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MAKING PROGRESS AT NEW ORLEANS. Directors of Now Orleans Jockey Club Vote to Turn City Park Over to Holding: Company. New Orleans. La., October 12. A special meeting of the board of directors of tbe New Orleans Jockey Club, held this afternoon, ratified the proposition of President Samuel F. Heasllp to form a holding com-pauy and take over tbo property for a ninety days winter meeting. Tho scheme to lease the track to a holding company went through without any objection and it now remains for the new company to be formed. Incidontallv. however, nothlug has boon done on the part of tho Crescent City Jockey Club and no announcement has been made as to a meeting of its directors. After closing the leasing matter, todays meeting of the New Orleans Jockey Club directors considered the question of bow betting can be conducted at the meeting. "Betting will be conducted along Individual lines." said- President Heasllp after the conference. "We are not yet ready with tbe details, but the system adopted will be strictly within the pale of the law." The fact that the Horsemens Matinee Racing Club, that has been conducting Saturday and Sunday afternoon racing at Suburban Park without bookmakiug. in order to ccfnfora to tbe Locke law. suspended operations yesterday and announced defeat, appeared to have no dampening effect on the new winter racing scheme. The Suburban promoters stated after yesterdays attempt that thev would givo up and that the racing was a complete financial failure without betting to pay the bills.