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YOORHEES RECOVERS FORM. DEFEATS BERRY MAID UNEXPECTEDLY IN A FAST MILE AT OAKLAND. Saracinesca Takes a Race Tawasentha Is Favored at the Start and Wins from Native Son. San Francisco. Cal.. December -1. Berry Maids defeat in tbe mile feature by Voorhees was the sensational racing incident at Oakland today. Tbe Forsythe lllly carried only a feather impost of ninety-live pounds in the race and was thought to outclass her opposition besides. Therefore little danger of serious contention was apprehended and least of all from the notorious Spreckels cripple, whose sudden rejuvenation was nothing short of miraculous. In view of the piercing cold and still somewhat slow track the time. 1:40 flat, made by the winner was considered very good. The opinion prevailed that Berry Maid was not quite keyed up for n gruelling contest at a mile, this being the first time she had ever been asked to go that far. Ocean Shore ran amuck on the first turn, crowding Desirous. Legatee and Keep Moving, the llrst named to her knee ami the other two out of their stride. For this exhibition of glaring incompetency. Groth. the rider of the offending horse, -was suspended indefinitely by the stewards. President Thomas H. Williams was represented during the afternoon by Apto Oro, Creation and Rosevale. The first mentioned pair figured prominently in their respective races, the lilly being eliminated at the start. T. D. Sullivans colors were borne to the front on Saracinesca in the other mile race on the card. His success was due chiefly to Walter Millers alertness and vigorously rough riding. The stewards deliberated for some time after Standovcrs jockey had lodged a claim of foul against him before they confirmed their original placings. In two conspicuous instaiiees. the races won by Tawasentha and Hereafter, the results were decided nt the start, both of these horses being virtually presented with their respective races by the starter. Native Son. the beaten odds-on favorite, forced to play second fiddle to Tawasentha, was claimed by O. A. Blnnchi for ,225. F. D. Weir was also a claimant for the unlucky Stover gelding, but lost out in the toss-up. This was Native Sons first appearance in a selling race and his defeat by such an ordinary racer created surprise and jockey Scoville was criticised for his lethargic ride. Miss Mazzonl and Fulletta. the two choices in the mile and a quarter selling race, also Tailed. The winner unexpectedly turned up in Kelowna. which was quoted at SO -to 1. Thi horse was not raced until four years of age. winning bis first race at the Anaconda meeting lu September last. In sonic quar- tors the opinion prevails that the son of Bute will develop Into a good one. Favorites and outsiders shared cqunlly in the afternoons racing successes. Although fruitful of surprises the siort, for the class of horses engaged, could hardly have" been improved upon. Jockey .loc Notter arrived Sunday morning and was at the track this afternoon with .Tames Casey, and, according to report, had a financial interest Ik every race run. He will not do any riding until Christmas day.