut colt by William the Third Brill ante by Prince Rudolph G S Davies 4000 4000Bay Bay colt by St Frusquin Orpah by Orme OrmeA A Day COOO COOOBrown Brown lllly by Ayrshire Ardmore by Gallin Gallinule ule S Darling 11000 11000Brown Brown x lt by St Slmonmimi Dragee by Warlaby byWarlaby T Leader 2700 2700Bay Bay IsonomyH colt by Ajax Mary Sea n by Isonomy H Lytham 7500 7500Bay Bay colt by Persimmon Melinda by Melton MeltonJ J BellIrving 2G50 2G50Black Black or brown filly toy Gallinule Yesterling Yesterlingby by Sterling Captain Bewicke 9000 9000Chestnut Chestnut filly by Gallinule Vortex by St StAngelo Angelo Captain Dewhurst 5230 5230Bay Bay Camballo colt by Ayrshire Lady Alwyne by Cam ballo J Buchanan f 500 500Bay Bay colt by John Ofiaunt Katie Dougal by byAvington Avington Captain Dewhnrst 4500 4500Chestnut Chestnut colt by Desmond Alls by Hagio ¬ scope E Tanner SSOO SSOOChestnut Chestnut filly by Persimmon Kentish KentishCherry Cherry by Kendal W M Cazalet 7230 7230Bay Bay GalopinJ colt by Rock Sand Aida by Galopin J BellIrving 2550 2550Bay Bay RSherwood colt by Speed Curlew by Gallinule R Sherwood 5750 5750Bay Bay colt by St Frusquin Maid of the Mint Mintby by Minting H Lytham 5250 5250Black Black byHacklcr colt by Uallinule Hacklers Priile by Hacklcr Lord Durham 8500 8500Bay Bay colt by PorMmmon SImplyfy by Ark low J Buchanan 14500 14500Bay Bay byLadns colt by Persimmon Lady Liu ton by Ladns W M Cazalet 8230 8230Bay Bay byJalliiiule filly by Flying Fox Game Chick by Jalliiiule W M Cazalet 8250 8250Brown Brown lllly by Florizel II Altesse by Am Amphion phion G S Davies 0000 0000Chestnut Chestnut lilly by Gallinnle Orlet by Bend BendOr Or W M Cazalet 10000 10000Bay Bay filly by Ayrshire Tierce by Barcaldlnu BarcaldlnuA A Day 0550 0550Chestnut Chestnut byWatercress filly by Grey Leg Elizabeth M by Watercress C B Ismay 0250 0250Bay Bay Amphionj lllly by Ajax Ampulctt by Amphion j Reid AValker 2000 2000Brown Brown byBuccaneer filly by Rock Sand Stolen Love by Buccaneer C B Ismay 0750 0750Chestnut Chestnut or grey filly by William the Third Sweet Hilda by Pepper and Salt J A Ade de Rothschild f1 Chestnut byTrenton lllly by St Frusquin Rosaline by Trenton W Bass li uu uuBrown Brown colt by St Serf Vedina by Irisln IrislnR R Sherwood 5730 5730Countess Countess of Desmond by Desmond Favora Favoraby by Illmyar R Sherwood 7000 7000Chestnut Chestnut filly by Mackintosh Gold Crest Crestby by Bend Or C B Ismay f fBrown Brown bySheen colt by St Frusqnln Nina A by Sheen F Lynham 3500 3500Brown Brown colt by Isinglass Stagsden by St StFrusqnin Frusqnin Sir R B Jnrdlne 5500 5500Bay Bay or brown colt by Desmond Wise Ethel Ethelby by Hampton Captain Bewicke 7000 7000Chestnut Chestnut colt b3 Carbine Goldseeklng Gal Galby 9000Chestnut by Goldseekor Captain Dewhnrst 9000 Chestnut Sevington colt by St Frusquin Lady Seving ton by Gallinule Sir B Cassel 5000 5000Chestnut Chestnut BendOr colt by Ayrshire Doremi by Bend Or Lord Lonsdale 7500 DorothySuhr Bay 7500Bay colt by William the Third Dorothy Suhr by Rightaway J Muskor SOOO SOOOChestnut Chestnut byWisdom colt by Ayrshire Early to Bed by Wisdom Sir E Cochrane 2700 2700Brown Brown colt by Cupbearer Flora by St Flo Florlan rlan R Wootton 4000 Bay 4000Bay byBrown or brown colt by Succoth Mignon by Brown Prince R Wootton 1000 1000Chestnut Chestnut Styletus colt by Kingston Stylitene by Sty letus Lord EHesmere 2500 7 B Joels colt Your Majesty the St Legcr winner as well as the St George Stakes Sandown Eclipse and St James Palace Stakes is a bay colt by Persimmon out of Yours bral by Mr Joel first ran as a twoyearold In the New Stakes at Ascot when he was unplaced to Sir Archibald and Aramin ta Next time out he ran second to Vamose for tle Prince of Wales Stakes Goodwood but won the Boscawen Stakes Newmarket first October meeting l eatlng Persuasion Whyte Melville nnd others In the Middle Park Plate Newmarket second October the colt was unplaced to Lesbla Morena and Ara mlnta while at the Iloughton meeting lie was un ¬ placed to Rhodora Perrier and Little Goose in the Dewhnrst Plate This season Your Majesty ran sixth to Norman III Sir Archibald and White Eagle for the Two Thousand Guineas but at Ascot won the St James Palace Stakes from Perrier Va ¬ mose Covenanter and others next time out he won the Eclipse Stakes Sandown beating Santo Strato Siberia White Eagle etc he then appropriated the St George Stakes Liverpool being followed home by Whitft Eagle Red Fox and Vamose while he credited Mr Joel with the St Legcr Your Majesty holds an engagement in the Limekiln Stakes New ¬ market Houghton meeting while noxt season ho has liabilities in the Atlantic Stakes Liverpool Eclipse Stakes Sandown Princess of Wales Stakes New ¬ market first July and Jockey Club Stakes first October meeting meetingAs As Your Majesty has now proven himself the host English threeyearold and has won nearly 100000 this year his pedigree may be of Interest to American readers Your Majesty puts the lead Persimmon far and away In tin lead of the winning wires of the year Nineteen have in d winners of over 20000 and are given In the list below belowSire Sire and Podlgreo WinuersHaceH Won WonPersimmon Persimmon dead by St Simon Pcrdlta II 12 21 ii4205 ii4205St St Frusquin by St Simun Isabel 19 27 05580 05580Chaleureux Chaleureux France by Good Goodfellow fellow LEte 4 8 00220 00220Bay Bay Ronald dead by Hamp ¬ ton Black Duchess 10 10 57 OK OKDesmond Desmond by St Simon LAb LAbbesso besso de Touarre 14 24 50840 50840Gallinule Gallinule by Isonomy Moor ¬ hen 15 2 4t40 Raiiburn Hungary by St StSimon Simon Mowcrina 11 22 4072 Eager by Enthusiast Grueba 14 2 7ni Carbine by Musket The Mer Mersey sey 10 15 r2010 r2010Diamond Diamond Jubilee Buenos Ayres Ayresby by St Simon Pcrdita II B 10 012 Laveno by Bend Or Napoli 14 20 oJsM Count Schombcrg by Aughrim Clonavarn 11 24 30003 30003Octagon Octagon IT S A by Rayon RayondOr dOr Ortcgal 3 0 20i40 20i40St St Serf by St Simon Feronia 0 Ib s7 Marco by Barcaldine Noviti Novitiate ate 10 11 2GSO 2GSOCyllene Cyllene Buenos Ayres bi biBona Bona Vista Arcadia 14 2 2552 2552Pioneer Pioneer by Galopin Moorhen S J547 Matchmaker by Donovan Match Girl 12 l i 25200 25200l 25200r l r ll 14 25010