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Saturday, Nov. 14, AT LATONIA, IVlonday, Nov. 16, AT OAKLAND. our next X Specials go. We are guaranteeing BOTH of these horses to WIN AND WIN ONLY or will give a S3. 00 subscription to our Daily 1-Horse Wire free. Remember we have 4 WINNERS OUT OF PAST 6 SPECIALS at prices ranging from 5-2 to 7-1. ! Price. .00 for Both, or we will sell them singly for S2.00 each, with same guarantee. Yesterdays Form Special lost. Yesterdays Daily 1-Horse Wire lost. TUESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Red Monday 93-81-89-51-44-74. T. C. WOOD and CO., Room 312. 59 Dearborn St. Chicago. III. WILL HAVE AN OCCASIONAL TODAY. Ethon, 5-2, Won was yesterdays FORM SPECIAL. Yesterdays Two-Hor Wire had two losers. TUESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: August Pear 28-24-35-27-25-23-15-55-49. OCCASIONAL TODAY. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 212. 59 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Al Foreman draws the attention of all his western clients to the following ANNOUNCEMENT : In answer to the many inquiries that have been received from all parts of the country as to my plans for Issuing information this winter. I desire to state that all plans have now been perfected and I anticipate another successful Oakland season. I have associated myself with three of the best men that money can buy. and who have been on the ground in California the past week, exclusively in my interests. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, my first telegram will reach all subscribers and it will interest those of my friends who cleared ,960 Profits on .0 flat bets from the inception of the Oakland meeting until I terminated issuiug the information in April last, owing to my return to the cast. NOTE CONDITIONS, SYSTEM PLAYERS : The form of information this year will be the same as last year that is to say, my telegrams will mention One Horse Daily, no more. ONLY GUARANTEED WINNERS arc sent out by me. 5 Winners 10 Dollars at even money or better: nothing is charged against you unless the horse wins at even money or better. The first horse in the telegram is the horse which constitutes the days play, the second horse acting simply as a substitute in case the first horse is withdrawn and should same win in case the first horse starts, it is not charged against you. but .if the second horse wins if the first horse is withdrawn at even money or better, it is charged thus you arc paying for Winners Only. All information will lie issued from my New York office after the California advice has been received. TERMS: IO DOLLARS for five guaranteed winners as mentioned above. Ite mit by telegraph, special delivery or registered letter and start the season on velvet, on Thursday. November 12. You are sure of the expert advice of the lMst men in the country, who are now on the grounds, and issued by the man who holds the worlds record for the longest consecutive rim of winners. Address AL FOREMAN, 2 Stuyvesant Street, New York City. The only dally newspaper in existence devoted solely to the thoroughbred horse and the running turf. All American racing and telegraphic form charts, with indexed entries. Compact, correct, cleanly edited and printed. Publisher of a Monthly Form Book of the highest value to students of racing. Handicap figures on all entries. No tips; just the mathematical calculations of experts. No opinions: just the news of each day by wire. The index numbers are always eorrect. Daily Racing Form is a model of correct detail in newspaperdora. L . : , TERMS : , 5 cents per copy. .50 per month. 7.00 per annum. As plain enveloped letter; first-class mail. Circulates in the United States, Canada, continental Europe, Great Britain, Mexico. Cuba, the Phillipincs. On sale each day before noon in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Detroit. Pittsburg. Louisville. Cleveland and points between, and shortly after noon in Buffalo, Kansas City, Toronto, Out., and points between those cities, F. H. BRUNELL, Editor :: C. C. RILEY, Associate Editor Daily Racing Form Publishing Go. 59 Plymouth Gourt :: :: :: Chicago, Illinois