Disqualification At Hamilton.: Purse Taken from King of Mist--J. Dyment Buys Star Wave for ,000 After Stake Triumph., Daily Racing Form, 1909-06-25


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DISQUALIFICATION AT HAMILTON. Purse Taken from King of Mist — J. Dyment Buys Star Wave for ,000 After Stake Triumph. Hamilton, Oat.. June 21.— An attractive program tarnished excellent s|K rt this afternoon at the Hamilton Jockey Clubs course. Resides the Crant Spring Brewery Stakes, there were offered as tea tores a steeplechase over the two-mile course and a sprint race, in which several fast horses went to the |w st. Despite threatening weather a large crowd came down from Toronto, and the attendance almost equaleri that of opeaiaa; day. Tin- Star Shoot colt. Star Wave, boated as the fastest youngster in training at Woodbine this spring, made good todav by defeating a band of the Meat two-year-olds racing on the circuit in the BMbI Spring Rrewerv .Stakes. He was ridden bv apprentice Jimmy Keid. bowed brilliant speed and inside his oppoaeata look cheap. Star Wave led by half a dozen lengths at one stage and won with plenty In reserve in time that was fast considering the state of the track. His performance so ini-gtcaaed I. Dvment that the latter purchased liim ■Ma J. H. Dmne soon after the race for $.1,000. iSlr. Dvment is a careful trainer, his new purchase horses all spring. He was willing to go as high as .*».000 for the three year-old. Joe Madden, hut Hi I ireth placed the price on tire latter at $.".0,000. Star Wave Is a colt of splendid conformation, and as Mr. Dyment is a careful trainer he new purchase will prolably show good form In his hands. There were two added starters in the stake. Oallant Pirate and Short tinier. The latter ran well and evidently is a better colt than generally rated. He met Willi so much interference that Mentry was forced to pull him back to last place licfore they had gone a .dozen strides. When he madv his move he went to the outside and at the end was closing stoutly. Turf Star, heavily played at short odds, was the reappointment of the race. Slic wus outrun from start to finish and wound up in last position. This lilly was ailing at Montreal and evidently has not :is vet recovered from the effects of her sickness. The tabled history of the Crant Spring Brewer Slakes is as follows: Yenr. Winner. A. Wt. Jockey. Val. Tim •• IMC Ohivesa .1 !M". Swain $ 770 1:40? l!to7 Martin Doyle. J 128 I.loyd 0 1:411 liHis*Halbck 110 McCabe 070 1:01 ji ISM star Wave 110 J. Rcid fcaar 1:02 "Distance reduced to r -8 mile and for two-year aim i Mil Essex II.. the Virginia half-bred, captured I lie steeplechase in little more than a canter. He fenced in faultless fashion and showed great -pec. I Patterson rushed him at his fences with great dar ing and the old juniper never made a miss. II ■ took everv fnmp in his stride ami won off bv hlni--*elf. Four of the nine starters failed to tini-h. and ..1U- of them. Wild Refrain, broke down badly lie •Jilatl. John W. Schorr, who arrived from Memphis yes terdity. profited handsomely over the victory of his lienie bred Silverine. Tlie latter proved an easy winner in the opening dash, which called for niaid-htK A disqualification came with the running of the cl ising race, the purse being taken from King of Mist for crowding Wilton Lackaye agaiiut the iu-■ hie fence at the sixteenth pole. The latter eaihe from behind and was finishing stoutly when Dreyer pulled over against him. Musgrave had no alterna live but to pull up. Dreyer was suspended for a Iveek for the part lie played in the affair.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909062501/drf1909062501_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1909062501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800