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LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY FIRST RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Selling C2GS4 139 4 104 104Index Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St StrFln Jockeys Best Company DENNIS STAFFORD b e 3 by Galore Emotional A Case CompanyWeight Weight today 104 34 113 fast 10 113 6 Gl GT Musgrvo Ethon Sal Volatile Park lion 7001 Montreal 1 1S 153 fast 7 103 3 1 1 1 11 21 T Rice Czar Lawrence P Daley Glaucus 76S94 Montreal 1 18 1521 fast 4 111 3 3 3 3 31 T Rice Bouquet Czar TGSG3 Montreal 1 l40g fast 12 111 367 7 5i a T Rice Martin Doyle Cznr Law P Daley 76C03 Fort Erie 34 1132 good 2 109 1 11 2ll ink Kennedy Superstition SenBarrett NMist SERVILE ch v 3 by Planudes Salama W Shields Weight today 107 77130 Toronto 1 11C 14S2 fast 41 104 1 3 52 2S Kennedy Belmore Clmlfontc Punkv 77023 Lens7G373 Montreal 1 13SJ fast 15 100J 388 S 8 7s T Rice Joes Fast Clell Turney Lens Severus7CSSI 7G373 Montreal 78 l27g fast 2 108 5 5 3 2 I1 V Powers Financier Braggadocio Severus 7CSSI Glaucus7G7SS Montreal 1 18 155 fast 45 106 3 1 1 1 11 Ink v Powers MIssCatesby MissVi nt Glaucus 7G7SS Fort Krie 1 116 l45g fast C 86 3 3 3 4 31 3 Brannon Polly Prim The Minks Monsignor MonsignorHOSTILE 106771S3 HOSTILE HYPHEN b c 3 by Hyphen Hostile W E Dots Weight today 106 771S3 Toronto 1 18 155 fast 4 lOli 1121 I1 1 Garner Braggadocio Holscher Punkv 77131 Toronto 1 116 150 fast 75 102 444 4 4i 31 Kennedy Melange Glaucus Oriental Oiiren 7G50S Oiiren7G50S Listerine7G472 Fort Eric 1 116 155 hvy 3 100 8 7 8 S 8 8 J Bergen Estclla C Keen Moving Listerine 7G472 Fort Erie 1 316 2002 good 65 100 6 3 2 2 22 3l J Butler Spunky Holscher Imboden ImbodenTARTAR TARTAR 1037G955 MAID b f 3 by Star Ruby Barbary Maid P Knebelkamp Weight today 103 7G955 Montreal 34 1132 fast S 108 4 6 5 31 3s T Rice Manheimer Honest Sen Barrett Barrett7GS1S 7GS1S Montreal 7S 121 fast 5 ill 3 2 2 2 2J 1 T Rice M Catesby Ornamentation Glnucus 76134 Windsor 34 129 good 31 109 4 2 2 2 31 6 1 T Rice KeepMoving HelenB LadyLissak 75927 Windsor 34 113 fast 12 103 1 44 3J 3J 3 J Howard DHli Dnimmel Aphrodite GrandeDame LADY MARTHA br f 3 by Maceo Flash of Lightning E A Brennan Weight today 114 771SG Toronto 1 140 fast 4 114 3 3 3 3 21 21 Kennedy Aroni Arondack Slcamous Tnsloy 77127 Toronto 1 18 154S fast 7 97 5 2 2 2 23 lk Kennedy TDolan Reidmoore Pr of Castile 76787 Fort Erie 1 18 l52g fast 3J 103 5 5 4 4 4 4 ° F Burton Reidmoore Quagga Geneva S 7G723 Fort Erie Im70y 1422 fast 8 105 1 2 2 2 JJ I1 F Burton Utterance Servile Keep Moving 76706 Fort Erie 1 116 146 fast 12 103 3 2 2 5 5l 4 F Burton nrLHuffman LEsther ArSwift 104771S1 DRAGGADOCIO ch c 3 by Pirate of Penzance Peavine I W Booth Weight today 104 771S1 Toronto 1 1S 155J fast 5 105 2 5 5 2 2s 2 Musgrave Hostile Hyphen Holschcr Punky 77127 Toronto 1 1S 1511 fast 15 103 4876 5S 571 J W MphyLadyiMartha TomDolan Reidmoore 77021 Donbt7G973 Montreal 1 12 234 fast 15 102 754 3 4h 41 J W MphyLally St Ilario Donbt 7G973 Montreal 7S l27g fast 7 112 7 7 5 4 3 3i Nicol Servile Financier Severus SeverusLISTERINE 1017712S LISTERINE ch f 3 by Lamoligbter Nellio Grand A L Lehman Weight today 101 7712S Toronto 1 11 2OG2 fast rO S7 11 11 11 11 ll II16 HVHfle Bountiet Cave Adsmn W II Carey 7G5SS Fort Eric 3J 1163 hvy 7 100 7 8 8 5nU 49 T Rice Punky Anna Smith Posing 7650S Fort Erie 1 116 1551 hvy 4 100 1 8 6 G 4 3T Delaby EstellaC Keep Moving NewGarter 76171 Fort Eric 7S 127 good GO 103 12 12 12 12 12 12 Delaby Utterance KeepMoving AuntRosft 76128 Fort Erie 34 11SJ hvy 8 93 10 6 6 41 21 C Ross KeepMoving SnakeMary StonerHill StonerHillORNAIiIENTATION ORNAIiIENTATION 9870S1S blk f 3 by Ornament Sister Anna E M Mitchell Weight today 98 70S1S Montreal 7S 1272 fast 7 106 111 1 H Kennedy TarrarMaJd iMIss Catesby Glaucus 75911 Cosmopolitan757TO Windsor 1 141 fast 15 101 C 7 D 10 10 1012JJ W MliyM Vigilant SBarrett Cosmopolitan 757TO Windsor 1142 fast 60 1001410 S 8 9 8 ° Walcott St Ilario Lajeunesse M Vigilant 72014 Bennins 51 f 110 fast 4 104 13 12 12 9 3 G Swain Bellwether ApToddy LnughEyes GLAUCUS b c 3 by Ingoldsbv Irmena J McLaughlin Weight today 96 77183 Toronto XlS 155 fast 12 r i 0 R 5 51 fi13 Deverich irostllyplion Braggadocio Ilolscher 77131 Toronto 1 1lfi 150J fast 30 97 7 f D 5 2l 2l J Bergon Melange HostHvphen OrlcnOiieen 77001 Montreal 1 1S 153J fast GO 90 4 4 4 4 4 44J Deverich Czar DennisStafford LiiwPDaley 7C973 Montreal 7S 1272 fast 50 111 8 S C C G1 6 T Rice Servile Financier Braggadocio