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SECOND AND THIRD DAYS OF BIG SALE. The leading prices of each day of the .McGrathlana sale .have already been published in Daily Racing Form The complete summary of the second day is as follows: Broodmares. Distaff, br. 20, by Lowland Chief Homespun: J. iM. Taylor, Lexington, Ky $ 15 Discretion, eh. 17. by Prism Common Sense: S. H. Galtskill. Mcintosh. Fla 45 Dictynna. blk. 14. by St. Blaise Active: Thomas F. Kelly. Lexington. Ky . 225 Dilemma, ch. 21. by Onondaga Perhaps: Jenkins and Keister. Bowling Green, Ky.... 20 Dora F.. cli. 12. by Candlemas Nereid: E. C. Ruff. Chicago 75 Dunora, blk, 11. by Donovan Musidora: B. Schrelber. Brldgeton. Mo 500 Dusk. blk. 12, by Chorister Gloaming; J. II. Jarvls 50 Edith Me., blk. 11. by Falsetto Oachuca: George E. Kurvey. nudson. Canada 250 Elf. ch. 15. by Galliard Silva Belle: T. C. McDowell. Lexington. Ky 1,100 Edith Belmont, ch. IS, by Iroquois Berga- mot: B. E. Allen. Lexington. Ky. CO Elizabeth Anderson, ch. 8. by Lamplighter Ida III.: George Bowerman. J;exIngton. Ky. 200 Elslna. ch. 14. by Strathmore Elsluo; B. Schrelber SO Embrace, ch, 15, by St. Blaise Squeezem: St. James Stable. St. James. B. CY 475 Enamel, b. 21, by Enquirer Lucy C: John D. Carr. Lexington 50 Encounter, b. 9. by Hanover Black Eye: B. Schrelber 225 English Money, b, C. by Royal Sovereign Decoy; St. James Stable 500 Enid, b, 19. by Sir Modred Miss Motley: B. Schrelber 150 Espionage, b, 22. by Inspector B. Suu .Maid; George E. Kurvey 350 Estelle Whitney, b. 17. by Duke of Montrose Melrose: E. F. Clay 500 Ethel R.. br, C. by Pirate of Penzance Right Wild: G. B. Morris. Brooklyn 200 Fair Annet. ch. 9. by nanover Ondalau: John Dyment. Barrle. Ont 425 Favor Bells, b. 12. by Favor Beautiful Bells: G. B. Morris 175 Fatty, ch, 11. by Kingston Skadl: St. James Stable 500 Fashionable, ch. 19. by Richmond Maggie Morgan: George E. Kurvey 100 Fertile, ch. 10, by Favor Oasis; George E. Kurvey 175 Fidel Youlln. b. 11. by Spendthrift Nuska: B. Schrelber 175 First Land. ch. 14, by Pioneer A era; E. C. Ruff 150 Flamingo, b. 17. by Iroquois -"Bandana: B. S.chreiber ; 100 Fleur dOr. b. 21, by Rayon dOr Blandoua: E. A. Tipton. Agent 75 Florence Colville. b. 15. by Hanover Vera: B. Schreiber 200 Flv Catcher, br. 8. by Hastings Felicia; C. W. Moore. Lexington 450 Fonsoletto. blk. 14. by Fouso Islette: St. James Stable 500 Forseen. ch, 15. by Esher Feiseeu; J. M. Taylor 20 Frances Booker, ch. 12, by Fortissimo Nellie Booker; H. P. Crane 55 Frenchie. br. 10. by St. Florian La Misere: St. James Stable 325 Freshet, b. 14. by Exile Fresh Start; E. C. Ruff 105 Gladness II.. ch, IS. by Rapture Lady Stau- hope; W. AI. Walker. Lexington, Ky 30 Glenore. b. 10. by Glenelg Mignon; E. C. Ruff If0 Glidaga. ch, 21. by Onondaga Gladiola: J. H. Jarvls 20 Glove, b, 10. bv Audrain Tara Blackburn: George Bowerman 190 Gold Wing. ch. 11. by Goldfinch Cachuca: B. Schrelber 225 Goody Good. b. 9. bv Lamplighter Ida III.: Thomas Piatt. Lexington. Ky 300 Grandma H.. b. 12, by Riley Innovation: John Dyment 325 Greenwich, b. 19. by Iliuiyarr-Linda Green: B. Schrelber 150 Gretchen. ch. 17. by Luke Blackburn Pinafore: W. F. Bramblett 25 Grove Queen, ch. 8. by Requital Druidess; St. James Stable 400 Guess Work, blk, 10. by Charade-Edith Gray: St. James Stable 200 Hand Bell, .br, 9, by Hanover Miss Bell: B. Schrelber . , 325 Handover, ch. 9. by Hanover Imperleuse; Kinzea Stone. Georgetown, Ky 375 Hannadaga. ch. 8. by Onondaga Hanna- rlnda: B. Schreiber 175 Harpy, ch. 20. by Onondaga Flora: John Adams. Lexington. Ky 30 Hazeldean. b, 13, by Hayden Edwards Workmate: J. F. Cook. Lexington. Ky 100 Hebrew Maid. b. 12. by Phoenix Judith: George Bowerman 100 Helen Tliomas. ch. 12. by Hanover Fleur dOr: St. James Stable 500 Her Ladyship, b. 11. by Duke of Montrose Felipa: E. A. Farra. Nicholas ville. Kv 100 Hope On. blk. 10. bv Hopeful Laura; J. W. Baker, Houston, Tex 115 Hue, b, 10, by Rainbow Festival; George Bowerman 125 Hunger, br. 14, by Hanover La Julve: Walter Hopkins. Louisville. Ky 175 nurrah. b, 9. by Hanover Ovation: J. S. McCullough. Springfield. Ill 475 Hull Down. b. 14. by Candlemas Latonia: Walter Hopkins 275 Hypatica. ch. 20. bv Woodlands Maggie B. B.: Buford E. Allen 110 Ida III., ch. 15. bv Strathmore Bayllght: E. C. Ruff 05 Incendiary, br. 7. by Lamplighter Strath- lou; George E. Kurvey 100 Indigo, ch. IS, by Farandole Ida K.: George E. Kurvey 31H1 In Front, ch. 17. bv Boulevard Ellen D.: Samuel Embry. Stanford. Ky 70 Indolent, ch, 9. by Hauover Marie Stoops: Sidney Bedford 275 Insinuate, ch. 10. by St. Blaise Meddle: E. C. Ruff H0 Irony, blk. 20. bv Iroquois Planchette: J. W. Thomas. Bowling Green. Kv 25 Jennie J., b. 13, by Hanover Retrieve: B. Schreiber 300 .Tohnetta, ch. 18, by Bramble Guildean: G. E. Kurvey 150 Katie W.. ch. 14, by Hlmyar Favoress; St. James Stable 225 Keep Still, b. 7. by St. Blaise Active: Sid- nev Bedford 200 Kings Favorite, ch, 10. by Hauover King Cup: James Cox, Fredericksburg. Va 750 Kosmo, b. 13. br Bend Or or Miser Ame- rlque: StL James Stable 350 La Belle HI., b. 17. bv Onondaga Alleeu: E. C. Ruff 105 Laburnum II.. b. Iff. by Woodlands Bertha: J. Hughes. Oklahoma 20 I.adv Anderson, ch. 14. by St. Blaise Mary Anderson: B. Schreiber 100 Lady Black, b. G. by Hamburg Mary Black: John Dyment S;0 Ladv Aurlnda. ch. 9. by Silver Fox Olivick: W. S. Henderson. Carberry. Manitoba 100 Lady Betz. b. 9. by nanover Tld Bit: J. P. Smith 1-0 LadvPhilura. br, S. by Pirate of Penzance Philura: W. S. Henderson 1-0 Lady Prim. b. 11. by Turco Miss Primrose: W. S. Henderson So Ladv Lawrence, ch. 15. by St. Blaise Holm-del; B. Schreiber 0 Ladv in Waiting, b. S. by Requital Stately: St. James Stable 200 Ladv Scarlet, ch. 12. by Pirate of Penzance Papoose: Oots Bros l.O Ladv J., b. 10. by Jils Johnson Josephine: J. A. Wood. Danville. Ky 75 Ladv Ilolyrood. b. 9. by Lissak Truth: : George Bowerman 1W La Poupee. ch. 12. by Hanover Elsino; St. James Stable 200 Lateen, b. IS, by Prince Leopold Felicia: William Dockery. Dockery. Miss 90 Later, b. 12, by The Bard Bye and Bye: J. B. Foster 100 Laughing Water, b. 19. by Daluacardoch Fair Water; Juke Sloan 40 Weanlings. Chestnut colt, by Lackford Distaff: J. M. Taylor -H Bav colt, by Monsieur de LOrme Dilemma: Jenkins and Keister. Bowling Green. Ky 40 Bay colt, by Woolsthorpe Dusk; White and Co.. Lexington. Ky - -0 Black colt, by Cesarion Edith Ola; J. P. Ross, Lexington. Ky i0 Chestnut colt, by Inspector B. EdlUi Bel- mout: S. C Lyne. Lexington. Ky io Bav lilly, by Yorkshire Lad Elslna: S. C.V Lyne r,0 Bav colt, by Woolsthorpe Enamel: W. M. Hayes, Lexington. Ky 450 Bay lilly. by Golden Maxim Encounter; O. It. Thompson. Lexington. Ky 13. Brown lilly. by Lamplighter English Money; St. James Stable 1-0 Bay colt, by Seinpronlus Espiouage: S. C. Lyne "05 Chestnut colt, by Nasturtium Ethel R.: S. a -Lyne Chestnut colt, by Nasturtium Favor Bells: S. C. Lyne 100 Bav colt, by Sempronius Fatty: John Evans. Waterloo. Ont 225 Bav or brown filly, by Woolsthorpe Fertile: S. C. Lyne 130 Chestnut colt, by Cesarion First Land: James P. Ross ."00 Bav colt, by Cesarion Fleur dOr; B. A. Tiptou. Agent 350 Brown colt, by Yorkshire Lad Fly Catcher: x S. C. Lyne 100 Chestnut colt, by Cesarion Fonsolelte: James P. Ross 525 Bav colt, bv Inspector B. Frances Booker; E. C. Ruff 55 Chestnut colt, by Lackford Frenchie: E. C Ruff C5 Bav lilly, bv Cesarion Glenore: J. L. Beesotn. Champaign. Ill 2S5 Chestnut colt. by Lamplighter Gltdajra: Frank Clarkson. Jacksonville. Fla 75 Bay colt, by Nasturtium Glove: John D. Carr 230 Black colt, by Cesarion Gold Wing; Frank Clarkson 210 Bav colt, bv Cesarion Grandma II.: H. M. Zieglor. Cincinnati. 0 425 Chestnut colt, by Westniiuster Gretchen: Ws. F. Bramblett 75 Chestnut colt, by Handspring Grove Queen: St. James Stable 300 Black filly, by Yorkshire Lad Hand Bell: St., James Stable ...... v 150 Chestnut filly, by Lamplighter Hannadaga: George Bowerman 70 Chestnut filly, by Alloway Helen Thomas; E. O. Ruff SO Chestnut colt, by Woolsthorpe Her Ladyship: Sidney Bedford. Midway. Ky 200 Chestnut liny, by Woolsthorpe Hope On: John Evans 200 Bay colt, by Pirate of Penzance nue: S. C. Lyne 80 Bay filly, by Cesarion Hurrah: C. R. Thompson . 200 Brown colt, by Cesarion Hull Down; E. A. Tipton. Agent 300 Chestnut filly, by Lackford Ida III.: W. J. Young. Lexington, Ky 75 Bav colt, by Woolsthorpe Insinuate: E. A. Tipton. Agent 00 Bav or brown colt, by Sorcerer Irony; E. C. Ruff C5 Chestnut filly, by Cesarion Johnetta; G. E. Kurvey 175 Bav colt, by Nasturtium Keep Still: Sidney Bedford : 150 Bav colt, by Cesarion Kings Favorite: J. L. Beesom 240 Bay filly, by Wild Mint Laburnum II.: J. Hughes 55 Chestnut colt, by Westminster Ladv Aur- inda: W. S. Henderson 105 Chestnut colt, bv Lackford Lady iBetz; J. B. Foster. Stanford. Ky SO Bay filly, by Sempronius Lady Prim: W. S. Henderson GO Brown colt, by Monsieur de LOrme Lady Lawrence: B. Schreiber 50 Bav colt, by Monsieur de LOrme Lady in Waiting: E. C. Ruff 85 Chestnut colt, by Monsieur de LOrme Lady Scarlet: E. C. Ruff 100 Bav fillr. by Pirate of Penzance Lady J.: Oots Bros 110 Chestnut filly, by Garry Hermann La Poupee: . W. S. Henderson 85 Bav- filly, by Yorkshire Lad Later: J. B. Foster. Stanford. Ky v 05 Bay filly, by Yorkshire Lad Lady Ilolyrood; George Bowerman J 90 The third day of the dispersal sale of the second to the greatest breeding stud in America was marked by the good price brought by Sewells dam. Ora Bailey. Details in full are: Broodmares. Laura Ethel, br, 12, by Bramble Lady Wayward: Klnzea Stone. Georgetown. Kv $ COO Lura F.. ch. 17. by Macduff Pixy; B. E. Allen. Lexington. Ky 1G0 Leopoldlna. ch. 19. by Prince Leopold Leightonta; J. H. Patterson. Lexington. Ky. CO Lampadary. ch. 7. by Lamplighter Mary Moore; L. Appersfon. Mt. Sterling. Ky 140 Lingerie, b, 11. by Juvenal Chemise: B. Schrelber. Brldgeton. Mo 200 Little Indian, ch, 1G. by Hanover Pappoose: B. Schreiber 300 Loiter, b, 12. by Fiddlesticks Lack-a-Daisy: O. H. Chenault. Lexington. Ky 200 Lorelei, b. 14. by Falsetto Minuet: O. H. Chenault . 210 Luzelle. ch. 14. by Macduff Whiff; J. W. Thomas. Bowling Green. Ky 55 Mareto. b. 1". by Volante Maori: John Evans. Waterloo. Ont 500 Marie Stoops, ch. 18, by Spendthrift Glad- ness; George B. Kurvey. Hudson. Can 100 Mar-aret II. b. 10. by Lisbon Homeward Bound: E. C. Ruff. Chicago. . S5 Mauga. b. 10. by Cayuga Medusa: George E. Kurvey ...........-- lio Mav Pinkerton. br. 15. by Onondaga Laura Stone: George E. Kurvey ..... 100 . Merry Queen, b. 13. by Hindoo Brambalette: St. James Stable .................... 200 Miss Petticoat, br. S. by Domingo Alcestls: E. C. Ruff , 12a Mobalosca. br. 15. by Apache Trlcksey: S. J. Embry, Stanford, Ky t ....,. bO Moccasin, ch, 7. by Cayuga Little Indian: Lewis Apperson 135 Modish, ch. 9. bv Hanover Miss Baden: Thomas Turner. Mt. Sterling. Ky 1G5 Mrs. Nelson, b. 9, by Slmop Magus Volma: John Evans 250 Nanine. ch. 11. by Meddler Petraca: O. F. Troutman 150 Naughty, ch. 9. by Hanover Jersey Girl: B. Schrelber 300 Nellie Grand, ch. 10. by Great Tom Nellie Van; B. Schreiber 175 Night Gown. b. 13. by Free Knight Petticoat: E. L. Davis 500 Noogs. b. 9. by Halma Fonmate: S. R.Gilbert, Lexington. Ky 140 Ondalan, ch. 0. by Onondaga Zulilan: Keorge E. Kurvey 200 Ora Ballev. b. 10. by Hanover Ovation; St. James Stable 2.000 Over. ch. 13. by Hanover Extra: E. C. Ruff 375 Paroxysm, ch, 11. by Despair Podagra: George E. Kurvey 75 Peavlne, b, 19. by Duke of Montrose Car-line; Ed. A. Tipton, Agent 175 Perfume, ch. IS, by Lowland Chief Aroma: Jl H. Jarvls 100 Pense Triste. b. 10. by Tristan DInna Forget; E. C. Ruff 155 Pocahontas, b. 17. by Duke of Montrose Heleva: George E. Kurvey 150 Pocketpiece. b, 12, by Hanover Marguerite: Kinzea Stone 3S5 Possession, b. 7, by Requital Retained II.: George E. Kurvey 200 Priceless, ch. 15, by Maguetizer Princess: E. C. Ruff 215 Queen Isabella, b. IS. by Longfellow Essay; George E. Kurvey 290 Quetta. b, 10. bv Jlls Johnson Quesal: J. W. Baker. Houston. Tex- 90 Red Mark. b. 10, by Magnetlzer Red Girl: St. James Stable , . 200 Retained II.. b. 13. by Hanover Reclare: II. M. Zlegler 575 Rheta. br. S. by Lamplighter Senorlta: George Bowerman. Lexington 200 Right Wild. ch. 15. by Woodlands Right: St. James Stable 175 Roll Call. b. S. by Requital Reina Victoria: George Bowerman 150 Rosethorn, b. 17, by Barcaldlne Piukthorn; B. Schreiber 300 Sararose, br. 7. bv Knight of St. George Shadow Dance: George E. Kurvey 200 Seldom, b. 10. by St. Blaise Sellna D.: J. W. Thomas ., 115 Semper Cara. b. 17. by King Alfonso La Sylphide; It: Payne. Georgetown. Ky 250 Sliandrona, br. 11. by Shancrotha Cardrona: St. James Stable 250 Shihla. b. 10. by .Rayon dOr Belle of El- Iham; St. James Stable 100 Silent Lady, ch. 13. by Strathmore Lady Loud: George E. Kurvey 275 Shoes, br. 10. bv Onondaga Little Barefoot: St. James Stable 125 Soubrette II.. b. 1G, by Farandolo Sema- phore; W. L. Bramblette, Carlisle. Ky 175 StaTS, b. 10. by Mars Aquila; James Scott. Fredericksburg. Va 500 Strathlou, b. 13, by Strathmore Little Lou: George E. Kurvey 175 Strathwltch. b. 1G. by Strathmore Fonwitch: -William Lowrey, Lexington. Ky 110 Stylish, ch. 9. bv Hanover Magnificence II.: St. James Stable 325 Suspension, b. 11, by Uncas Suspense: George E. Kurvey 200 Tagati. ch. 9. by Hanover Pixy: O. I. Randolph. Lexington. Ky 210 Tasmania, eli. 11. by Hanover Device: St. James Stable 500 Thanks, b. 10. by Favor Paradox: J. W. Baker 140 The Empress, b. IS. by Emperor Pontchar- traln; Jenkins and Keister 70 The Henrietta, ch. 10. by Macduff Glidaga: St. James Stable 210 Tody Smith, br. 17. by Favor Keepsake: J. W. Baker . 105 Value, blk. 12. by Hanover Keepsake: B. Schreiber 250 Vanessa, br. 14. by Belvldere Contralto: George E. Kurvey 17;; Whirlwind, b. 17. by King Gallop CIcIIy Bowling: C. E. Conly. Prairie CItv. Ia..... 75 Wine Drop. ch. 15. by Falsetto- Ten Drop; Tliomas F. Kelly 50 Wiuged Sandals, ch. 11. by Strathmore Queen Elizabeth; E. a Ruff 325 Yseuly. br. 19. by Tristan Reparation: J. B. Foster. Stanford. Ky 75 Young Princess, ch. 13. bv Hanover Princess Iskra: St. James Stable 250 Epple. b. m. 9. by Lamplighter Eerie; E. U. Ruff 130 Belle Swift, ch. 17. by Iroquois Toilet; J. 1. Carr 125 Weanlings. Bay colt, by Woolsthorpe Lcopoldiua: W. J. Young, Lexington, Ky 200 Chestnut colt, by Lamplighter Lura F.: W. S. Henderson. Carberry. Manitoba 105 Bay colt, by Inspector B. Lingerie: S. C. Lyne. Lexington. Ky SO Brown filly, by Yorkshire Lad Lorelei: W. S. Henderson ? 100 Bay colt, by Sempronius Luzelle: S. C. Lyne 130 Bav filly, by Sempronius Mareto: E. L. Davis. Midway. Ky 170 Brown colt, by Cesarion Marie Stoops: George E. Kurvey. Hudson. Can 200 Bay filly, by Peep oDay Margaret II.: St. James Stable. St. James. B. C 135 Bay lilly. by Sempronius Mauga: W. S. Henderson SO Chestnut colt, by Nasturtium May Pinker-ton: W. S. Henderson 75 Brown filly, by Monsieur de LOrme Mignon: E. C. Ruff 100 Brown colt, by Yorkshire Lad Minnie Al-, phonse; S. C. Lyne v 210 Chestnut colt, by Cesarion Miss Richmond; Ed. A. Tipton. Agent 175 Bay colt, by Monsieur de LOnm. Mobalosca: W. S. Henderson 100 Bav colt, by Alloway Moccasin: St. James Stable 100 Chestnut colt, by Westminster Modish: W. S. Henderson C5 Bav filly, by Woolsthorpe Mrs. Nelson: St. James Stable 135 Bav llllv. bv Woolsthorpe Nanine; Tliomas F. Kelly, Lexington. Ky 50 Bav colt, bv Sempronius Naughty: S. C. Lyne 175 Chestnut filly, bv Cesarion Nellie Grand: J. 1. Ross. Lexington, Ky 300 Bay filly, by Cesarion Ondalan: S. C. Lyne 225 Bav or brown colt, by Cesarion One Moment: W. J. Young 110 Bav filly, by Sempronius Peavlne: St. James Stable 225 Brown fillv, by Pirate of Penzance Poca- hontas; S. C. Lyne 100 Bav filly, by Woolsthorpe Pocketpiece: St. James Stable !- Bav colt, bv Sempronius Possession: John Walters. Detroit. Mich 2C5 Bay colt, by Yorkshire Lad Priceless: S. C. J Lyne 200 Bav colt, bv Semprouiusi Queen Isabella: John Walters 250 Bav filly, by Cesarion Red Mark: St. James Stable 300 Brown filly, bv Sempronius Retained II.: J. B. Gorham. Lexington. Ky 2iu Brown colt, bv Alloway Rheta: Oots Bros.. Lexington. Ky. 100 Bav filly, by Monsieur de LOrme Roll Call: W. S. Henderson iu Bay colt, by Lackford Sararose: W. J. Young 1j0 Erown filly, by Woolsthorpe Seldom: W. J. Young .. - 90 Bav filly, bv Cesarion Semper Clara: St. , James Stable 100 Brown colt, by Yorkshire Lad Shandrona : J S. C. Lyne 300 Brown filly, by Cesarion Soubrette II.: St. James Stable ,. 200 Bav colt, bv Yorkshire Lad Stars; Frank Clarkson. Jacksonville. Fla 105 Bay colt, by Alforten Strathlou: W. S. Hen- derson 100 Brown filly, by Yorkshire Lad Tagati: W. S. Henderson v 100 Bav filly, by Sorcerer Whirlwind: St. James Stable 100 Bay colt, by Monsieur de LOrme Wine Drop: Thomas F. Kelly G5 Bay colt, by Woolsthorpe Wiuged Sandals: W. J. Yoiing 210 Black colt, by Cesarion Belle Swift: W. J. Young 200 Bay filly, bv Cesarion Bonnie Gem: R. II. Anderson. Georgetown. Ky 125 Bav colt, by Alloway English Lady: George E. Kurvey IS." Brown colt, by Cesarion Nydla: John D. Carr 400 Property of William F. Stanhope. Chestnut colt, by Nasturtium Epple: St. Jumes Stable 200 Property of W. E. Marshall. Bay lilly. by Cesarion Oiarica; Oots Bros.. Lexington. Ky 100 Bay colt, by Woolsthorpe Sweet Antoinette; St, James Stable ., 70 Property of C. W. Simpson. Chestnut lilly. by Cesarion Paradise: John B. Stewart. Lexington. Ky 150