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HOPE FOR CHICAGO RACING MOVEMENT ON FOOT FOR NEW ORGANIZATION TO TAKE OVER ALL LOCAL TRACKS. If All Goes Well Meetings on New York Plan May Take Place at Harlem. Hawthorne and Worth. Toronto. Ont.. May 29.— M. II. Tic-honor, well known to Chicago race-goers, arrived here last night. lie motored over from Buffalo and we to interest several prominent kMIMMt in a scheme to re is tablish racing in Chh ago. The srorv is that a eoss-lianv is to be tut Mill which will In- capitalized at .SIOO.OOO. Mr. Ogden Armour i- to bo elected pre.-d-dent and the Harlem. Hawthorne and Worth traeks are to lie leased and operated l.y this new com| any. It is understood that options have been obtained on both Hawthorne and Worth and it i~ expected thai no trouble will lie experienced in securing Harlem. John Condon, who arrived from Deliver yesterday morning, was asked if he knew anything about the leasing. holding and operating; eoinpany for the hi MU nee traeks. He said: •■Nothing definite or in detail— vet. Air. Tielienor eaine to me some live or sK weeks ago and spoke of some sueh plan. I told him to go ahead and that the Harlem Jockey Club would noi stand in the way. 1 have long held the Idea that if racing is to lie put upon its. feet In a sound way in Chicago, we old fellows, who hay been unable to agree, must be eliminated, Bd Corrigan has fought himself into retirement and 1 have other interests to keep tne busy and am willing to step jikide. even though 1 hnve the idea that racing under John Condon was not distasteful to Chicagoans. The Harlem Jockey Club can easily be put aside for a new organization. Mr. Tiel.cnor told me nothing of the details of his plan and not having heard from him since. I supposed that sonic obstacles had been encountered and that it had been dropped. I aui glad that it has not." Tin- position of both the Hawthorne and Worth organizations is understood to lie similar to that assumed by Condon. Should the now association be organized and the traeks taken over. Harlem would probably be the first track to open late in June. The property is in good condition and could lie made ready for racing in fifteen or twenty days. Hawtliorne would rcipiire more work, but could easily be put in perfect condition for racing in thirty days. The Worth property is a good deal of a wreck. The storm of a u tii ago tore gaps in its fences mid the roots of many of its stables were blown in. Tile fences were repaired, but the roof- were merely laid aside. It will take a large fori 1 workmen thirty days to put the Worth plant in racing trim. It is considered that, with racing in the hands of a high class organization such as is planned by Mr. Tichonor. such betting as would rule in connection with racing would be iinpublie. modest and far from objectionable in the sense that public betting with stands, slates and noisily displayed odds has In en objectionable ill the past. There is no uucstion ahoui horses. Five hundred of the best in tile west and many from the east would be sent to Chicago for coin pet it ion should the traeks reopen and a revival of the American llerby may follow if conditions and apparent stability of the renewal warrant it. It is understood that the encouraging condition o! racing in New York following the lavorable decisions of the courts in construing statutes fully as severe as Illinois laws concerning betting, bad much to do with the development of the project to restore what was formerly one of the prime attractions of In eago to thousands throughout this country. What the lack of racing here Place I.tOI has cost the inn chants, hotels, restaurants and provision and feed store proprietors. as Wdl as other lines of tratln. would not Im- easv to compute, but that it runs into iirillii ns is stating it modestly. The gentlemen win will form the new organization if it is to Ik- found practicable, are moved by tin- commercial considers lions of great value enumerated, as well as a desire to restore as near as may be possible a s|Mirt that adcrli--cil Chicago advantageously and was immensely popular with its people. Daily Racing Form is pot saying positively to it* readers that there will be racing over Chicago tra. ks this rear. Hut there exists a reasonable probability of its restoration to the list of Chicagos attractions as a summer resort and the men who are winking to that end are men of high standing in the community and accustomed to success in their undertakings.