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FAVORABLE ACTION AT ALBANY. Albany. N. Y.. April 20. — The Agnew auti betting lull eame no he tare Ike keaate Cedea Coiuinittce. in executive session tills afternoon, alter having l»-.-ii |wot| il several times. The aiiieudtnents so much sought for by the racing hrtiraala were preeeated in doe ferai ami tke eoaeaaHtee aafcllj adopted ttiem and will repert the hU favorably with these amend in. nts to the act. which proposes to amend the penal law in relation to pool selling. I.eokmakiiig. b.-rs rni-i wagers by striking out "orally or otherwise" and inserting •with or without writing." also to strike • lit ".ays or publishes ...Ids. makes haefc orallv or otherwise." In this Iorni the bill will go to the Senate to morrow for ciiaalderatioa. The other Agn.-w bill in relation to pert a! liability of trustees ami iii rectora of racing associations, was reported fav- orablv without amendment by the sain. mmittee. Ii prepaaea to repeal an art which relieves race track owners "1 responsibility.