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JUAREZ PURSES TO BE INCREASED. N.w York. April 20. -Senor Don Alberto Terrnzas. the president of the Juarez Jockey Ciub and an in-t. rested spectator this week at Aqueduct, while preparing to get together a small stable to race on eastern tracks, has this to say regarding the situation in Mexico. "We have at least nineteen years more to race at Juarez and there is no question the s|wirt will improve fach season. The meeting just ended was lietter than we expected. The attendance was more than satisfactory, the class of horses good and. better than anvthing else. evervUxly was sorry to leave Juarez." A meeting of the stockhol.I-. is in Hie Mexican course will 1m- held here this week and plan will be formulated for the coining season. Pnrsea will In- materially increased In the ■■Tort to make the value of the events stittici.itly large to induce many of the stables that usually winter in New York to ship to Mexico.