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Louisville Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, October 13. "WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. . Handicapped for a fttBt tract. 7 LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. Ind. Horse. Wf. Rec. A. Wt. Hdco. 77523 Virginia Maid 104 705 i 7749G3 Queens Daughter.. 97 l:47i OS 700 I ! Tor difference-, in weight add or deduct ZI3g Xtty- ii::::::: IralixSsS 1 ! 5 points to the pound. An extra good . 775283 Coaster ....... 95 1:4S 10.!. . XG50 ridors average, worth is 3 pounds. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. , 3-year-olds and upward. Selling! Track record: 7754! 1:1 21--! 123. Racing starts at 2:13 p. m. 77473 Canada ..10 1:13 a..97..G725 P Ilun well in mud. Superior mud runuer. 7754S3 Whisk Broom SO 1:13 3. .102. .720 First Race 3-4 Mile 7757fi2 Barnsdale 10S 1:13! 4. .110. . X715 ; ind. Tratlo!4rU- WRocTa. Wt! Hdcn. g r Downey ... Hox I .77525 MERRICK 112 1:121 5. .109. . 725 AfbS iEiW o5 1:15 : "lO"xs" 77571 Marbles 97 1:13 3. .1QS. . X710 i-XlX 5!"ffi 10-J1.-UJ lfmi-h! 10Sand J 77007 Uobln Hood 10." 1:12 7. .107. . X70r. if?.. SiiiV :..10..S0 73840 Douce 112 1:12? B. .100. . X705 Ipfe KoVli ... . Tnct 10- X 5 - ""-! J,oyal J?1CK XmU , 7757i2 Camille M 105 1:13 97..XGS5 77101 Lizzie McLean 103 1:13 5.. 07..XCS0 Fifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. ; 7751S Financier 10S 1:14 15. .110. . XOSO 2-yoar-olds. Allowances. 1 7751S Gresuam 09 1:1 3.. 9C.XG75 Track record: 77570 1:00;; 100. 77-101 .Maycella 105 1:145 3.. 07 075 77420 .Toff Bernstein 97 1:00 115 725 .:J.iS Vansel 90 1:19 3..97..X000 7G722 Anne McOce 107 1:07ft 100 720 ; Second Race 3-4 Mile. 77407 Sen.proni 100 1:0S 103.... 720 2- year-olds. Selling. 77500 Alice George 93 l:OS 100 71. . Track record: 77549 1:12 1125. . 7W12 Melissa .. fPJ? XJii? : 77522 Elizabeth Harwood.HO 1:14 107.... 725 Xif. 0.. 1:0,- 100..X.0-. 77r;. pivitn nv tit i7.l Fabersham 9S. ... , 7728b mS. sewaYf : : : : : : : no -i m -lofirxnH i1 swraM - loF;--x:-- .7475 Ploreal 10ll:15g 103..X710 ?2Slsrn;V . d- 77550 The Missus 1011:15? 10O..X710 iiH wft1"" and""vtt . "" OS. ....00 77..50 Tenorett 100..X710 kfM1?, V --V 77472 Peter Pender 10S....705 W0, ?VC l 772093 Automatic 103..X700 " IP"1," T75SO Admonish 105.... 700 Maude 1 ealy ... OS 1C 77431 Doadlcea 105 1:15 105.. X 09. Sixth Race 1 1-16 Miles. ; iAibi! Ej-vslum 107 1:10s 105..X00I 3-year-olds and upward, Selling. J i A bent Broad 100.. x 0X5 Track record: 77570 1:1GR 3 114. ! ----a 7700 Severus . 94 1:10 3:. 00..X723 0 Dearie lO.j. . . .G .0 77171 Hushes 105 1:47 4. .101 . .715 i Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 77501- Albert Star 105 1:4S ::. .102. . X70r. 3- year-olds. Selling. 775S12 Arrow .Swift 100 1:175 .103. . XG05 Track record: 77010 1:44 3 US. 77517 Raleigh 3.. 0S..X075 , 772 IS Western Knight .. 101 725 The ficures under "Rec." in above entries show 77547 Ethel Carr 102 1:40 0S..X720 the best time made by the horse at the distance. . ii5-17 AVine Merchant ... 0S..X715 with weight carried, since January 1, 190G. This . ii547 bent 10"...X710 time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may , 77.M7 Dr. Slmrall 106. . X710 be the estimated time of a losins performance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. TIu "oddR" iif?ures in connection with the present Louisville meeting are the calculations made by Daily Racing Ponu and based on inutuel pools. They are published in such form for the mere purpose of mechanical uniformity. The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. The imall j flgnro under "Fin." unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner, f FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 77519 1 :12 1125. Index Course DlstTImeTckOdd3 Wt St i StrPin Joclceys Best Company. MERRICK, ch. g, 5. by Golden Garter Bianca J. C. Milam. Weight today 109. . .:.23 Louisville 1:11 fast 13-20 100 1 3 :: 3 IS .T I.uller Darnsdale. Robin Hood. Frontennc. ,i4SJ Louisville s-4 1:13 fast 10 109 2 2 3 2- 21 J Butler Marbles. Apache. Roseboro. tin Louisville 3-11:14 fast 3 107 3 3 4 3: S2 Pickens Lens. Marbles. Harnsdale. T.J81 Lexington 3-4 1:13 fast 2 101 1 4 3 21 l1! Skirvin DaintyDame. Barnsdale. Raconteur. MARBLES, br. f. 3. by Lissak Glensetto J. W. May. Weight today 108. ."..wtt JLoiwsville ..I 1:08 fast 7-10 100 1 1 1 Is Is Dcverich Harnsdale. Camille M.. Balbus. ,.452 Louisville 3-1 1:13 fast 7 97 3 1 1 Is l1 Deverich .Merrick. Apache. Roseboro. -7401 Louisville 2-i 1:14 fast S 04 2 1 1 l1 21 Deverich Lens. Merrick. Barnsdale. .7217 Toronto 2-1 1;14 fast 8 10S f. 4 2 2i 3 Deverich Debar. Aimee C Blue Lee. .6S49 Montreal S-4 l:13g fast 9 34 C 4 4 S1 7" Brannon ChiefHaves. Jubllee.Tnggins. Mirth. .654S Fort Erie 51 f 1:07 fast 8-5 107 2 3 2 22 li V Powers Mol.Montrose. Pleasing. SnakeMarv ROBIN HOOD, b. g, 7, by Kingston Belle of Maywood J. P. luayberry. Weight todav 107. ..w7 LouiKvillo 3-4 1 :14 fast 13 109 7 1 :: 2J 2J Troxler Ooldproof. Bitter Kir. Sorrel Top. j.itJ louisvillo 3-4 1:14 fast 12 10S 2 2 2 2 3; V Powers Merrick. Barnsdale. Frontenac. .74E9 Louisville hi f 1:15 fast 45 104 G 7 0 Cl 5i .T Butler Honest, Goldproof, Please. ,7379 Louisville 2-4 l:15g good 17-5 119 G 3 3 2i 4 J Butler Ben Double. Bonebrake. Miltiade?.- .7295 Jamestown 3-4 1:154 fast 1 117 C 4 4 3 3S Troxler Sadler. Dandy Dancer. Sir Vagrant. ..20 Jamestown 3-4 1:142 fast 7-5 115 2 1 1 Is Is Trosler Incognito. New Year. Marmorean. DEUCE, b. h. 5. by St. George Vantage Mrs. M. Abadio. Weight today 109. .T.S49 Latonia 1 1:39? fast 12 112 5 0 5 5 55 51" Heidel Lady Esther, Deacon, Skyo. 7j720 Latonia 7-S l:27g fast 4-5 110 1 1 1 1 l2 l4 V Powers Convolo, Canopian. George Young. 7o631 Latonia 1 1-16 1:4"G fast 20 109 2 1 1 1 2i 4s Benson S. Alarm, M.Strome, Dr. L.Huffman 7jo93 Latonia 7-S 1:271 fast 20 113 7 7 G G 51 31 Benson Merrick, nannibal Bey. Gilpin. 73127 Latonia 7-S l:27g fast 55 112 7 G 5 6 4s 55 Troxler Deacon, Miss Strome, Convolo. CAMILLE M.. b. f, 3, by Ben Strome Adora T. Kiley. Weieht today 97. 77576 Louisville 5i f 1:06 fast 130 100 5 4 5 4 3 J Butler Marbles. Barnsdale. Balbus. 77211 Toronto 3-4 1:14 fast 30 10S 4 3 3 32 V, Garner Waterbury. Park Bow. Pretension. 7G721 Fort Erie 3-4 1:132 fast 12 105 1 1 1 2 2i T Steele Grenesaue. King Folly. Firmament. 70342 Fort Erie 3-4 1:1G slow 5 95 3 4 3 5i Gi Kennedy Bonebrake. Little Osage. Firebrand. 7G392 Fort Krio 3-4 1:148 good 5 101 G 5 4 - 51 6"JJ Butler Maycella. Marmorean. Snake Mary. 756S3 Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 15 53 S 8 9 71 75i C Ross Semper Vera, Hollow, Caltha. LIZZIE MLEAN, b. m. 5. by Ornus Victoria J. T. Chawk. Weight todav 97. v.101 Louisville 3-1 1:14 fast 110 104 S S 7 7and 7 A Walsh Lens. Marbles. Merrick, .ioid Louisville 3-1 1:151 good SO 119 2 4 5 4J C8 Heidel Ben Double. Bonebrake. Miltlades. .7179 Lexington 3-4 1:15 fast CO 104 3 5 5 r.nfc 4-h Skirvin Natasha. Lady Ethel. Barnsdale. 77121 Lexington 3-1 1:13? fast 300 109 9 8 9 8 9" Franklin Heine. AI Muller. Goldproof. FINANCIER, ch. c, 3, by Box Paradise Won H. R. Baker. Woieht today 110. .734s Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast 3 10S 1 1 1 1- 1 V Powers Raconteur. Whiskliroom. B.Goodwin .737S Lsvllle lm70y 1:4S good 2 10G 5 3 1 2 22 l1 V Powers Dunvegan. Ladv Baldur. Ethel Carr .7237 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast 61 10S 2 2 3 3l 23 Heidel AlMuller. Raconteur. Beth Goodwin ,179 Lexington 3-4 1:15 fast 6-5 107 2 3 3 4i 5s neidel Natasha. Lady Ethel. Barnsdale. 7C973 Montreal 7-S 1:271 fast 40 111 1 1 1 1 21 2 Musgrvo Servile. Braggadocio. Severus. 7G03O Montreal 3-4 1:16 slow 41 111 2 9 S SH 1013JV Powers Fernando. Braggadocio. Hasty. GRESHAM. b. g, 3. by Sir Hercules Etholwinda B. Schreiber. Weight today 9G. 47 , 43 Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast 30 9G1 7 11 S SB 10ES Griffin Financier. Raconteur. Whisk Broom. .7-IV3 Louisville 3-1 1:14 fast 0 99 2 1 1 2i Z"h Deverich Blue Lee. Bitter Sir. Anna Smith. ..203 Louisville 3-4 l:14g fast 4 101 4 1 2 510" J Butler Ben Sand. Voting. Rexall. 77001 Montreal 3-11:14 fast 9 103 4 3 3 3J an G Burns Tenakoe. Dika. Jubilee Jnggins. u944 Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast 15 102 10 9 9 9 912Francis Sen. Barrett, Wm.H.Lyon. Usury. 73S73 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 20 95 10 10 7 9s 810iC Ross Waterbury, Edgely, Tenakoe. MAYCELLA. h. f. 3. by Macy Espuella Nugent Bros.. Weight today 97. 1 1 499 Louisville 5J f 1:07 fast 250 9 7 6 7 7 6lJ FJ Griflln Honest. Goldproof. Please. 77250 Jamestown 1 1:42 fast G 97 1 1 1 1 1 1 Frnzler Dr. "aker. Granada. New Garter. ,n2G Jamestown 3-4 1:151 fast G 105 4 G 7 71 78J J Shea Usury Inventress. Belle of the Bay ,7048 Jamestown 3-4 1:15 fast 12 103 7 S 7 V S Delaby BabyWlllIe. Rob.Hood. B.oftheBas. 70740 Fort Erie 54 f 1:008 fast 12 110 4 5 S S S" Pickens Honest, Snake Mary. Bitter Sir. VANSEL. b. c. 3. by Handsel Vandora M. Ording. Weight today 97. 7737S Lsville lm70y 1:4S good 260 99 9 5 5 7 10 101riGlasner Financier. Dunvegan. Ladv Baldur. .7329 Lsville 1 1-lfi 1:4S good 45 103 5 G 5 S 8 S201A Walsh H.Hyphen. MargaretT., Washalde 77284 Lexington 1 1:404 fast 100 99 1 7 fi 0 52 Hla Glasner Carew. Kennewick. Rexall. 77235 Lexington. 11:42 fast 100 101 i 5 5 7 7 71S 61S Pickens LadyEtheL W.Merchant. LadyVie. SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 77519 1:12?.--1 125. ELIZABETH HARWOOD. b. f. 2. by Marta Santa Proclaim E. Corrigan. Weight today 107. .7522 Louisville 3-1 1:143 fast 1 10S 3 1 1 2J 31 V Powers AliceBaird. Sempronium. Dr.Holzbg .. loO Louisvillo 5i f l:07jj fast 2 112 10 11 9 71 7181V Powers Sorrowful. Crystal Maid. Arlonette. 76952 Montreal 3-4 1:14 fast 21 110 3 2 2 21! in V Powers Ceremonlus. Arondack. Tony W. ,6913 Montreal 51 f 1:064 fast S 10S S 2 2 Is 1 V Powers Arondack, Ouantico. High Range. 76S1G Montreal 41 f 54g fast 21 110 3 2 31 2l V Powers Arionette. :Thetis. Sister Phyllis. CIVITA b. f. 2, by Alvescot Aroeeras G. J. Long. Woight today 102. ,7::X. Louisvillo 3-i 1:141 fast 3 105 8 9 7 7 10 A Walsh Sniff. Friend Harry. Alice Baird. .722S Gvesend 51 f 1:07 fast C 99 1 1 -1 51 8J Gilbert Court Ladv. Obdurate. Taboo. 77070 Gvesend 51 f 1:08 fast 7 105 5 S 8 S- SI3lGilbert Ragman. Footpad. Prudent. 7CS78 Sheepshd 51 f 1:0S1 fast 5 109 3 2 2 l1 lnt Gilbert B.ofFlightll.. L. Wiggins. Dander. MRS. SEW ALL. b. f. 2. by Masetto Maltese Cross W. A. Hughes. Weight today 107. iim Lexington 3-4 l:14g fast 5 107 4 4 3 3 4 Heidel Cordova. Aspirin. Colonel Blue. 77236 Lexington 31 1:14 fast 30 110 1 3 2 21 3s Heidel Warfield. Dr. Barkley. Aspirin. 75S19 Latonia 51 f 1:08 good 17 107 3 S 7 6k 7 T Taylor Uncle Walter, Cowdin, Lady Ruby. 5GC9 Latonia 5-S 1:004 fast 51 103 G 3 2 2! 1 S Flynn Serenade, The Missus. Chalice. FLOREAL. b. f, 2. by Alio way Anyday W. H. Fizer. Weicht today 105. .7475 Louisville 3-1 1:15 fast 9-10 100 4 5 5 0" 34 Heidel Slie Wolf. St. Aulaire. Marshy. 77405 Louisvillo 3-4 1:15 fast 1S-5 98 G S 5 5 fi J Butler Aspirin. Buffons. She Wolf. 77209 Lexington 51 f 1:08 fast 20 97 10 10 S G1 59 A Walsh Arionette. AliceBaird. Rosebnrgll. 70987 Sheepshd 61 f 1:20 fast 15 99 13 S S 8 SJ0JJ Butler Law. Wiggins. Sandpiper. S.Thistle. . 7G917 Sheepshd 3-4 1:15 fast 8 99 S 7 C1 6 J Butler B.ofFlightll.. Law. Wiggins. Dander 76S78 Shpenshd 51 f 1:0SS fast 8 109 8 9 7 7 7 J Butler Civita. BirdofFlightlL. L. Wiggins TENORETT, ch. f, 2, by Counter Tenor Crocket J. C. Cahn. Weight todav 100. 77350 Louisville 3-1 1:14 fast 70 97 S 7 9 101 1016JM McGec FriendHarry. Buffons, M.Crittenden. 77454 Louisvillo 3-1 1:14 fast 23 97 5 6 G r- 5 M McGee Mabel Henrv. Dr. Holzberg. Buffons 1 ,7403 Louisvillo :!-4 1:15 fast 7 95 9 7 G 6 6 M McGee Aspirin. Buffons. She Wolf. 7732S Louisville 3-4 1:154 good 6. 102 6 5 4 3 43 M McGee Alchemist. Buffons. Elysium. 767S2 Fort Erie 51 f 1:07 fast 25 105 9 9 7 S1 6s Deverich Miss Crittenden. Tom Reid. Plume. 76021 Fort Erie u-S 1:023 fast 12 1051 5 S 7 51 24 V Powers Splendida. Anna L. Daley. Dearie. THE MISSUS, b. f, 2, by Roquital Makoda D. T. Morris. Weight today 100. ,.i..o Louisvillo 3-i 1:14 fast 75 99 fi S 7 7s 731 Frazier FriendHarry. Buttons. M.Crlttenden. ,7500 Louisville 3-4 1:15 fast 30 101 2 4 3 3J 33; Frazier A.George. M.Crlttenden. Pink Wings 77192 Jamestown 3-4 1:15 fast 7 92 8 8 7 7 GSJ Frazier Woolstone. Alinot. BelleoftheBay. ,7076 Jamestown 5i f 1:10 fast 3-5 115 4 4 4 3 1 Troxler lnela, Mardella, Pouting Betsey. 77017 Jamestown 51 f 1:09 fast 6 IK 2 2 2 2 2MS Frazier Takahira. High Hat. Automatic. 76782 Fort Erie 51 f 1:07 fast 6 10G 8 8 9 95 S8 Troxler Miss Crittenden. Tom Reid. Plume. PETER PENDER, b. c. 2, by Meltonian Nun J. B. Kaufman. Weight today 108. 77472 Louisville 5i f 1:0S fast 5 107 2 3 3 3 32i M McGee All Red. Zarape. Tannic V,2S0 Lexington 3-4 1:143 fast 14 102 2 3 4 53 5 Skirvin Cordova. Aspirin. Colonel Blue. 7234 Lexington 51 f 1:0S fast 25 110 0 2 2 1J 2 M McGee Sempronium. Whistler. Duomo. AUTOMATIC, b. c. 2. bv Six Shooter Motilla M. A. Neff. Weieht today 103. 77269 Jamestown 5-8 l:03g fast 2-5 HO 7 2 2 2" 3 J Baker Ramsy. Ed Sinister. To and Fro. 77190 Jamestown 5-8 1:01 fast 3-2 103 6 4 4 4J 42. Troxler Demetrlos. Ben Howe. Donation. 77092 Jamestown 5-8 1:022 fast 31 117 5 5 5 5and 34 J Baiter Hanonla, Oxford Belle. Ben Howe. . 77047 Jamestown 5 f 1:09 fast 20 103 5 5 5 5 51 34 J Baker Takahira. High Hat. The Missus. ,fi73S Fort Eric 5-S 1:003 fast 12 103 7 8 6 74 7SS Pickens Emperor William. Cowdin. Ramsy. . ADMONISH, b. f. 2. by Admonition Zera L. Jones. , WeMrfc today 105. .TaKO Louisville 3-4 1:13? fast 73 98 2 4 6 r.h G" Goose Ir Holzberg. Alchemist. Asplriu. 76701 Fort Erio 5J f l:06g fast 50 103 6 6 8 5 6 Goose MichaelAngelo. MaximGun. Cowdin. . 76645 Fort Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 10 100 3 9 8 61 6T Goose Sainistcr. Hamp. Beauty. Boadlcca. . 76375 Fort Erie 55 f l:09g hvy 10 106 9 9 9 7 Troxler Aralla. Serenade. Madrllenp. 7G354 Fort Erio 51 f 1:08 fast 12 106 8 8 6 4t 34 Troxler J.Galtens. Stromeld. M.Crlttenden. BOADICEA, ch. f. 2. by Handspring Nigella G. W. J. Bissell. Weight today 105. , 77431 Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast 80 93 D 12 12 91 T Koerner Alchemist. AliceBaird. HarnetRowe ,7328 Louisvillo 3-4 1:154 good 75 1101 5 8 8 7J 7"! T Taylor Alchemist. Buffons. Elvsium. 76758 Fort Erie 5-8 l:01g fast 40 105 14 12 12 12 12"JP Burton Joe Jaitens Gloriole. Ramsy. t 7CS45 Fort Erie 3-4 1:148 fast 30 105 7 5 5 5l 3 Glasner Sainister. HamptonBeauty. Gloriole. ; 76567 Fort Erie 5-8 1:08 hvy 8 107 7 8 7 41 11 Troxler Wood.Rose. Rupicola. Mrs.M.Moore ELYSIUM, b. f. 2. by Ben Bramble Paradise J. M. Goode. Weieht today 105. "7r, Louisville 3-4 1:12? fast 73 98 S 8 S 91 10" Frazier Dr. Holzberg. Alchemist. Aspirin. 7732S Louisville 3-i 1:154 good 25 107 9 2 2 2 35 J Butler Alchemist. Buttons. Tenorett. , 77259 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast 100 103 7 9 10 9s 10"lSkirvin GlidingBelle. MabelHenry. Semproni 1 77123 Lexington 5-8 1:01 fast SO 106 G 7 G 6 8" Pickens CrystalMaid. Irfafleh. WlllowPlume 75473 Latonia 5-S 1:011 fast 1G 110 12 12 12 12 12"1T Taylor Olive Ely, Char. Hamilton. Chalice 75057 Louisville 45 f 54 fast 6 105 S 5 4V 34 Pickens Transform, Light Blue. Dor. Webb 5 WHEAT BREAD, b. f. 2, by Hapsburg Ethel Wheat H. MoCarren, Jr.. Weight today 100. 77377 Louisville 51 f 1:03 good 25 109 4 3 3 4U 4 Skirvin Sorrowful. Splendida. All Red.. 77236 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast 120 103 2 5 5 5 5 Sk rvln Wnrileld. Dr. Barkley. Mrs.Sewall. . 77178 Lexington 5-S 1:02 fast 200 107 3 3 4 3 54 Skirvin Harriet Rowe. Procla. NettlcTraver r 75763 Latonia 51 f l:09g good 15 105 5 G 6 12 11" Skirvin SwtPIppIn,. Buena Vista, Ornamosa 1 75554 Latonia 5-8 1:011 fast 250 105 a 10 10- 10 10" Sklrviu TheMlssus. MabelHenry, Q.Message 3 , 7 i I 1 , ; I J - , ; 1 ; . : , . ; J ! i , . . , . 1 . . . , ; , 1 5 . r 1 3 , AZO, ch. r, . by Wadsworth Ma Angeline X. H. Stevens. Weight today-105. 77580 Louisville 3-4 1:131 fast 300 93 9 9 3 SI S"lGlasner Dr. Holzberjf. Alchemist Aspirin 77464 Louisville "-4 T:14 fast 500 95 9 3 9 S" Franklin Mabel Henry. Dr. Holzberg, Buttons 77257 Lexington 3-t 1:16 fast 15 100 7 9 6 I2 64 A Walsh Sniff. Ornamosa. Zarape. "3S45 Latonia 51 f 1:08 fast25 102 12 13 13 9 8s D Coleman Olatnbala, Plume, Fair Messenger. 75792 Latonia 51 f 1:07 good 123 107 C 6 8 55 52,JD ColemanJolly, Cowdin. Gerrymander. 75694 Latonia 5-S l:01g fast 45 107 11 12 11 10 10" T Taylor RoseburgH., BoblnGrey, LightBloe. DEARIE, b. f, 2, by Deering Lady Fitzsimmona A. W. Perrin. Weight today 105. 77550 Louisvillo 3-4 1:11 fast 50 95 5 3 3 41 5s T Koerner FriendHarry. Buttons. M.Crlttenden. 77451 Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast S5 10S 6 7 7 7 712 Nenbert Mabel Henry. Dr. Holzberff. Buttons 76757 Fort Erie 5-S 1:01 fast 4 110 l 2 2 3 44 Nicol Zeola. M.Crlttenden. Flower Beauty 76719 Fort Erie 5-S 1:01 fast- S 107 1 1 1 l3 Ha Troxler Mercadel. May Lutz. Istrouma. ", 7C624 Fort Erie 5-S l:02 fast 100 100 7 4 3 2 4S Deverich Splendida. Tenorett. Anna L. Daley 7G312 Fort Erie 51 f 1:091 good 60 100 8 5 5 Gntiou Glasner Hatn.Beauty. Plmnante. M-Mvescot THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds. Selling. 770101:44 0118. WESTERN KNIGHT, b. g, 3, by Free Knight Martha D, I. B. Fitzgerald. Woight todav 104. 77248 Jamestown 3-4 1:15 fast 3-5 112 1 11 Is 1 Fogarty Sudden Start, Earls Court, Bergoo 77103 Jamestown 3-4 1:16 fast 3 123 4 3 3 3 lot Fogarty Robin Hood. Incognito. Sir Vagrant 77104 Jamestown 3-1 l:16g hvy 10 107 3 3 3 35 25 Fogarty RobinHood. SnddenStart. Merrlmac. 7529S Latonia 3-4 1:16 good 7 94and 8 5 5 13s 13" J Connelly Donaldo, Alsatian, Goldess. ETHEL CARR. ch. f. 3, by Bannoclibum Gertrude Elliott W. A. Kirwan. Weight today 98. 77o47 Lsville lm70y 1:47 fast 14-5 97 4 5 5 2 31 34 McGee Raleigh. Cymbal. Wine Merchant. 77496 Lsville lm70y 1:43? fast 6 102 5 2 2 2 25 2 A Walsh Severus. QueensDaughter. Banagher ,7453 Lsville lmlOOy l:47g fast 14J 90 3 4 4 4 32 1- Deverich MattieMack. MargaretT.. LadvEthel 77378 Lsville lm70y 1:48 good 20 93 7 6 2 1 1 44 M McGoe Financier. Dungarven. LadyBaldnr. 773ftS Tsvillf lm70v 1:471 good 80 Ofi 1 1 1 5 6 6iF Cnlft Stone Street. Severns. Tidv Rnldnr. WINE MERCHANT, ch. g. 3. by Hapsburg Winepress H. McCarren. Jr.. Weieht today 98. 7754 Lsville lm70y 1:47 fast 700 97 1 3 2 4 4- 44 Hannan Raleigh. Cvmbal. Ethel Carr. 7742S Lsville lm70y 1:178 fast 100 93 3 7 7 8 9 9inufnagel Hannibal Bey. Dunvegan, Melansv. 77305 Lsville lm70y 1:471 good 50 101 3 4 7 G 5J 5t3lSkirvin Stone Street. Severus. Lady Baldur. 77284 Lexington 1 1:40 fast 8 96i 4 3 4 4 4i 4" AI McGee Carew. Kennewick. Rexall. 77233 Lexington 11:42 fast 50 99 1 2 2 3- 2 22 A Walsh Lady Ethel. Lady Vie. Kennewick. 75450 Latonia 3-4 1:143 fast 33 107 11 11 H 12 12" Skirvin Inventress, Huck, Pirate Diana. OGBENT, br. f, 3. by Ogden or PI anudes Lambent S. M. Henderson. Weieht today 103. 77547 Lsville lm70y 1:47 fast 350 102 7 4 4 S 10 10lsJPickehs Raleigh. Crmlal. Ethel Carr. 7743:. Lsville lmlOOy l:47g fast 500 95 10 10 10 9 9J 9" Franklin MattieMack. EthelCarr. MargaretT. 75695 Latonia 3-1 l:15g fast 35 105 14 14 14 121 11" Dishmon Banagher, Mirth. Pirate Diana. 75475 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 10 105 4 4 5 5and 44 E Martin W. T. Overton, Lignando, Huck. 75350 Latonia 1 1:42?. fast 41 1051 S C 5 3 35 21 V Powers Vanen, Pirate Diana, Annoyance. 74901 Louisville 1 1:40 fast SO 104 13 13 13 13 11 11 Warren Arrow Swift. Rustle. Bill Herron DR. SIMRALL. b. c. 3. by Jean Bereaud Virginia Keeno H. J. Harris. Weight today 10C. 77547 Lsville lm70y 1;17 fast 140 100 10 10 9 10 91 91E Griffin Raleigh. Cymbal. Ethel Carr. 77523 Lsville ltn70y 1:47 fast 15 90 9 9 9 11 11 1010?.M McGee GoldTreasure. Telegrapher. Coaster. 773S1 Louisville 3-4 1:15 good 4 96 S 7 7 74 7"1M McGee T.IIoblnson. B.Goodwin. G.Treasure 77330 Louisville 3-4 l:14g good 70 96 4 3 4 5 44 M McGee Honest. , HannibalBey. Top.Roblnsou 75478 Latonia 1 1-16 X:4Sg fast 75 110 5 C 9 10 11 111T Taylor JohnLouls. MaryTalbott, H. Hyphen 7542S Latonia 1 1-16 l:47g fast 15 100 3 4 3 7 11 10" T Taylor John Louis, Alsatian, Separator VIRGINIA MAID. ch. f. 3. by Hawkswick Pepita J. Thompson. Weight today 104. 77523 Lsville 3m70y 1:47 fast 40 94 S 10 11 12 12 11 E Griflln Gold Treasnre. Telegrapher. Coaster 774C9 Lsville lm70y 1:458 fast 45 97 G C 6 7 7 7S4E Griffin Severus. Ethel Carr. Q. Daughter. 77221 Jamestown 1 l:42g fast 7 104 1 7 7 7 71 77 E Griffin Usury. Laura A.. Grenesaue. 77191 Jamestown 1 l:42g fast 3 114 4 4 4 4 31 ?A E Griffin Masson. Euripides. Evelyn S. 77107 Jamestown 1 1:42 fast 5 103 3 7 7 8 8 S4 E Griffin Albert Star. Hiacko. Alauda. QUEENS DAUGHTER, b. f. 3. by Heno Chilpiquin G. W. J. Bissell. Weight today 93. 77490 Lsville lm70y 1:45?. fast 145 97 S 7 7 6 51 38 Deverich Severus. Ethel Carr. Banagher. 77428 Lsville lm70y 1:47? fast 195 93 G 5 S 7 Gand 5i T Koerner Hannibal Bey. Dunvegan. Melange. 77353 Louisville 3-1 l:14g fast 123 101 10 12 11 10h 74 Franklin Ren Sand. Voting. Rexall. 76451 Fort Erie 3-4 l:15g slow S 108 3 4 2 5 5 Troxler OrientalQueen. LadyCorinne. Caltha 70353 Fort Erie 3-1 1:14 fast 15 105 12 12 12 12 124Deverich Utterance. Maycella. Crovdon. 75846 Latonia 3 l:14g fast 91 10CJ 2 4 6 G2 54 Troxler Mirth, Pirate Diana, Caltha. BANRIDA. b, f. 3. by Bannockburn Merida P. Kernell. Weieht tnday 103. 7719G Lsville lm70y l:45g fast 730 102 7 5 4 4 G 610T Koerner Severus. E.Carr. Queens Daughter. 77153 Lsville lmlOOy 1:478 fast 100 95 G 7 G G 5 5?.T Koerner MattieMack. EthelCarr. MargaretT. 77329 Lsville 1 1-16 1:4S good 120 9S 8 7 6 G G 7".Fianklin H.Hyphen, MargaretT., Washaklo 77235 Lexington 1 1:42 fast 20 99 4 6 6 5 51 5 W Cole LadyEthel. WineMcrchant. LadyVIe TOPLOFTY, b. f. 3. by Order Cupola W. B. Littrell. Weieht today 103. 77523 Lsville lm70y 1:47 fast 40 97 8 2 G G 5 4? Franklin Gold Treasure. Telegrapher. Coaster 77453 Lsville lmlOOy 1:47: fast 75 95 5 G S S 8 S21 Hufnagel MattieMack. EthelCarr. MargaretT. 77353 Louisville 3-4 1:148 fast S 9G S 9 S 6S 5i Woodson Ben Sand. Voting. Rexall. 772S1 Lexington 3-4 1:131 fast 2 90S 4 6 G 3i 54 M McGee Merrick. Dainty Dame. Barnsdale. 77237 Lexington 3-4 l:14g fast 30 103 4 5 4 71 84 Glasner Al Muller. Financier. Raconteur;. COASTER, b. g, 3. by Prince of Melbourne Long Shore W. Clay, Weieht today 103. 77523 Lsville lm70y 1:17 fast 41 95 2 5 3 3 31 3 A Walsh GoldTreasure. Telegrapher. Topl6ftv 7737S Lsville lm70y 1:48 good 14 105 1 1 3 5 0 74 A Walsh Financier. Dunvegan. Ladv Baldur. 7720S Lexington 1 1:41 fast 8 99 4 1 1 1 1and 44 A Walsh Lady Baldur. Macias. Halkct 7694S Sheepshd 11:41 fast 20 107 G 11 11 10 7 51 Garner Burgher. Imitator. Anonvma. 71443 Latonia 3-4 l:15g fast 50 97 5 G 11 HI 1010 Trueman Hollow, Ed Kane, Inauguration. 713S5 Latonia 3-4 1:15 good 0 99 1 3 3 4- 410 Pickens Rustle. Inauguration. M.Gallngher. FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 77349 1:12 1123. CANADA, b. g. S. by Fatherless Eolide L. A. Cella. Weight today 97. 77473 Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast 23-10 1071 6 3 4 61 64 V Powers Blue Lee. Bitter Sir. Greshara. 77152 Louisville 3-4 1:13 fast 500 102 1 5 4 4 S1 Kennedy Marbles. Merrick. Apache. 75194 Gvesend 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 50 103 2 5 5 5 fil 714Delaby Corncob, Black Oak, Arasee. 74S79 Belmont 7-S 1:28 slop 25 98 3 7 7 7 7s 7" D Murphy Blacksheep, Obert, Banyan. 74373 Aqueduct 3-4 1:141 fast 12 93 5 C C 7J E4 Sumter JaneSwlft, BadNows. M.Antony If. WHISK BROOM, eh. f. 3. by Cesarion Elf J. U. Strode. Weight today 102. 77548 Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast 9 99 8 0 4 33 33 Franklin Financier. Raconteur. BetbGoodwin. 77357 Louisvillo 3-4 1:148 fast 31 99 4 4 5 2 14 Franklin Barnsdale. Bitter Sir. Natasha". 77237 Lexington 3-4 l:14g fast 30 102 8 7 G G1 61 Franklin Al Muller. Financier. Raconteur. 77150 Lexington 71 f 1:34 fast 45 105 8 2 2 3 5l 64 Franklin Haensel. T.RobinsOn, BeauBrummel 70969 Montreal 1 1:392 fast 41 99 4 4 4 4 4 4s Kennedy Ontario. Golden Shore. Gibson. BARNSDALE. ch. c. 4, by Allar.-3-DaIe Countess Irma Hughes Bros.. Weight today 110. 77570 Louisville 51 f 1:06 fast 71 100 4 5 3 2 4 2s A Walsh Marbles. Camille- M.. Balbus. 77520 Louisvillo 3-4 1:14 fast 71 105 4 1 1 1 2i A Walsh Merrick. Robin Hood. Frontenac. 77401 Louisville 3-4 1 :14 fast 10 109 5 5 5 41 4H Troxler Lens. Marbles. Merrick. 77357 Louisville 3-4 1 :14? fast 29-10 110 2 1 - 2 11 24 Troxler Whisk Broom. Bitter Sir.. Natasha. 772S1 Lexington 3-4 1:13 fast 2 102 3 1111 34 Pickens Merrick, Dainty Dame, Raconteur. LADY HAPSBURG. b. f, 3. by Hppsburg Banderole H. McCarren. Jr.. Weieht today 97. 77548 Louisvillo 3-1 1:14 fast 200 91 5 4 7 101 SojHannan Financier. Raconteur. Whisk Broom. 77381 Louisville 3-4 1:15 good SO 101 2 11 4 4 Skirvin T.Robinson. B.Goodwin. G.Trearare 77332 Louisville 3-4 l:13g good 200 100 7 5 4 42 510 Skirvin Lady Anne. Apache. Heine. 77151 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast 3-5 10G 4 4 3 6l 58 Skirvin Miss Sain. Skyo. Toplofty. 75096 Latonia 3-4 l:14g fast 85 .94 3 3 1 9 lZlFranklin Semper Vera, Hollow, Caltha. 75592 Latonia 3-4 l:14g fast 125 96 2 2 1 1J 7"1S Flynn Margaret T., G. Dame, R. Qneen. KT-vg FOLLY, b. c. 3. by Inspector B. Seraphino M. A. Neff. Weight today 105. 7G759 Fort Erie 3-1 1:14 fast 8 105 5 3 3 3l 22 T Rice Danzette. Firmament. Lady Ermy. 70721 Fort Erie 3-4 l:13g fast 40 110 6 4 4 34 34 J Baker Grenesaue. Camille M.. Firmament 70506 Fort Erio 3-4 1:181 hvy 40 93 7 XL 11 12 1224Whiting Snake-Mary. Marmorean. StonerHill. 76J11 Fort Erie 3-4 1:17 hvy 20 103 12 10 10 10 1024McArdle Gambrinus. LlttleOsage. K. Thistle. FATHER DOWNEY, br. g, 4, by Percy-Pog Parks I. B. Fitzgerald. Weight today 102. 7734S Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast 35 106 11 3 9 ll1 11" Fogarty Financier. Raconteur. AVhlsk Broom. 77432 Louisville 3-1 1:13 fast 500 107 10 10 10 1 0 10" Fogarty Marbles. Merrick. Apache. 77270 Jamestown 3-1 1:15 fast S-5 130 G S 7 71 7 Fogarty Dandy Dixon. Incognito. QneenGyle. 77192 Jamestown 3-1 1:15 fast 6 105 6 5 4 3U 4 Fogarty Woolstone. Minot. BelleoftheBay. 75373 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 20 107 2 1 2 101 UlcjJTroxler Geneva S., Chase, Oanoplan. REXALL. ch. c. 3. by Frankfort Mignon J. Galvin. Weieht today 105. 7742S Lsville lm70y 1:478 fast 33 100 5 3 3 4 8 74 Pickens Hannibal Bey. Dunvegan. Melange. 77353 Louisville 3-4 1:148 fast 12 10S G 3 5 4 35 Troxler Ben Sand, Voting. Miss Felix. 77284 Lexington 1 1:40 fast 40 100 2 2 2 3 31 3J Pickens Carew. Kennewick. Wine Merchant. 77237 Lexington 3-1 l:14g fast S5 103 9 9 9 9 9"2.Skirvin Al Muller. Financier. Ricontcur. 75773 Latonia 1 1-16 1:4S good 20 105 S 11 11 12 12 12"1T Taylor Severus, LadyBaldur, Silver Brook BANAGHER. ch. f. 3. by Banastar Kamara J. S. Hawkins. Weight today 102. 77547 Lsville lm70y 1:17 fast 30 102 5 1 3 C 61 64 J Butler Raleigh. Cymbal. Ethel Carr. 77496 Lsville lm70y l:45y fast 120 102 3 4 5 5 45 4 J Butler Severus. E.Carr. Queens Daughter. 77401 Louisville 3-i 1:14 fast 140 99 G 7 S 0l 65 J Butler Lens. Marbles. Merrick. 77357 Louisvillo 3-1 l:14g fast-6 101 8 6 7 72 64 J Butler Whisk Broom. Barnsdale. Bitter Sir 77121 Lexington 3-4 1:13 fast 45 99 2 3 4 9 S4J Butler Heine. Al Muller. Goldproof. 75S23 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gg good 75 100 0 4 G 8 8 SJ J Butler Mary Talbott, Gallileo, Hos.Hyphen LADY VIE. oh. f. 3, by Griffon Vie G. B. Ott. . Weight today 102. 77607 Louisville 3-4 1 :11J fast 55 10 1 6 6 9 101 1H J Butler Goldproof. Rohm Hood, Bitter Sir. 77235 Lexington 11:42 fast 4 99 3 1 1 1 24. 3 Hufnagel LadyEthel. W.Merchant. Kennewick 77121 Lexington 3-4 1:13 fast 150 90 4 4 6 5S 4 Hufnagel Heine. Al Muller. Goldproof. 7584S Latonia 1 l:41g fast 43 92 2 4 4 3 51 9l$ Goose Lady Baldur, Goldic, Goldess. 75299 Latonia 3-4 1:15 good 100 93 G 6 G 6l 5"lJas Hogg J. Louis, Meadowbreeze, Inventress ROYAL JACK. br. g, 3, by Royal Stag Strathcona Belle M. Abadio. Weight today 102. 77523 Lsville lm70v 1:47 fast 509 9S110 G 4 5 91 916 J Conway Gold Treasure. Telegrapher. Coaster 77353 Louisvillo 3-4 l:14g fast 2S 101 11 7 6 7 9JJ Conway Ben Sand. Voting. Rexall. 74221 F. Grounds 5-S 1:02 fast 15 105 2 G G S5 S10 J Howard .Ralmondo, Maj.McComb. PatSharn. 73735 City Park 55 f 1:071 fast 50 109 7 5 4 7and 8 L Smith Lorimer, Wausau, Spunky. 73294 City Park 5-S 1:07 hvy 10 95 6 12 10 102 104 Hufnagel Umpire, Royal Chance, Tim Kelly. TARQUIN, blk. c. 3, by Sir Dixon My Queen A. L. Kirby. Weight toclay 102. 75013 Latonia 1 1-16 1:40 fast 25 105 7 5 7 6 5 U22i Warren Mirzer, MaryTalbott. Hos. Hyphen. 75450 Latonia 3-4 l:14g fast 75 103 7 S 8 C 58 Jas Hogg Inventress, Huck, Pirate Diana. 75303 Latonia 1 l:42g goodl9-10 107 13 8 11 10 S2 G Warren Crawford. Washakie, Masson-75204 Latonia 7-S 1:29 fast 11-5 103 11 9 5 4 31 2ct Warren Mai Courla, Canopian, Lady Baldur. 7505S Louisville 01 f 1:06 fast 12 105 G 11 S 51 54 Warren Dan.Dancer, B.Goodwin, BltterSlr. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar.olds. Allowances. 77570 1:00 3 100. JEFF BERNSTEIN, b. c. 2, by Orlando Lake Breeze A. Baker. Weight today 115. 77429 Louisville 3-4 1:13?. fast 4-5 405 2 2 2 l2 l2 J Butler Maneh. AnnaL Daley. Gerrymander. 771S0 Lexington 5-S 1:01 fast 7-20 110 1 11 l2 14 J Butler Dr. Barkley. ColonelBlue. Sf.nlalre 77120 Lexington 5 f 1:07 fast 1 107 2 2 2 2i l2 J Butler Dr. Barkley. T. M. Green. WaTHeld 75744 Latonia 51 f 1:06 fast 4 97 1 1 1 14 Is J Butler Plume, Roseburg II., Marshy. -ANNE MGEE, b. f. 2, by Marta Santa California E. Corrigan. Weight today 100. 7672 Fort Erio 3-4 l13g fast 4 105 1 1 1 14 li V Powers GladysLoulse. Alice. Hamo.Beauty. 7CGS3 Fort Erie 51 f l:07g fast 3 106 3 3 3 3 i" V Powers Alice. T. JL Green. Miss Crittenden 76605 Fort Erie 5-S l:01g goodll-20 112 3 3 2 21 34 V Powers Arionette. Glad.Louise. The Mlssun. 76449 Fort Erie 5-S 1:02s slowl3-20 109 1 1 1 11 l1 V Powers Miss Crittenden. Aralla. Arionette. 75591 Latonia 51 f 1:072 fast 2 107 1 1 1 Is 2nt V Powers Warfield, Fundamental, Transform. SEMPRONI. b. c. 2. by Sempronius Armiel W. E. Aoplegato. , Weieht today 103. 77497 Louisville 51 f 1:09 fast 19-5 115 11 12 X 43, lb A Walsh Procla. Almcna. Harriet Bowc. 77454 Louisville. 3-1 1:14 fast 3-2 107 2 1 2 42 4s V Powers Mabel nenry. Dr. Holzberg. Buffons 77259 Lexington 3-4 1:142 fast 10 109 3 7 5 r.i 3 M McGee Glid.Belle. MabelHenry. V il-Plnme 77209 Lexington 51 f 1:0S fast 30 100 2 7 9 72 7" Pickens Arionette. AliceBaird. RoseburgH. ALICE GEORGE, "br. f. 2, by Sain Yokohama B. Schreiber. Weight tpdav 109. 77500 Louisville 3-4 1:15 fast 3-5 112 3 1 1 l2 l2 V Powers M.Crlttenden. T.-Missus. Pink Wings 77403 Louisville 3-4 l:14g fast 15 38 1 ill2 Is J Butler Dr. Barkley. Cowdin. Warfield. 77308 Louisville 51 f l:0Sg good 40 93 2 2 3 3 32 Franklin Irfaneh. Be Brief. Ethelda. 77007 Montreal 5-8 l:00g fast 20 107 G 5 5 C 5 C Ross M.Henry. Hawkslight. Sir Alvesept. 76913 Montreal 51 f 1:00 fast 50 94 6 4 4 4and 10J4C Ross Eliza.Harwood. Arondack. Quantlco RLISSA. ch. f. 2. bv Star Shoot Much Ado F. Toohey. Weie ht today 109. 75S12 Sheepshd 0 f l:07g fast 4 103 3 1 1 14 1 D McCthy Gliding Belle, m The Pippin, Dander. 75G25 Sheepshd 5-S 1:01 fast 9-5 110 1 3 3 li D McCthy Taboo. The Pippin. Rubla Granda. 75395 Gvesend 5-S 1:02 slop 4-5 114 2 2 1 Is 1 Notter The Pippin, Wallflower, Hanonla. 75250 Gravesend 5-8 1:01 fast 4 98 3 4 3 32 22 Shreve Erbet. Interveno. Voodoo. IRRIGATOR, ch. g. 2, by Nasturtium Fertile L. A. Cella. . Weight today 109. 77530 Louisville ::-i 1:11 fast GJ 115 1 14 8s S121V Powers FriendHarry. Buffons. M.Crlttenden. 76663 Fort Erie 3-4 1:152 fast 13-5 115 6 6 5 C 32 C Ross Stromeland, EmperorWllllam, Jolly. 7G607 Fort Erie 3-4 1:15 good 4 1U 2 4 3 14 1 C Ross Coatcuttor. ElizabethHarwopd. Jolly 76341 Fort Erie 51 f 1:081 hvy 3-5 102 5 5 2 21 l1 C Ross Stromeland. MarseAbe. M.Augelo. 76409 Fort Erie 51 C 1:101 hvy S 107 2 2 2 21 34 C Ross T.M.Grecn. Mlch.AngelO. Pocotallgo 7G314 Fort Erie 5-8 1:002 fast 12-5 103 3 3 3 31 4lS C Ross MarseAbe. Mlch.AngelO. TheoCook. FABERSHAM, b. c. 2, by Cameron Quetta Meier and Beasley. Weight today 98. 77546 Louisville 55 f 1:08 fast 40 10113 14 11 13l 91U Franklin Gerrymander. Zepla. Zarapo. 77234 Lexington 51 f 1:0SJ fast 45 110 3 7 7 1h 712-W Colo Sempronium. PeterPender. Whistler 75572 Latonia 5-S l:0lg fast 45 103 13 ll 10 11 U"1S Flynn RoblnGrey, Stowaway; NedCarmacii T544S Latonia 5-S 1:011 fast 13 10S 11 9 10 9s 81 Lloyd Admonltor, Aspirin, Stowaway. 7525S Latonia 5-S l:02g mud 50 97 13 13 12 10 1040 Henry Light Blue, Footloose. St. Aulaire. MEZZO SOPRANO, br. f, 2, by Counter Tenor Queen Anne C. C. Powers. Weight today 105. 7G6S1 Fort Erie 5-S 1:00 fast 60 105 11 9 9 9 92 4Brannon Anna It. Daley. Point Lace. Speight 72690 F. Grounds 3-S 3G hvy 20 110 11 101 10" V Powers Arionette, Pinion, Cunning. RAMSY. b. g. 2. by Peter McCue Flora V. A. W. Perrin. Weight today 100. 77546 Louisville 51 f 1:08 fast 40 OS 14 7 6 S S1 B. Griffin Gerrymander. Zeoliu Zarane. 77431 Louisville 3-4 1:14 fast SO 93 4 9 11 12 124Woodson Alchemist. AliceBaird. HarrietRowe 77269 Jamestown 5-S 1:035 fast 8-0 107 l 1 1 Is l3 Trueman Ed Shuster. Automatic. To and. Fro 77190 Jamestown 5-S 1:011 fast 3 102 7 7 5 51 51 E Griffin Demetrlos. Ben Hovve. potoaUon. 7709 Jamestown 5-S 1:023 fast 7 114 3 4 4 41 63 Iveubert Hanonla. Oxlord Belle. Automatic. 7702S Jamestown 5-S 1:02S fast SO 107 12 13 13 122 13" Neubert Zeola. Span.Banner. MissCrlttenden. ANDY GINTER. b. c. 2. by Goldfinch Sham F. Cook. i1 twIay 9? 77524 Louisvillo 5 f 1:088 fast COO 100 12 12 31 10l 9lFranklm Sorrowful. Duoiho; Aspirin. LORDSHIP, b. c, 2. by Dr. Rice-i-Katie ;G. L. Jones Weight-todiy 98. 77577 Louisville 3-4 1:13! fast 200 97 1 3 4 6 C" Goose Crystal Maid. Irfaneh, Ray H. MAPLETON, b. c, 2, by Sempronius Maudo Fealy M. Nicoll. - Weight today 83, First start. " SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 77571 -1 Ar. o 111. 8EVERUS, b. g. 3, by Sempronius Satellito II. P. Dunne. Weight today 99. 77496 Lsvllle ImTOy l:4Ti fast 8-5 109 4 1 1 1 P 1 V Towers K.Carr. QiieensDaughter. Banagher 77406 Lsvillo 1 1-1G 1:48J fast 9 95 5 2 2 :i 3 3 Devfrieh Tivoliui. Albert Star. BeatiBrummel 77368 Lsville 1 1-10 1:4S fast 5J OS 1 1 1 :t 4 is J Butler Anncta Lady. Gild. Bonnie Bard. 77305 Lsville lnl70y l:47g good 3-2 101 2 2 4 2 23 2J J Butler StoneStreet. LadyBaldur. Dunvegan. 77152 Lexington 1 1:41 fast 17-5 103 -1 3 1 1 21 11 Franklin Darkuight. Margaret T.. Albert M. HUGHES, b. e, 4, by Ingoldsby Affray A. L. Kirby. Weight today 104. 77471 Lsville 1 1-W 1:47 fnst 21-10 105 3 1 1 1 l1 11 1iekuus Huerfuiio, Voting. Telegrapher. 77432 Lsville 1 1-1G 1:4S1 fast 35 105 1 5 5 R 54 5" IMckens Jarew. Lady Esther. Tom Dolan. 77332 Louisvillo 3-4 1:135 good 75 104 6 7 7 GJ G11 Pickens Lady Anue. Apaele. Heine. 76761 Fort Erie 3-4 l:13i fast 40 109 12 12 12 12 12 Brannon LIttlcMinnie. Giles. MollieMontrose. 7S664 Fort Erie 3-i 1:13J fast 60 102 13 13 13 13 lSJBrannon Night Mist. Senator Barrett. Heine ALBERT STAR, b. c, 3, by Star Shoot Lady Alberta M. Ording, Weight today 102. 776U1 Lsvillo 1 1-1 2:07 last 3-2 102 3 3 3 2 2 2"k Kennedy Dunvegan. Aunt Bose, Albert M. 77457 Lsville 1 3-16 2:00J fast Si Pfil 4 5 2 3 2J 2l, Kennedy Tom Uolan. Tlvolini. Or- nn Lad. 77406 Lsville 1 1-16 1:482 fast 10 98 2 6 t 4 25 2H Glasucr Tivoliui. Severus. Beau Brummel. 77358 Lsville 1 1-16 1:18 fast 20 95 6 6 6 G 6 C17 Hufnagel Anneta Lady. Gild. Bounie Bard. ARROW SWIFT, ch. g. 3. by Bclvidere Miss Kinnoy J. Nugent. Weieht today 106. 77581 Lsville 1 1-1G 1 :4t.q fust 5 301 3 Z 3 3 33 36i .1 Butler Lady Esther, Anneta Lady. Ouagga. 77077 Jamestown 1 1:423 fast 2-5 105 5 4 4 3 31 IS J Shea Virginia Maid. HelenB.. Hiecatlonua 77023 Jamestown 1 1:425 fast 5 101 3 S 3 3 3J l J Shea Quagga. Benlala. Miss Vigilant. 767R3 Fnrt Brie 1 1-8 X :52g fast 3i 100 3 4 4 3 3i 4 Pickens Lady Esther. Bitter Hand. Ouagca. RALEIGH, ch. g. S, by Bassetlaw Gracino I. JH. Miller. Weight today 9S. 77547 Lsville lm7i:. 1:47 fast 25 10"J 3 3 1 1 1- li A WTalsh Cymbal. Ethel Carr. Wine Merchant 77378 Lsville lm70y 1:48 good 65 107 2 4 S 10 9J 91SJJ Butler Financier. Dunvegan. Lady Baldur. 77332 Louisville 3-4 1:138 good 500 101 8 S S 8 S Kane Lady Anue. Apache, neiue. 76025 Windsor 1 1:46 hvy 6 S9 5 5 3 3 3J 6s Qrington The Thorn, Dunvegan. Giles. 75911 Windsor 1 1:41 fast G 103 9 10 11 9 91 7"! T Rice M. Vigilant. S.Barrett, Cosmopolitan 75753 Windsor 7-S 1:27 fast 60 103 3 G G G C Gl: McCabe Harcourt. Dixie Himmel. Giles. i