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PECCAVI IS WINNER OF THE ROSE. R. J. Mackenzie Blues Filly Takes Stake Feature of Aqueduct Card — Report of Meeting at Buffalo. New York. April tk Cold weather 1 a high wind that blew up the stretch all afternoon made rariaj; al Aanedarl far from pleasant ibis aftcraaoa. Hie track had dried out coiisiiUtably over nisht. but was ii. the mam eupj ly and slow, while abaaj the inner rail i! was ifc rblf dlj deep and bahilaf The Kose Slakes, a half-mile dash for twi. -year old tillies. was the featare and was won by It. J. Mackenzies Blaea Illy, ieccavi. In a previous slarl. after a bit of hard luck in the running, she had heoa well beaten and tixlay S to J could be bad about her chances. Pickaninny . on the strength of her recent uiMd showing, was added to the field, making eigkl that raced. U. I. Cariuans Horizon, a winner at the ajectkng, ruled favorite, ami tin James K. Keene pair. Susan and Dreaming, eauie in for some support. Horizon has all of Hastings temper and no end of .rouble was had in saddling her and bringing her It" in the paildM-k. Ibis, no doubt, took a great deal out ol her and at pi st linn- she was so unruly as to cause some delay. in the running Peceavi raced erratically the first furlong, then settled down and. 1iiiing away from her opiMUients in race horse fashion, wen with pleaty to spare. The tabulated historv of the Kose Stakes is as follows: Year. Winner. Wt. Joekev. Val. Time. 1MD Motley 112 Morgan $ S.,0 :..tU P.tHi Kdueate 11J J. Slack ... MM £81 laoi Bade I. 112 Shaw 1.3SQ :SM IMJC Morca 112 Kulluian ... 1,816 :35j IMH Petunia 112 F. ONeill.. 1.2*1 :98 IMM CMd Ten 1U.t Forehand .. I.StO AC- 1903 I.egi ml 1 K F. tNeill.. 1.240 :S0 IMS Ketnay llrT» Kaird 1.835 :47 1907 Notasulga M9 Xicol 1.W3 :48| 1 .Mis Trance 104 Musgrave .. I.SIM :4« 1909 Not run this rear. 1919 Peceavi 104 Tapliu MM :503 Ki:n at 4 1-2 furlongs iirivioiis to lilf. flic other two-year-old race of the day went to Colilen. making his hist appeal ance under colors. He is a son of Qoldereat and Tokea and his rletorj was largely due to the fact tliat jockey Tapliu. who had the mount, was not furnished with a whip. I.adasetlc. the legitimate favorile. should have won. but when Joekej Cariie:- attempted to drive past Coideii. she swerved over to the gelding until he had lo in! up his whip to pull her away. This cost her the race. II. C. liedwell bail a bit of bard luck in the five-eighths handicap when Pajaroita went in the air just as the barrier was sprung, giving him n chance to overtake the fast P.en Loyal, one of the beat-backed winners of the afternoon. Petronius was another whose start had much to do with his defeat. He was in trouble leaving thr harrier and was nian lengths out of i; in the first furlonp. though at the end he was only beaten a scant half length by liallev Slave. Fitz IlerlKrt is training along well at Jravesend and may be seen at the races before the opening of the Helmont Park meeting. K. Dugan. who was to have gone to Pimlico. remained over to ride Qalaca Sand in the Kose Stakes. Kuinor has it that a lace meeting mav be arranged for the Fair Graaajia in KulTalo lo fill in the time f the Canadian circuit that is lost under the new el edule of dates. Such a meeting would be run under the same betting system as that of other New York tracks, but the promoters of the proposed meeting may not ask for Joekev Club sanction.