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DOUBT AND GLOOM AT NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans. La.. October 30. While Samuel F. Ileaslip. the leading promoter of the holding company to conduct winter racing, is silent and lias not given an expression on the subject, the belief is current here tonight that the promoters of the winter racing proposition have acquired cold feet and that the scheme is about to fall through. A spirit of uneasiness prevails in local sporting ranks and the prediction is current that there will be no ninety days racing as intended. W. Campbell Scott, who went to Cincinnati, Lexington and other points for a final conference, returned today and, after a conference with tho local promoters, there was nothing of a cheerful nature in evidence. The fact that Colonel Ileaslip always said that he would not attempt winter racing In the of onpositiori is now taken seriously, since the Anti-Race Trade League has begun hammering at the proposed system of "registered betting." In which the association would retain five iex cent.