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ARRESTED MAN PROTESTS HIS INNOCENCE. New York. June 14. — The man who was arrested at Cravesend Saturday for alleged violation of the Hart-Agiiew law gave his name at the Coney Island police station as ICinmanucl Diamond. He was formally charged with recording a lad. The man declared his innocence and was released on ISMI bonds. furnished by one of his friends, who gave hi-namc as James Oilman. The police say they had lieen watching Diamond for several days, and that they saw him register several bets on his program. Diamond claimed that tiny were not records of Ists. ami that the charge; preferred against him by the sleuths were false in every particular: that lie was not a bookmaker, had not received bets, and that l:e therefore had made no records of wagers. The regular habitats of tin-race track failed to recognize Diamond as one of the men who have lieen receiving oral wagers all spring. There is no record of him having been a bookmaker in other years. The arrest was made so quietly Baal only a lew of the crowd on the lawn were aware of the action of the police. There vas no display of force, and. as Diamond went along quietly with the gum sho ■ men. the prisoner was not searched for alleged evidence until be reached the police station.