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NOTICE. owing to the large iiuinl«cr r suhKerilx-rs lo our Free Coupon Parlay, we have decided to give it oui under oMe in Chicago Daily Racing Form. Toronto World and the New York Morning Telegraph. 1 Isr code of Rook No. 154 for same. This will save telegraph charges and delays. NEW BOOK OUT TODAY, lot- sale at all leading news ntonsst bj the I . S. and Canada. 25 Cents per Copy: .00 per Month. Yesterdays Form Specials gave a scratch and a loser. Yesterdays Daily finished second. THURSDAYS FORM SPECIALS: June Plum 34-25-35. January Pear 23-35-14-25-23-29-59 24-49 23-57. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 212, 59 Dearborn Street. Chicaqo. III. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Texas. Mystery. Molest. Canary. Ye |ei-davs Wire second. Yesterdays Form S|iecial lost. National Racing Review. Chicago Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street. New Book on Sale Today at all news stands and najento in the L". S. and Canada or at office 1st 25 CENTS PER COPY. Y sl.rd.ivs I orni S: int. Airs. 9-2. second. Yesterdays On* Uorst Daily last. THURSDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Green Saturday 31-1-43-83-50-23-1-48-82-35. THE TURF REPORTER Room 312, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicaqo, III. Mr. E. B. Brandt ex-Owner-Trainer wishes to inform his friends ami all reliable turf followers that had health COBB utiles him to retire front the track, and that he will hereafter devot -his time to the Information business. My track com. ect ions, whi.h lit of the most reliable and strongest character, will enable me t . furnish some occasional long-priced winners to people who will appreciate same bv sending the winnings of . Write at once for code. 88 Church Street. Suite 119. Toronto, Ont. H A S S A R D A. L. HASSARD • SHORT. Formerly connected with the following papers: New-York Morning Telegraph. New York Evening Journal. New York Herald. New York Globe. 1416 Broadway. N. Y. AQUEDUCT TERMS: 0.00 TEN DOLLARS A WEEK. ONE HORSE A DAY. Snbseribe by telegraph, registered or special delivery letter.