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WILL RAISE SADDLE HORSES. Lexington. Kv.. May 29.— At the McGrathiana dispersal sale last fall Thornton Iewis. manager of the Kanawha Dispatch Routes, of Cincinnati, liouglit five thorouehbred marcs, to be mated witli his saddle stallion. The President and sent tie-in to bis Mead ows Stock Farm at White Sulphur Springs. W. Ya.. where they have all had foals this spring. Glove by Audrain — Tara Blackburn. Ivas a chestnut fillv by Nasturtium. Hebrew Maid, bv Phoenix— Judith. has a chestnut colt bv Lackfoid. Hue. by Rainbow — Festival has a brown colt by Woolsihorpe. Bhct.i. by Lamplighter — Senorita. has a chestast fillv by Nasturtium, ami Boll Call, liv Requital- -Betas Victoria, has a bav colt by Monsieur de LOrnie. Mr. Ix-wis. while here a day or two ago. said that it Is not his intention to keep anv of these young sters. "I selected the mares for their size, hone and conformation, with the expectation of producing from a union with my saddle stalion a particularly desirable class of saddle horses" said he. "The mares have all been bred to The President, which I bought of L. T. Anderson. Point ail Yiew Farm. Maysville. this spring, and I believe the results nevt spring will be very satisfactory. It is not my purpose to engage ill horse racing for the reason that I iKivent tie time to devote to the sport, and I have made up in v mind to sell the thoroughbred colts and fillies. It is likely, however, that I will seen until they are yearlings and send them to the Sheepshead Bav sales."