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SALE OF HORSES IN TRAINING. New York. September 23. Horses in training owned bv W. S. House, .1. L. McCinnis. William Lakeland. G. F. Johnson. Jule Carson. J. D. Lagan. Ccorge Odom. .T. S. Ward and others were sold at auction in the Cravesend paddock before the races today . air. House sold Lawton Wiggins for ,025. The lieverwvck Stable lKiught lielleview from A. Welier and J1. S. Ward for ,075. As high as .-r00 was bid for Angerona. but J. L. McCinnis would not let her go at that figure. The highest price of the sale. ,000, was paid by Mose Goldblatt to Jnle Carson for the Plaudit filly, Fulfill. The grand total of the sale was .1,210. and its report In detail follows: lullill. nr. f. 2. by Plaudit Tactful: M. Coldblatt S 2.000 i Belleview, oh. g. i, by Uel Demonio Gad- about, by Spendthrift: Beverwyck Stable.. 1.075 i Lawton Wiggins, br. c, 3, by Planudes Ilorka: W. II. Motlitt 1,025 1 Notasulga. b. f, -1, by The Commoner Touch Not; W. L. Powers S50 Ootytto. b. f. .!, by Solitaire II. The Peeress: S. C. Austin S00 Leveugston. b. c, 2, by Migraine Clasher; .1. S. Ward 700 Ilobhiu Around, b. e, -1, bv Sorcerer Whirlwind: W. II. Mollitt 025 Galley Slave, ch. g, 2, by Coldcrest Iiethol; P. I. Weir , 550 ItetblelMin. ch. g. 3, by Coldcrest Bethel: W. M. Parrish 500 Love Watches, eh. c. 2, by Kesolute II Love Note; W. II. Motlitt 475 Sea Wolf. b. g. 5, by Meddler Sea Nymph; II. Williams 375 Mugwump, br. g. ."!. by Loeohatchee Reform mare: 1. Kearney 225 Clld, hr. g. 5, by Ciganteum Alcyone II.: W. Hogan : 200 O Km, ch. f, 2. bv Orlando Little Em; Paul Pok 200 MWy. br. c, 2, bv Woolsthorpe Dusk; W. II. Mollitt 175 Moltke. b. g, 2, by Galore Unteroek; M. Coldblatt 150 Creuse. b. f. 2, by Marius II. Cattle Kate; It. Jackson 125 floinecrest. br. c, 3. by Watercress Sister Jeanie: W. E. Locke 100 .Motel, ch. g, 2, by Coldcrest Motley; W. M. Kerr 100 Little Friend, b. f. 2, by Matchless Millie A.: J. J. llyland 100 Kwai. ch. g, .!, by Jlanastar Acidalie; W. M. Kerr 100 Shining, eh. f, ::, by Coldlinch Iirillar; .1. .1. Williams !0 AMocrat. b. 3. by Cesarion Lady J.: . IMwards 75 Helena L.. br. f. 2. by St. Leonards Lenas Darling; W. M. Kerr 75