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GOOD DAY FOR FAVORITES FIVE FIRST CHOICES WIN OVER WET TRACK AT AQUEDUCT. Pretend Makes Auspicious Debut by Winning the Columbus Selling Stakes — Maskette Reported Coughing. Nov York. May !.— Five »f tin- six first choices Won ,-il Aqueduct t.xia; . ;ill i| them hefaaj ol ill. m1 Is-oii variety. The Columbus Selling Siak.-s, lor tin.-. • eat old-. was t lit- feature :i 1 1 • I Went to Thomas Mouah:.n s Pretend, in his first slart of the M 11. Tli- race was ■ good one. Inn was marred ■ by a claim of foul made by Jockey Shilling, who mm Eddie Dtigan. Shilling made all tin- pace i:h his iiioiim. Inn was caught hy Pretend in the last furlong. At th - t inn- Pretend was rath.-r dear to Kildii- Pugan. while on tin- rail. Shilling had : ii i ] • ! • room, hul he Mai the ohl trick of snatching ■ i : his nioiiiit when In- found thai In- was Iieateti. Tin-re had Im-cii no interference and t lit- claim was paaaerrj ihaaJaerd. The condensed hislorv of the Columbus Staki-s is ■a follows: War. Winner. Wt. Jot-key. Val. Time. loo.: Plater 113 II. Mi ha. ds.375 1 :1S| 10O4 Collector Jessup..ll2 II. Cochran. 1.310 1:17 lMOTi cxaiaphine Ill Hilriebraud.. 1 .1«k 1 :L". P*H Yawl UNI V. Knapp.. !tOO lis. JW17 campaigner km; .la-. Baamay~l.Mi i :4o 10OS, Arasee !»S Kill toil 1.015 1:4*5 IMS Not run this Year. 101O Pretend 106 i. earner... 675 1:40 Kim at .".-4 mile prior to DM*;. Kain in the early morning made the track heavy and 5us l.cfore tin- last race there came a heavy downpour that convened it into sloppy going for the last race. Such conditions and the fact that the card was in t particularly attractive, resulted iu a small attendance, though brought up to Ihe Monday standard hy Iimlico arrivals. Tin- mile and a six-leentli handi -a|i saw the withdrawal of Dag James. Ma-kette and Ouy Fisher, the winner of the Excelsior, hut S. C. IliMretli added Firestone, which inn Limllv for Shll1rng~ and cantered In front ill hlv oi:n|iauv all the wav. In llus race. II. I*. Whitneys IHaaa Ken. which raced El England last season. made his lirst start of the year. He was high in Hi -h ami -ome distance C-om a good race, hut he showed spe.-d and is likely to come hack later a good one. M::si . -tie has been raaajhOOS and it is feared that she n. av have contracted the influenza that attacked all tin Keein- t wo-yoar-ohls. While her illness is not severe at this time, it is probable that she will not be iu condition to go in the Metropoli Ian H.miih ap Friday. W ights for tin- Metropolitan Handicap were announced tonight by Hamliittpper Yoshiirgh as follows: Horse. A.Wt. Horse. A.Wt. Fitr Herbert 4 IM Ajvite 6 104 Kins: James 9 120 Kockv Oltrii-n 5 102 Jack Atkin 0 120 Magazine 5 102 Sir John Johnson...". 12:: Wise Mason 1 10" .Maskette 4 i23 Fashion Ilalo 4 100 Hilarious 4 11-2 Far West * 10O Firestone 5 110 Iauntlcrov :: 00 Bestigouehe ~. 1111 Sea Cliff 4 00 rriseillian .".lis Olnoose 4 88 Joe Madden 4 11* Fab-aria 5 MS Fayette 4 117 Sixlv 4 OS Noalou 7 110 Twilight Queen .4 OS lllaria r« IIS lrin -e Imperial ...: 07 Irince Ahine.l 0 114 lulka :i 07 . Alfred obb- 3 lit! Hamilton Court . . .:: M 1 f iuli Private 4 112 :. M. Miller ." M Helmet 4 1-11 Duke of Ormonde. .3 04 Waaler lav S 110 Tasteful :: 04 I.abv Wolf OHO Riili It .". 04 Trance 4 110 I.isaro . . -. 7 H leaue..itp .". 100 Kverett : 93 Dalmatian :: His O |i a i r m aster of Sweep 3 Ion fhestei-brook ... 4 0*2 |m Miid S 107 sanririau :. OO Field Mouse 4 1C" «harlie Harjrrave. .3 0O Apacbe .. lor. Kintf Olymiiian. . . .."! M rentre Shot " 104 Arondack •■ S7 The ciosini: of Iimlico Saturday brought to New-York about SM hor-es that raced iln-re. as wt-ll as a aammt many followers of the sport. The Aqueduct meeting Is siliiiluled to close Thins dsv and the scene o! ra.-iiiK will shift to lteluioiit Iark «.n the following eav. The ISjtM Motropnli-lan Handieat. will U- the feature of the Delniotit Park oi»-niiir am! promises to briiiff out a bis field of .hmI In.ies. Tin- iirohable starters are embraced in tin- following list: Pri* ■ -111 inn . Field Mouse. Alfred Noble. Kin James. Fjejette. Hestisouche. Dal-maliaii. llihirioiis. Maskette. likv OKiien. Faitnt-lerov. Fitz Herbi-rt. Fashion Plate. Duke «.f Ormonde. Everett, Jack Atkin. Far West. Hish Pri- ate. Dealt, -ottp and Prime Imperial.