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FIRST DAY OF MGRATHIANA SALE. Cesarion Brings Top Price and Goes to British Columbia Results Better Than Expected. Lexington. Ky.. October 27. The dispersal sale or Colonel Milton Youngs McGrathiana Stud of thoroughbred horses began under a mammoth round-top tent erected near the mansion on the famous old breeding farm at one oclock this afternoon aud when the selling for the first day was concluded at four oclock, seven stallions, litty-two mares and thirty-eight weanlings bad passed under auctioneer William Eastons hammer for an aggregate of 0.-700. an average for the ninety-seven head of 13.50. The seven stallions brought ,975. average. 5.3.50: the fifty-two mares 0,025. average. 13. and tho thirty-eight weanlings ,700. average. 34. This result is surprisingly good, since one-lifth of the number to be sold have realized more than half of what Colonel Young had estimated the entire collection would bring. The attendance numbered more- than 1.000 persons, representing nearly every section of the United States and the Dominion of Canada, and there are some here from Germany. France. Englaud and Mexico, though they were not numbered among the buyers of today. Colonel Young had prepared barbecued meats, burgoo and punch in abundance and before the sale opened the visitors were feasted. There were many ladies present and they were the guests of Mrs. Young and her daughters at a spread of sandwiches, salads and tea. Explaining that it would not be necessary for purchasers to remove their horses at once, since Colonel Young would keep them for one week free of cost. Mr. Eastou called for the first horse. Cesarion was led in. Catesby Wooford and Colonel E. F, CIay started him at .00. R. II. Anderson raised it to ,000: Ed A. Tipton, representing George A. Knr- vey of Hudson. Canada, raised It to ,500; Anderson went to ,000. Here Irving II. Wheatcroft. representing the St, James Stable, from St. James Island, near Vancouver, iBrltish Columbia, cut in and by hundreds they went to ,000. at which figure he was knocked down to Mr. Wheatcroft. Yorkshire .Lad also went to the St. James Stable for ,500. ,the second highest price of the day. In addition to th two stallions, Mr. Wheatcroft bonght six mares and fourteen weanlings, paying ,445 for twenty-two Siead. Among the mares was Design, dam of Two Bills, for which be paid ,000, the third highest price of the sale. Woolstborpe was knocked down to IMr. Tipton for Mr. Kurvey for 00. George J. Long of Louisville got Sempronius for 25. after outbidding Barney Schreiber and John S. Barbee. Mr. Schreiber. however, got Sorcerer and Lackford. the former for 00 and the latter for 50. Cameron was knocked down to James Snrget of Natchez. Miss., for 00. William Dockery of Dockery. Mifrb.. bought nineteen head of the cheaper mares aud weanlings and will use them to produce mules. The horses bringing 00 or more were: Cesarion. b. h. 16, by Faustus Cleopatra: St. James Stable ,000 Sempronius, b. h. 17. by Wisdom Hamp- tonia: G. J. Long : 520 Yorkslidro Lad. .blk. h. 6. by Dinna Forget Rose Marjorle:. St. James Stable 1.500 Bretzel. b. m. 14. by Galllard Dutch Flag: B. Schreiber 050 Clymena. br. m. 14. by Hanover Laura Stone: St. James Stable 650 Design, b. ni. 9. br Hanover Device: St. James Stable 1.000 Devina. b. m. S. by Royal Hampton Donova: J. Dyment 075